Chapter 7: Used To be Close

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Yanseph is back so am I! Yeah, i'm back and I will try to upload frequently. Hope you'll like this new chapter.

POV Yanyan

During the days that followed, I did everything I could to avoid Joseph. Which is not easy, considering that we are in the same class but still, I stay at a correct distance from him. That asshole stole my first kiss, I saved it for the person I love, like Carla, not for some asshole to take it on a whim. I'm about to leave high school when someone calls out to me:

" Excuse me. "

I turn around feeling a hand rest on my shoulder. I see Amber's beautiful, sweet face. She's really beautiful. I had never seen her so close. I blush when I see her. No wonder she's the most popular girl in high school, considering her beauty.

"You are Yanyan, right? Don't you know where Joseph is, by any chance? "

"How do you know me? "

"You are a friend of Joseph, aren't you? He already told me about you. "

"Did he tell you that I was his friend? "

"No but it shows by the way he talks about you and the way he looks at you that he cares about you. Why ? Aren't you guys close? "

A few years ago, I would have said "yes" without hesitation. It was the time when Joseph was my whole world and I was his. Even when other people tried to separate us, we couldn't live without each other.


I had just been discharged from the hospital. My parents finally told me the truth about my illness. But I was only worried about Joseph. I was afraid he didn't want to be friends with me anymore. I couldn't play outside with him as he wanted. Being friends with me wouldn't make him happy. But Joseph was my only friend, I didn't want to lose him. My mother had forbidden me to leave my room but that wasn't going to prevent me from seeing Joseph. I opened my window and saw Joseph drawing in his room but his window was closed. So I took one of my toys, the one I liked least, and threw it against his window to get his attention, which worked as he opened his window a few seconds later.

"What do you want, Yanyan? "

"I just got out of the hospital, I'm fine now. You can come here ? I miss you. "

" No thanks. "

" Why !? Don't you wanna be my friend anymore? "

"Yanyan... You ended up in the hospital because of me. You could have died ... "

"But I am not dead. I'm fine. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known I was sick. Even I didn't know it. "

"I'm too dangerous for you, I don't want to hurt you. I won't come to see you anymore. "

He might not want to see me anymore, but I did. If he didn't want to come to me, then it was up to me to come to him. I put my foot on one of the branches of the tree between our two houses and tried to climb on it. Seeing me, Joseph started to panic.

" What are you doing !? "

"I want to stay with you, Joseph. If you are not allowed to come to my house, then I would come to you. "

"But it's dangerous! You can die if you fall from the tree! What about your heart !? Have you thought about it !? "

"I don't care if I die, I want to be with you. Because I like you, Joseph. You are my best friend, I don't want to lose you. I need you. You don't have the right to abandon me! "

Joseph seemed to hesitate a few moments then said to me:

"Go back to your room, I'm coming. "

I smiled and walked back to my room. It was good because I was dizzy. Joseph jumped on one of the branches of the tree and walked through it to get to my room. No sooner had he arrived in my room than I hugged him. He hugged me too.

"Are you really felling better, Yanyan?"

"Now that you're here, yes. "

I looked up at his face and I could have sworn I saw him blush.

"You can't tell anyone that I came here, Yanyan. "

" Why ? "

"Your mother forbade me to see you, she says I'm putting you in danger. And she's not wrong. "

" She is wrong. It's with you that I feel most safe. You don't have the right to leave me anymore. "

"And what happens if I leave you?"

" I'd kill you. Really. "

"So I'm not going to leave you, I want to stay alive. Hey, how long are we going to cuddle? "

"A long time, I missed you. I won't let go of you anymore. "

I don't know how long we hugged like this. I just know we ended up falling asleep on my bed, hugging each other. I remember as I was about to fall asleep, the door to my bedroom opened and I heard my father's voice.

"I warned you, honey, you won't be able to separate them. "

"But because of Joseph, Ian almost died. "

I recognized my mother's voice.

"He's a kid. He didn't know. He cares about Ian, it's sure, he won't make the same mistake again. He was scared, as much as we were. Besides, he's Ian's only friend, it would be very cruel to separate them. "

" I hope you're right. "


But this was before.

"We're not close. And Joseph's already gone home, I think. "

Amber looks at me, surprised.

" Really ? Still, he seems to like you quite a bit. "

"He likes to make fun of me, that's all. We're rivals, we love the same girl, we're not friends. And we never will be. "

"He doesn't make fun od you when he's with Franz and me, on the contrary. He told us you were cute, which is true. "

My face turns all red. Amber thinks I'm cute !? Amber Freaking Miles thinks I'm cute !? The most popular and beautiful girl in high school (after Carla, of course) thinks I'm cute !? Well, Joseph too but that, we don't care. I can't help but smile as I watch her leave.

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