Enemy of My Enemy

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Allison Argent ran through the darkened forest of Beacon; clinging to the shadows of the trees before her. The young woman carefully trailing behind her prey. Her breathe held as she signalled quietly for her companions to follow. Noticing the signal Scott McCall, Isaac, Stiles and their newest addition Malia Tate. Who was all too eager for the battle to ensure. As the young woman claws had erupted from her nails. Seeking the blood of their enemies. Scott silently prayed that Malia would keep her bloodlust in check. As he could sense that this enemy was not to be taken lightly. His hair on the back of his neck standing on end as the group neared the target. Each creeping in the night, all too familiar with using the night as a cloak.

The teenagers had grown accustomed to moving in the darkness as now it was nothing to them. But the enemy before them was something that terrified not only Scott but Allison as well. They both felt it, the malicious intent within this being that moved so close to their home. It was something that could not be ignored and also the reason that the entire pack wished for Akasha to join them. All agreeing that the power of a witch would indeed be helpful in situations like this; well all situations actually as Stiles would put it. The boy was kind of a fan of Akasha, and was very intrigued about the entire culture of witches. He wanted to know more and perhaps even help if things went well.

With her bow ready Allison alerted the others to surround their target. It was then that the creature reared its head towards the black sky and released a howl that Scott swore could shake the earth itself. He found himself covering his ears from the noise along with Isaac who couldn't help but to help under the strain. And that single yelp was enough to alert their enemy of their position. The beast soon ceased it's bellow and revealed it's eerie violet hue of which none of them had ever seen before. Stiles swallowed a lump in his throat as the creature then turned it's attention to Allison. Who still waited with her arrow at the ready. And she was going to need it; as with blinding speed the large creature appeared before Allison.

Allison Argent stared into the full violet orbs of the monster that sought her death. Even so she would not stop moving. She could not stop fighting. Immediately Allison dove to the ground; grabbing fistfuls of dirt and throwing it in the face of the Werewolf. Earning an enraged snarl from the creature who used it's immense speed once more to charge towards Scott and Isaac head on. The two teenagers nodded towards the other. Prepared to fight for their lives as the enemy Werewolf pounced into the air. Frothing at the jaws, seeking to sink it's fangs into the flesh of the boys. However this did not com, as Malia slammed her entire body into the werewolf. Sending it skidding to the ground, releasing pain filled yelps. While Malia spit in the direction of the Werewolf, deeming it weaker than her.

But Malia immediately regretted her actions as the creature behind her began to release a low gargle of a growl before sinking it's claws into Malia's stomach. Malia cried out in pain before clawing manically at the beast whom impaled her. Stiles cried out for Malia, foolishly running towards the large Werewolf. Crimson gushing from the wound as Malia stumbled to her feet. Cringing in pain as Stiles rushed to her side, desperately checking her injuries. Only to become even more panicked before noticing the wound refusing to heal. "Um Scott! We got a problem! Malia's not healing!" Stiles exclaimed, his chest heaving at Malia who remained brave despite the situation. Explaining that she was fine, however she soon fell to her knees. Writhing in pain as her blood vessels felt as if they were bursting repeatedly. Leaving a searing hot pain that pulsed through her entire being.

Malia gripped onto the earth below, struggling to stifle back her cries. Scott gritted his teeth at the news; demanding that Isaac and the others fallback. However Allison continued to pelt the enemy with arrows,creating a diversion for the others to escape. Leaving Scott and Allison to deal with the strange Werewolf. "Keep out of it's range Scott! I'll slow it down!" "And then what?!" "Uh we'll figure it out!" Allison called out as she charged towards the raging creature. Shooting arrow after arrow causing the Werewolf to strike with it's massive claws towards Allison. Immediately Scott moved to protect Allison, using his increased speed and strength charged full force into the deranged werewolf. Digging his feet into the earth Scott sunk his claws into his opponents flesh. Causing a brief yelp to be released from the creature as Allison sent another arrow towards the monster.

She called out for Scott to release the beast, which with great difficulty he did. Mere seconds before an arrow sunk itself into the chest cavity of the glowing eyed adversary. It stood for a moment, seeming puzzler by the single arrow. Reaching with one of it's claws to remove the arrow. Only to receive a paralysing pain which pulsed through it's entire body. It released a terrified howl into the air, clawing at its bare flesh manically. Blood and flesh strewn about the ground. Allison stood in disbelief at the sight as with a loud roar; the beast gouged out the arrow. Turning it's attention to the now trembling Allison. "Allison run!" Scott screamed as the angry creature lunged towards Allison. Her body refusing her commands. Her grip on her bow was no more as she stared into the violet eyes of a predator aiming for her throat.

Allison squeezed her eyes shut awaiting for the blinding pain to ravage her body. And yet the pain never came, and in it's place was the recognizable cried of Scott. Upon hearing this Allison forced her eyes to open; darting back and fourth at the sight before her. As Scott stood before her, his right arm a mess of tattered clothes and flesh. Tears streamed down Allison's cheeks as she moved to grab Scott. To pull him to safety. But he denied this. Pushing her away from him as the massive wolf rose once more. It's own body now seeming to rott away as where fur should be was a sight of melting flesh which pelted the ground with a horrid purplish discharge. Poison. Scott gritted his teeth as he fiddled through his pockets. Finding the tiny bottle given to him by Akasha. You'll know when to use it." Her words rung in his ears as Scott quickly uncorked the bottle and threw it's contents into the air.

Time seemed to slow around the two teenagers as a emerald hued dust was released from the bottle. Fluttering about in the air leaving a trail of it's beauty and mystery behind. The dust then collected before the massive wolf who too was frozen in time. It was then that the dust invaded the monster's body. Movement returned to the Werewolf as it howled into the air. Clawing at its throat as the insides of the beast began to emit a bright emerald glow. Scott and Allison watched in complete silence as the beast released one final cry before it's body crumbled to the ground. The emerald dust slowly spewing from its lips and circling the wolf. Roots then spewed from the ground below, wrapping around the now silenced creature. As it's body slowly turned to that of dirt and bones. Returning to the earth as all creatures would in time.

Scott released a brief sigh of relief before his vision blurred, as he too fell to the ground. Writhing in pain as Malia had once did as the toxin coursed through his blood. He clawed at the earth. Screaming for the sweet release of death as his own advanced healing was nothing to this poison. Seeming to only draw out the agony for the teen. Allison was at his side, trying her best to calm him down as she sobbed. Pleading for someone. Anyone to help them.

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