Chapter 22: Happy Birthday, Badong part 1

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So here we are for another chapter and I hope you'll appreciated it. But, I have to be honest, the two following chapters will be better than this one. Enjoy!

POV Carla

I get to Joseph's party about ten minutes early. I wonder if Yanyan had agreed to come ... I know Joseph really wants him to come ... But knowing Yanyan, there is little chance ... I ring the bell and Joseph opens the door quite surprised.

" What are you doing here ? The party won't start before ten minutes. "

" I'm early. "

"But no one makes it to the parties early! Everyone comes late! "

"Well, I'm the exception. I always come early. "

"Have you ever been to a party, Miss Smartass? "


"Okay, will you let me in or will I spend the evening on your doorstep?" "

"You can come in, princess. "

He says in a deceptively gallant tone as he stepped back from the door. Half an hour later, most of the guests are there, the music is blaring and everyone is having a blast... Everyone except the host of the party who is glued to the window and looking out with a sad look. He looks at the house next door ... Yanyan's house ... He especially looks at one of the upstairs bedrooms where the light is on. I have no trouble guessing who owns this room.

I place my hand delicately on his shoulder and look at him tenderly. He looks up at me and smiles weakly at me.

" He won't come. "

He utters this sentence in a whisper. I can tell he is a bit depressed and I don't know what to do. I take his hand and force him to stand up.

"Come on, Joseph, let's have a drink, it'll do you good." "

I drag him into the kitchen. On the way, we meet Ralph who doesn't say anything when he sees us but his gaze darkens when he lands on our hands holding each other. I decide to ask him later what's wrong. For now, I have to take care of Joseph.

But when we arrive in the kitchen, we discover a scene that neither of us expected: Franz and Vien kissing each other. Feeling watched, the two lovebirds pull away from each other and give us awkward looks. Why every time I walk into a room, I find two people kissing !?

"Sorry to bother you, we'll leave you."

But Joseph doesn't seem to agree with me.

"Since when have you been dating?" "

How does that concern you, dude !? I see Joseph's cold gaze then ... What's wrong?

"For over a month. "

I see Joseph's eyebrows frown at this response from Franz.

"And when were you going to tell me, Franz? I thought we were friends ... why did you hide this from me !? "

Oh... I see why he gets angry... He feels hurt that his best friend is hiding something as important as his romantic relationship from him. At these words, Franz lets out a mocking laugh:

"Are you the one saying that when you've been hiding things from me for months !? "

Joseph's eyes widen.

"But what are you talking about !? "

" About your love for Yanyan!" "


"Joseph, when were you going to tell me that you are not in love with Carla but with Yanyan !? I heard about your confession a month ago in the school yard! You haven't been sincere with me either! "

"But it's totally different! "

" In what !? "

"Because the person I love is a boy !!!! "

" So what !? As long as he obediently spreads his legs for you to fuck him, you don't care if it's a girl or a guy! But oh, that's right, he doesn't spread them. "

I felt that was the too many words when I saw the anger in Joseph's eyes. He steps forward quickly and brutally grabs Franz's collar. He spits :

"I forbid you to talk about him like that! "

"Are you defending your boyfriend !? But you know he doesn't want you, though! "

Joseph raises his fist and that's when Vien and I decide to separate them before they start to fight. Joseph growls then rushes up the stairs. I guess he's going to his room. Considering how upset he looks, I'm not sure it's a good idea to leave him alone.

I hurry upstairs and then head to the room where there is light. The door is open and I see Joseph walking around in his room. However, I knock on the door to signal my presence. He also stops softly and then looks at me for a few seconds before giving me a tired smile, which I take as an invitation to enter his room. Immediately, I sit on his bed and look at him.

"I think Franz didn't mean what he said, you know ..."

"Oh yes, he meant it, Carla. But you know what? He was absolutely right. I hid my sexuality and my feelings for Yanyan from him for fear he would hate me. I had already lost my best friend, I refused to lose another ... "

Yes but Franz seems not to worry about his sexual preferences and that Joseph loves a man, he hates that Joseph lied to him and withheld something important from him, which I can understand. He walks around again:

"Franz shouldn't have said anything like that, especially about Yanyan, even though it was in anger. But more than anything, I'm angry with myself. Because I blame myself for keeping this from him... I should have known he would be okay with that, I know him. He's my best friend. "

Suddenly, as he continued to circle around his room, his foot got tangled in electrical wires that were lying all over his room and he fell on top of me. I find myself pressed against the bed, Joseph above me with his face very close to mine. I had never been so close to a man ... My face flushes as my heart pounds. Joseph is really handsome... Why hadn't I noticed it before? I have always found Joseph attractive but this is on a whole new level. Is it because I hadn't really observed his face or was it because he was never so close to me that I admired his facial features?

"Carla, are you okay? Didn't I hurt you? "

"No, no, everything is fine. "

Joseph breathes a sigh of relief but when he looks up, he freezes. Puzzled, I look in the direction in which his gaze is pointing and then see Yanyan's face, behind his bedroom window, looking at us with a look I had never seen before. It's like his heart had just been ripped out, like his whole world had just collapsed, like his worst nightmare had just become true.

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