Werewolf Guardian

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After the assault in Akasha's home, Scott found himself chasing Derek down the street. Darkness clinging to the two men. "Derek what the hell was that?!" "No what the hell was that?! Her form of gratitude! I don't want any part of it!" Derek spat, his chest heaving in rage. The taller young man seethed; clenching his hands into tight fists. Derek seeming to struggle not to strike Scott where he stood. But why? Deep down Scott was well aware of the reason. And he utterly refused to move from where he stood. His sudden allegiance to the newcomer Akasha. The breathtaking and mysterious ebony skinned woman whom was indeed a witch. Or a wicca as she seemed to prefer being called. She had brought with her more dangers in which Scott and the rest of his pack were forced to deal with.

And yet Scott still refused to toss the young woman aside. "You don't have to be apart of it! You just have to leave her alone!" "Easy for you to say. You came running to her side like a dog! You will destroy your entire pack trying to protect her! And for what?! You don't even know her!" Derek spat angrily. Daring to grab Scott by the color of his jacket, forcing the teen to look him in the eye. Allowing the amber tint to return to his pupils; a sign that his werewolf blood was infact at work. Though Scott did not cower to his gaze, instead Scott released a low snarl from the pit of his stomach. Erupting from his lips with a ferocity that Derek had not expected. "I don't have to know her to know that she's not a bad person! And I won't let you or anyone hurt her." Scott's voice was once again lowered a few octaves unveiling the beast beneath his human skin.

The young man's skin began to prickle, as she sensation of irritation roared in his flesh. Scott's own chest heaving for his very blood felt as if it were boiling. The rage that filled his mind like a neverending haze at vile words spilling from Derek's lips. Horrid lies. He knew that they were. The darkness that Derek spouted about Witches only caused Scott to roar. Ripping himself from Derek's right grip; the snarl of an enraged beast replaced the features of a boy. Scott's own irises revealing the creature which he shared his blood. Eyes rippling with emotion which caused Derek Hale to take a few cautious steps back. Unsure of the sudden rage fueling the Teen Wolf before him.

"Look at you; getting all riled up over a girl you don't even know." Derek continued shoving his hands into pockets. A relaxed demeanor gracing his shoulders as he spoke. So matter of fact it made Scott snarl. "Look; I'm telling you this for your own good. If you get mixed up with someone like her; you'll end up dead. " "You don't know that." "I do Scott. No good ever comes from interacting with witches. You can look at history for that. Or-" Derek began before stepping towards the hyperventilating teen. The towering man leaned over Scott as he muttered "You can listen to your instincts. Your wolf. It's telling you right. It's telling you to run. And you should listen." Derek stated before retreating into the shadows of Beacon Hills. The thick fog erasing any trace of the Werewolf. However Scott remained. The words of his predecessor echoing in his head.

Through gritted teeth Scott released a brief irritated wail into the air; his rage now dissolving. Twisting into another shape. One that was indeed an unwelcomed one. Uncertainty. Swallowing another roar scratching it's way up his throat. The teen slowly allowed his humanlike characteristics to return. His sharpened canines losing their sharpness. Ears that were pointed and ever slanted retracted. Returning to their normal shape. Knowing he had regained control over himself; Scott turned his eyes to the distance. Where the home of the source of his uncertainty lay. Akasha. For even from this distance, thanks to his excellent eye sight which pierced through the thickness of night. She was still within his slight.

The ebony skinned woman seemed to be gazing at the sky above. A small smile forming on her lips. One that was only for her and Mother Nature. And yet Scott found himself silently sharing this moment with her. Captivated by the serene smile which traced her plump lips. A smile. She seemed almost innocent as Akasha's smile never faltered. Even as crimson dribbled down the fresh injuries she had sustained in battle. That smile; one filled with pure gratitude. It never left her. Was she thankful for Scott and Derek's help? Was she thanking her God's for her survival? What was she thinking?

These thoughts plagued the young man's mind as he found himself unable to break away from her mere visage. The smile that she was sure that no one had seen. Something that she had tucked away deep within herself. And he had seen it. Scott could not see it. The danger that Derek had proclaimed was to come with a single girl. The curse that licked at all heels of those who carries special blood. Scott did not see it. All he saw was a soul who was traumatized. Unable to reach out to the slightest hint of kindness. Someone who lashed out to those who were kind. Someone who was so use to survival. So use to being alone; that all she knew was herself.

Akasha was not some vile entity that needed annihilation. No. She was just a person in desperate need for help. One that cried out in utter instinct for aid. Derek was wrong about her. Scott knew it; and he would prove it. Not to himself but to everyone. Akasha was no danger. Infact she was a victim.

After a few moments of stargazing, Akasha turned her attention to the shattered window in which her attacker had entered. Releasing a brief sigh, Akasha flicked her wrist. Withholding a grunt as one by one shards of glass began to rise from the ground below. Her eyes emitting the dazzling emerald glow that filled Scott's mind at night. Eyes rippling with energy and torment. It mere seconds the once shattered glass window took it's rightful place. Seeming as if the battle had not occured. After the small burst of magic on her already worn body, Akasha fell to her knees. The young witch gripping onto her chest tightly as she struggled to breathe. Cursing under her breath. Yelling at herself to move. Commenting that she was not this weak.

"I've been through worst than this. Now get the fuck up!" Akasha shouted at herself, her own pep talk seeming to do the trick. As Akasha struggled to her feet, a strained expression present on her features. It was then that Akasha turned her head in the direction of Scott himself. The young man stifling a gasp in silence. There was no way she knew he was there. Not from such a distance. Releasing a deep sigh Akasha mumbled under her breathe before turning off her lights. She needed rest which meant she would be skipping school tomorrow. Not like she really planned to attend anyway. However as Akasha plopped down on her bed once more, the visage of Scott made itself known to her. Though it was a flash, she couldn't help but to grumble. Turning on her side, hoping to sleep away tonight's troubles. And ignore the uncertainty which plagued her being.

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