Chapter 16: The One That Ralph Likes

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First of all, I'd like to apologise to everyone for being inactive recently. I've been quiet busy with my new job recently (adult life😒) and for a reason that I don't really know, I wasn't in a good mood to write so I didn't want to force myself. But I'm back now and I hope I wont let you down again. I hope you'll enjoy the new chapter!

 POV Carla

"So what if you explain to me what happened at the party? "

Joseph's behavior really piqued Zedd's interest. Most of the people in the room think he just wanted to annoy Ian but Zedd, despite what you might think, isn't as dumb as he looks. He understood very well that Joseph and Ian were more than just friends.

" I don't see what you're talking about. "

Oh, Ralph, you lie very badly! You should have let me talk!

"You know what I'm talking about, Ralph! What's going on between these two? Are they dating or what !? "

Ralph and I exchange a look. He's not far from the truth, he's strong! I answer :

"No, they're not dating. "

Zedd sighs and continues:

"Ok, I rephrase my question: is Joseph in love with Ian? Because I have the impression that his whole being is screaming "gay" when he looks at Ian. "

He's too strong ! Is it worth lying? I sigh and decide to tell the truth:

"Yes, Joseph asked Ian to be his boyfriend more than once. But Ian doesn't want to. "

"Ok, I can get why Carla knows, since she spends a lot of time with them but how does Ralph know? "

Ralph responds:

"Carla and I caught them kissing the other day. "

I agree:

"Yeah, that was hot! "

Ralph gives me a look that means "are you serious !?" then said:

" If you say so. "

We talked for a few more moments until Zedd left us to join some other friends. Good thing because there's something I really want to talk to Ralph about but I haven't had the chance yet. It's finally here!

"Ralph, can we talk to each other for a few moments?" "

"Of course, what do you want to talk to me about? "

"It's about the party ..."

He looks at me without understanding.

"Amber said she didn't want you as a boyfriend because you already like someone. "

" ... Oh... "

He blushes and looks away.

"So is it true? Are you in love with a girl? "

"... You mustn't believe everything Amber says..."

"So you don't like anyone? "

" I don't like anyone. "

"Liar, I see when you lie! Be honest ! "

" Yes ! Yes, there is a girl that I like. A lot. "

His cheeks are all red. I look at him, a little disappointed.

"How come Amber knows about it but I don't !? I'm your best friend, though! And first, who is this girl? "

"I didn't say anything to you because it's none of your business. This is my life, not yours. "

I frown.

"But I always told you everything! "

" Yes that's it ! It's true that you told me everything about what's going on between you, Ian and Joseph! "

But what is he talking about?

" I don't understand. Joseph, Ian and I are just friends. "

"To others but not to me! "

"But you saw that Joseph is completely crazy about Ian and not about me! "

"Well, for Joseph, ok, but Ian is still in love with you!" "

" So what !? To me, he's just a friend! "

"So you don't feel anything for him, really !? "

But of course not ! Why doesn't he believe me !?

"He's not my type of guyq! And then, even though I was attracted to him, I don't see why you're angry. "

He sighs and looks at the ground.

"... You really don't understand anything, do you?" "

"How can I understand if you don't tell me? "

"Amber didn't need me to tell her to understand and we're not even that good friend. "

... He scores a point.

"... I know this girl?" "

" Yes. "

"What kind of girl is this? "

"A girl who understands everything but love. "

"Aren't you going to give me more information ...? "

" No. I have to go to class, see you later. "

With these words, he leaves. I watch him walk away. I don't understand Ralph today. Why is he acting so weird? Guys are too complicated!

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