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Dear Readers,
After a long hiatus due to Teenfic.net stealing all of my work and not giving me credit. I have decided to post once more. The petition is still up and running and I hope Wattpad will soon protect us( the users). If anyone is reading this on a platform besides Wattpad; this is stolen work. However I do hope you all enjoy my work the correct way.

Akasha Ashthorne; without speaking a single word to Scott Mccall or even Stiles. She seemed to almost disappear from sight; as the damp autumn breeze filled the hallway. A single amber leaf being left in the place of the witch. Her absence bringing a cloud of concern to overcome Scott; who's eyes lingered upon the place where the sorrowful wicca once stood. While others saw Akasha as a plague brought to Beacon Hills for them to destroy. But Scott didn't see her that way, infact he saw Akasha as a fragile soul. One that was indeed lonely and perhaps in the need of comfort. But refused it. Chastising Aidan and Ethan once more for their assault on Akasha; Scott and Liam with Lydia. Who was left shaken at the between the Werewolf and Witch. As the entire main hallway of Beacon Hills was now marred with the signs of battle. Scott's attention soon drifted to the space where Akasha once occupied. As drops of crimson was all that was left in her wake. Averting his gaze to the ground, Scott was filled with a sense of regret. Feeling responsible for the incident that had occurred. Gritting his teeth, Scott emphasized the order. Akasha was not to be harmed in anyway.

All the while as Scott clarified Akasha' reasons for coming to Beacon Hills; the solemn witch had no room for those who saw her as a threat. No time to deal with those who feared the world. Because Akasha Ashthorne was different. She feared nothing. Fear had been purged from her being the moment her coven; her family was slaughtered before her eyes. For that night blood soaked into the once plentiful land of her home. Forever dying the terrain an eternal crimson. As it seemed even the countless of Gods could not wipe this sin from sight. But Akasha did not wish for that sin to be wiped away. No, infact she saw it has a symbol. As "Attachments had softened the Ashthorne coven. Leaving them open to their oldest of enemies. An enemy that seemed to plague all witches. However the Ashthorne coven appeared to be the prime target of this enemy. Ones who once swam in the rivers of magic. Ones that had stood beside all covens as allies; now their masks had crumbled. And left Akasha with a forever burning resentment for those who had slain her kin.

It would be Akasha who would stand before this great enemy. She alone who would be their end. Akasha would bathe in their blood and achieve vengeance for her coven. This was why Akasha strove for survival, and refused the aid of others. She did not need them. She did not need anyone. Power. Yes; and her own sense of survival was all that was required. If possible would still her emotional heart. Well aware that emotions could indeed be powerful and cripple a witch. And she did not wish for her emotions to send her to an early grave. Quietly Akasha roamed the fog covered forest of Beacon Hills. Welcoming the familiar aroma of moss to fill her senses. How the sunlight flickered through the fauna above her. Yes; this was what Akasha craved. Nature was indeed her serenity. Wishing to embrace nature entirely, to relieve herself of the reality of battle which clung to her soul. Akasha eagerly slipped off her shoes. Welcoming the blades of grass and dirt between her toes. So much infact that Akasha found herself twirling about the fog covered area. Her arms stretched out to the sky above; Akasha's heart alive with raw joy.

The lovely woman dancing among her most treasured thing; nature. Something that always held her in its arms. Eyes closed, Akasha allowed her form to sway about. Kicking up dirt as she continued her interpreted dance; one of the many ways she prayed to her Goddess. Thanking the Goddess for her protection once again. Upon hearing her words of thanks; leaves from the trees above fluttered around the dancing Akasha. Surrounding her in a circle of emerald green fauna. The Goddess pleased at her pupils declaration. And though her eyes remained closed, Akasha could feel the familiar warm sensation upon her skin. The gentle breeze which tickled her face. She was indeed blessed despite the hardships. It was one thing that kept Akasha going besides the act of revenge. However the sudden sound of crunching leaves beneath ones feet alerted Akasha. Causing her brown eyes to radiate their dangerous yet beautiful glow. Expecting another fight from Aidan and Ethan; Akasha extended her right hand Infront of her. Bidding the swirling leaves around her to hear her pleas. Never one to ignore her; the leaves then hovered before Akasha. Ready to strike down whoever she wished.

However upon seeing a pair of dark brown eyes peering back at her; Akasha lowered her hand. Causing the leafs to fall to the ground at her feet. She knew those eyes, they were the same eyes who's gaze was filled with concern for her. A stranger. And yet those very same eyes were filled with warmth. Something that only nature had provided to Akasha. She did not need his kindness and yet she found herself wishing for it. Scott found himself unable to bear the thought of looking away from Akasha. Feeling as if this mere act would be one of deep betrayal. Something that Scott believed that would be the act of which would utterly shatter the magical being that was Akasha. Scott realized her uniqueness the moment he caught a glimpse of her in the forest. Her eyes alive with a brilliant emerald hue; one that shook Scott to his core. and begged his wolf side to howl at her side. He was drawn to her; for reasons unknown to him. And yet Scott could not help himself, his feet dragging across the forest ground. Stopping at few feet away from the pulsating woman who's very flesh gleamed a bright green. "Scott." Akasha muttered softly knowing far too well what Scott would say. Swallowing a lump in his throat; Scott found the strength to speak. "Akasha I- I couldn't find you anywhere." "That was the point."Akasha spat cutting off the young wolf who sensed that he had intruded upon something that maybe Akasha would have liked to remain private. Stuffing his hands into his pockets mumbling an apology as he continued. "I'm sorry about what happened at the school; I should have let Ethan and the others know about you-" "You can save your apologies; I'm use to others not trusting me." Akasha commented, her tone was playful and yet it held and edge to it. One that Scott recognized. Deep sorrow.

Akasha seemed to have become quite accustomed to hiding her emotions; and Scott could not blame her. She stood before him, her once glimmering flesh returned to it's natural hue. "I trust you." Scott blurted out, his words causing Alaska to slow her pace as she walked around him. He was foolish in her eyes; how could be say something so blatantly?  Words were powerful in this world, and to Akasha especially. Words held power; a will of their own. They were not empty as many would believe. And Akasha did not take kindly to those who spewed words they truly did not mean. "You dont know me; Scott." Akasha stated, her tone rather harsh as the ebony skinned woman turned her back to him. This action alone revealed something to Scott. A voiceless sorrow that radiated from Akasha in waves. She grieved, breathed, cried, and loved.

And Scott wished to know more of her. Scott took a step towards Akasha; tripping upon a uprooted tree root which grasped onto the young man's ankle. He opened his mouth to speak only to be silenced by the glimmering flash of emerald in the eyes of Akasha. It was then that a vibrant flash of green light filtered about the area; causing a sudden wall of earth to rip through the ground. Piercing through and surrounding Scott, and blinding him from Akasha. She sighed before silently leaving the once peaceful forest. The bellowing of Scott carried about the wind. But Akasha ignored him. He was not important; and he knew nothing. How could he? A werewolf and a witch? How laughable. He was quite irritating and Akasha had no desire of any further conversation.

She would leave him to his own devices in the prison she had created for the teen wolf. Perhaps the time alone would help him reflect on his actions. All Akasha wanted to do was be alone; and end those who wished for her end.  And she would do so without the help of Scott and the others. She needed no one. And Akasha refused to begin breaking the very rules which had kept her alive for so long. She would not falter, not ever.

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