Chapter 2: Joseph Cuaton

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So here's the second chapter. The next chapter will be Carla's POV. Hope you'll enjoy the reading!

POV Joseph

" Yeah, baby, see you after school.

- I can't wait, I love you, Joseph.

- Me too. "

Not at all, I don't even remember your name.

"You're not going," my friend Franz asks me accusingly," are you?

- Of course I won't, she's boring.

- How come the girls keep chasing you when you're a bastard?

- Because I have this very beautiful face that you don't have. Jealous?

- In your dreams ! "

Franz has been my best friend since junior high school. We tease each other a lot but we love each other.

" Frankly, Joseph," my friend Amber sighs," is there one girl who doesn't bore you? "

And this is Amber, a really good friend of mine, we've been friends since junior high school too. She's also one of the only girls I've never wanted to date. It's not that she's ugly, on the contrary, she's beautiful but we've known each other since way too long, I see her as my sister so I cannot imagine myself dating her. Unfortunately, this year, the three of us aren't in the same class so I find myself on my own. Well, not really, because I have a lot of friends but not like those two... or like my best friend when I was a kid... He was unique.

"There may be," I confessed, blushing, "someone ...

- WHAT !? Joseph Cuaton is blushing !? But who is this girl !?

- In my class, there is this girl named Carla. She's super pretty, but that's not all. She is smart, she has a strong personality, she is very kind and she is also the class president.

- Could it be possible," Franz wonders", that a girl really caught our Don Juan's attention? Would you have fallen in love with this Carla, my dear Joseph?

- Perhaps... "

We each go to our classroom. As soon as I walk in, my gaze is drawn to the back of the class. Yanyan is scribbling on a sheet of paper. He'd better listen in class than do stupid things. He shouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get good grades. I put myself in my usual place next to one of my friends. Out of the corner of my eye, I observe Carla as she follows the lesson intently. She is so beautiful... The teacher is talking about his life so I can do something else. I take a sheet of paper and a pencil. As I watch her, I sketch her portrait.

Not many people know it but I love to draw, especially when I have a beautiful model like Carla. I think I'm pretty good. Well from my point of view because I do not show these drawings to anyone. Maybe I could give Carla one. Damn, I really want to make her my girlfriend! Carla is totally the type of girl I can imagine having a stable and serious relationship with. And to get her, I have to show him that I can be a perfect gentleman. My gaze falls one last time on the back of the classroom where Yanyan continues to write something but several used papers are on his table.

Lucky for him he has such a little presence otherwise he would be scolded by the teacher. But all of that is not my problem. My attention returns to Carla again and a smile stretches my lips. I never wanted a girl as much as I want Carla. She's just insanely perfect and she'll be harder to have than other girls. Carla is smart and she doesn't care about the look. If there's one girl who would love me for who I am, it's her. I absolutely have to make her my girlfriend, ASAP!

After the lunch break, I walk over to her. I hold in my hand a pretty rose that I had bought a few minutes earlier in front of the school. I comb my hair quickly and give my beautiful smile to seduce her. The girls around us look at me with a lot of love. I know, I'm handsome.

"Hi, Carla," I say, handing her the rose, "you look gorgeous today. In fact, you look pretty everyday but today your beauty is breathtaking. Do you know who else is gorgeous? Me. I am overflowing with charisma and beauty. And my tie is of course from the BayBerry brand.

- What is that ? I've never heard of this weird brand. And, moreover, the class is made for studying. This isn't your garden, don't bring flowers there. And then imagine if any of us were allergic to it. "

She takes my rose and throws it in the trash. Mission failed. I knew she wouldn't be easy to seduce, but this is the first time that a girl rejects me during all my life. But I'm Joseph Cuaton, I'm not going to stay on top of a failure. I always get what I want. I return to the charge:

"Hey, about this Sunday-

- Ah, I'll spend the day revising for the big exam on Monday. Maybe another time! "

Did she just reject me !? A second time !? But what's wrong with this girl !? Is she blind or what !? Or...

"Ah, little kitten, are you afraid of me who am so perfect? I can't help it if the other girls are jealous of me giving you my attention. "

Carla looks around and sees almost every girl in the class staring at her. It's not my fault that I'm popular. I was born handsome, I didn't ask for anything. Carla lets out with a small laugh:

"Can you still go through doors with such a big head? You aren't the center of the world, Joseph. I don't fear anything, especially not you. "

She resists me, I like it. The teacher enters the classroom, ending our discussion.

"You should go back," she tells me, " to your seat now. "

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