
Começar do início

Loki gave them a weird look and then noticed a couple things:

1. The ice in my bedroom

2. The snow and frost in my bedroom

3. The temperature

4. Me and my Frost Giant look

He turns into his Frost Giant form and it looks exactly like me.

Or should I say that I look exactly like him.

Maybe the dream was right.

If I'm not a Parker, what am I?

Could Loki be my father?

"Can you understand me?" Loki says hesitantly

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" I reply

"We are speaking Asgardian. If you are of Asgardian blood, you will always be able to understand and speak it. And you are speaking it. You also look like me in my Frost Giant form. That only means one thing...." Loki trails off

"I'm your son." I finish, shocked

"I can't believe I found you. Or you found me." Loki says

"Found? You mean, you didn't give me up? You wanted me? I have so many questions!!! Who's my mom? Is she still alive? You have powers, does that mean I have powers too?? Am I god? Does that mean I'm a Frost Giant?" I rambled.

"Your mother is Freyja. She is the Norse god of love, beauty, war and gold. She is still alive. She has magic too. Yes you are a god. Yes, you are a little bit of Frost Giant. Freyja is still on Asgard. Every time I visit Asgard, I visit her. She is my wife. And I love her very much. Anymore questions?" Loki said

"Why did you give me up?" I asked

As soon as I said that, Loki looked so sad. He looked like a stray puppy. I immediately felt guilty.

"I DIDN'T give you up. Freyja and I, never gave you up and will never give you up. When Thanos took control of my mind, he took control of Freyja's as well. She didn't attack, she distracted all the people of Asgard, while I attacked. We knew the only way to keep you safe was to let a Midgardian take care of you. We knew your Aunt May and asked if she could take care of you for a little bit. We planned to come back for you but then we both got punished. You were 6 years old at the time. I hid your memories from you and taught you how to stay in your human form. I was sentenced for 7 years in prison and 1 year to just stay in Asgard. When I came to the tower, I locked myself in my room, as you know. All the time I was in there, I was trying to find you! I just couldn't find you. Freyja was sentenced to 3 years in prison and 1 years to say in Asgard. She didn't know Midgard so she was waiting for me to find you." Loki explained.

"You loved me?" I asked

"Loved you? We adored you!! We loved you with all of our hearts. We have been trying to find or even talk to you for years! We love you Pytor!" Loki said

"Pytor?" I asked, confused

"Yes. Pytor, your real name is Pytor Lokison." Dad answered.

Wait Dad? I just called Loki Odinson the God of Mischief Dad, well in my head at least.

I started to ramble, "Can I- uh, can I call you Father? I mean, I don't have to, if you don't want me to. I mean-uh. Um, is that okay, it's alri-"

"Pytor, I would love for you to call me Father" Father answered.

I smiled and he smiled right back.

Spiderson OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora