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Akasha Ashthorne recalled the reason she detested the education system. Besides the utter failure of preparing the young minds for the dangerous world that awaited them. But that failed at something else, the entire enrollment process. Akasha rolled her eyes at the situation before her. As a woman in her mid 40's continued to tap on a worn keyboard. The woman was obviously not in a rush, but Akasha was. She always found herself anxious when it came to being around teenagers. The storm of emotions and the annoying chatter in the echoing halls. Akasha could already feel her patience running rather thin, she usually would not use her gifts on humans. But sometimes Akasha would bend the rules, though not too much. That she was sure of. Taking a deep breath Akasha allowed the familiar warmth to creep it's way up body; to her eyes. The once lovely warm chestnut orbs flickered to that of a dim green. Ones that drew the woman to meet her gaze, becoming utterly enthralled the woman. Akasha spoke, her voice gentle bringing the woman under Akasha's command.

"Lets speed this up shall we?" Akasha advised, her words becoming the woman's purpose for a time. As Akasha chose a schedule for herself, one that would allow Scott and the others to keep a watchful eye on her. While at the same time giving Akasha a little bit of freedom from the boys. Pleased with the outcome of her school schedule; Akasha waltzed out of the office. Leaving the middle aged woman in a temporary mental fog; one that would clear before the day ended. Though upon turning into the main hallway; the familiar musty odor or books and dust made itself known to Akasha. For it was one of the few things se enjoyed besides perfecting her magic. Books.Since Akasha could remember a book was always within her grasp. She could recall being a child of a mere 9 years of age; her head full of brown curls bouncing about her tiny head. Akasha would plead with anyone who would listen to her. The small child clutching a leather covered book in her grasp. And as always Akasha would receive what she wanted most. Being placed on the lap of a fellow witch or sister.

Whom would oblige Akasha in reading, as the little girl was always fascinated with books. Though it was true being a witch took the magic out of many things, Akasha never saw it that way. She was always an imaginative soul, always diving into the fantasy world of a good book, even if the world she lived in was just as magical and dangerous. It was one of the many things that the higher grade of Witches in Akasha's coven took interest in. Though Akasha's thirst for knowledge never was truly satisfied. As by the ripe age of 13 Akasha had become a "Specialist" in her rank of Wicca. Along with the creation of many spells that had been noted in many lost texts of the Coven.

Akasha smiled warmly at the memories ever present in her mind, though she knew they were just that. Memories; ones filled with such utter peace and love one would envy her. And yet it was no more. Those smiling faces of fellow witches; both of blood and familiarity. All erased due to a ancient grudge between two witches. One that had ended with the complete eradication of her coven; leaving Akasha as it sole survivor. Akasha serene expression changed to that of someone filled with resentment. Her family was no more, and because of this Akasha closed herself off to others. And these Werewolf boys were no different. Akasha had learned from her covens most horrid mistake. Attachments would only bring about the end. And Akasha did not intend to leave this world as of yet. Akasha would survive, she had sworn this to her "sisters" for they were always present with her. Whispering among the leafs carried upon the wind. Filling the air around the young Wicca who couldn't help but to smile. Knowing her sisters would aid her even in death. And Akasha believed she would need all the help she could muster in "Beacon Hills."

Akasha's emerald gem gave off a vibrant glow, alerting Akasha something she already knew. Supernatural creatures ever roamed the halls of the Highschool. It's halls thick with laughter and the loud slamming of lockers. But the hallway was devoid of any sound to Akasha; along with the sudden slow movement of the young denizens. Her eyes flickering around Akasha, chill bumps ever present on her skin. Turning her head Akasha's gaze landed upon a strawberry- blonde haired teenager. The young girl seemed to be in deep conversation; batting her long lashes at a fairly tall and muscular man. The girl was beautiful, thin and petite with fairly pale skin. Almost ghost like, as if the girl was never truly there. She wore a shapely black pencil skirt, accompanied by a white dressy blouse. A pair of high heels clung to the young girl's feet.

Seeming to sense Akasha's eyes upon her, the girl turned her attention to Akasha. Her piercing gaze alone sending a horrid high pitched scream which swirled around Akasha. Her body shivered, though Akasha refused to move as the young girl seemed to smile. Curious as to who Akasha was; with this the girl began to walk Akasha's way. The sounds and movement's of the students and their surroundings returned. But nothing was as blaring as the words of the man next to the girl. A firm hand placed upon her shoulder as he spoke. His voice was like an approaching storm ready to rip across the sky. But the young man composed himself, whispering tenderly to his supposed girlfriend. "Whatever she is, it's not human. I'll take care of her." The boy informed his voice gruff and concerning the girl. As she turned her attention back to her mouthing a silent "Run." But there was no need to, Akasha would not fall to anyone. With that a loud bell sounded throughout the hallway, causing the students to hurridly scatter into their respective classrooms. Leaving the ghostly pale girl, her boyfriend and Akasha in the now empty hallway.

Akasha smirked as the young man took a step towards her. His presence alone bringing that of another, who appeared at the opposite end of the hallway. A low growl erupting from the newcomer who appeared to be a twin of the other. For both teens were fairly lean and muscular, though of medium stature. They both held slightly tanned marble skin, reddish brown hair, and dark hazel eyes. It was then that the girl spoke up from behind one of the twins. Her voice held unease within it. "I really don't think fighting here is the right call. I mean—we dont even know who she is." The young girl clarified earning a growl from her boyfriend who refused to meet her eyes. "And that's the problem Lydia; we don't have time to find out. She's a threat, I can smell it!" He snarled causing the girl now referred to as Lydia to stomp her foot down in protest. "I think you should wait for Scott—" Lydia began only to see the facial features of her boyfriend change to that of a beast. One that Akasha was very familiar with, she then averted her gaze to the twin behind her. Noticing the crimson glow in their eyes. They were Alphas. Now that maybe Abit of an issue, as Akasha had yet to heal from her previous injuries. But she did still have a few tricks up her sleeve.

With that cocky smirk never leaving her lips; Akasha slipping her right hand into her pocket. Fishing out a single seed of which she clutched tightly her eyes never leaving that of the opponent before her. Though the emerald flexes were ever present within Akasha gaze, symbolizing her connection to nature itself. With the small seed in her right hand, Akasha began to feed her very life force into the seed along with the power bestowed to her by nature itself. With that the seed began to radiate with a green glow which pierced through the crevices of Akasha's hand. It was slow at first but Akasha felt the seed bloom with warmth in her grasp before increasing in length. The snake like, and thorned whip took shape within Akasha's hand. Snapping the whip across the floor infront of her. Alarming the two Werewolves who backed away slightly. Not quite sure what they had witnessed. But they knew one thing, she was dangerous.

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