He stepped into a shunshin, appearing back at his apartment with only the whisper of leaves to accompany him. 

Hikaru would've laughed at how funny the situation could've been, if he'd just bursted into tears from seeing genin of all things. He would've laughed until he cried because at this second he couldn't even seem to formulate the tears needed to even cry. 

So he just sat in the corner of his bedroom, his kunai in his hands, letting the war creep into his vision because what else could he do? There was no way to stop it and he'd just been prolonging it and he was so angry at himself that he hadn't noticed earlier. 

He'd been trying to avoid them, avoid everybody that he'd known in his timeline. 

But the fate of which Neji had spoke of was a major asshole. 


"Naruto!" Sakura buried her fist painfully into his head, sending Hikaru to the ground. Hikaru groaned, slowly getting up and rubbing at his head.

"Sakura-chan!" Hikaru greeted her brightly- he considered Sakura a friend even if she was mean to him sometimes. "Hey! What are ya doing later?" 

He hadn't meant for it to sound like a date propsal, but he'd just rolled with it. There was nothing he could do about it anyways- if he denied it nobody would believe him. 

Hikaru wasn't stupid. Well, he wasn't that stupid people-wise. He knew when there was no use trying. 


Hikaru couldn't breathe, his hands tugging uselessly at his throat, trying to get whatever the hell it was away from him. But it was no use- his legs kicking uselessly against the broken wall, unable to scream because he couldn't even get air to scream. 

He just wanted to give up. 

"You're- you're a sick fuck." Hikaru choked out, trying just one more time to peel off the hand from around his throat. His fingers failed halfway through, a single spinning eye staring at him. 

"Believe me, kid, I know." Tobi's voice rasped out, deep and sending multiple chills down Hikaru's spine. He needed to leave, to get out of here, anything. 

He could feel his vision go black.

Then nothing.

Hinata found him, laying on the ground with bruises covering his body, a few broken ribs to his name. He'd succeeded, somewhat, in keeping Obito distra-

She'd told him, somewhat regretfully, that it had been a clone. 

So Hikaru didn't do anything to even romotely help, only costing them more injured people than they could handle. 


Kakashi stared at Hikaru. Hikaru stared back, before looking down and sighing. He'd spent all day trying to gather his nerve, and it had left the moment he'd knocked. 

"Came to tell me?" Kakashi drawled. "Cause if so, you can come in." He took a step back, letting his door remain open until Hikaru stepped in, sliding his shoes off. He closed the door, going to the couch. 

"Can you repeat your questions so I can answer them easier?" Hikaru said as the privacy seals in the apartment flashed a soft blue before fading. What he said here would remain between the two of them. It was easier that way. 

"How did you withstand the Tsukiyomi, and why the hell did you do that in the first place?" Kakashi asked, sitting on the seat a little bit away from him, but not much, as he only had one couch and that was enough for him. 

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