Chapter 3

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“I wouldn’t want to impose-” Hoseok tried again.

“It wouldn’t be. Unless you’re some kind of master thief or something, it should be pretty okay. I mean, if you want to.”

“We would attempt to get you into one of our rooms as quickly as possible,” Seokjin jumped into the conversation. “And we’d give you a refund for however long you stayed at Taehyung’s house. We can vouch for him, really, we all grew up with him. He’s a perfectly normal person.”

Jungkook, who was looking relieved about how this conversation was turning out, nodded quickly.

“Well, I mean...” Hoseok didn’t see many other options, other than going back to Seoul, which he didn’t really want to do. “Okay. That sounds fine. The repairs should be done within the week, right?”

“Right, of course.” Namjoon nodded. “And we can help you out with whatever else you’ll need, too.”

“Hoseok hyung needs other help,” Taehyung said quickly, seeming pleased that Hoseok agreed to stay with him.

“What is it?” Seokjin asked.

“He had to ride into town with me because he has a flat tire.”

“A flat tire?” Seokjin asked. “How lucky for you, our Jungkook here is a master mechanic, and would be more than happy to fix that for you, free of charge.”

“Right, of course,” Jungkook said, nodding again. “Let me put everything I need into the back of my truck, and then I can help you with that.”

“See, I told you,” Taehyung said, watching as Jungkook ran off to get his tools, “they’re great.”

“Yeah,” Hoseok said, turning his head to look at Taehyung while Seokjin and Namjoon began talking about something in voices low enough that he couldn’t make out every word, “I guess they are.”

I hope you really are too, Hoseok thought, but didn’t say.

Taehyung lead the way back to Hoseok’s car which looked very conspicuous compared to Taehyung and Jungkook’s truck, he couldn’t help but notice. He would definitely stand out here, despite his best efforts, but maybe they’d be like Taehyung and just think he was some kind of high powered business man taking a break and not a celebrity.

Jungkook fixed his flat in under twenty minutes, which was honestly impressive. It took the mechanics at the shop where Hoseok usually got his car work done longer than that.

Hoseok tried to pay Jungkook, but he waved his hands before Hoseok could even finish telling him thank you.

“No, really,” he said, “it’s fine. I’m the reason you can’t stay at the Bed and Breakfast after all.”

“Still, you did me a huge favor. I couldn’t change a tire to save my life.”

Jungkook put his hands in his pockets, as if trying to make sure that Hoseok couldn’t hand him money. “Don’t worry about it, Jung-ssi.” He walked away before Hoseok could say anything else, and then drove off.

“Come on,” Taehyung said, “follow me, and I’ll lead you to my house. It’s only about a twenty minute drive from here.”

“Okay,” Hoseok said, getting in his car and praying that nothing else would happen on the drive over to Taehyung’s.

Nothing did, though Hoseok couldn’t escape the fact that Taehyung lived in a very winding dirt road. There was escaping the demands and pressures of modern life, and then there was this, which seemed like it was cutting itself off from everything altogether.

The Long and Winding Road || A Vhope FF ||✔️Where stories live. Discover now