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The sweet aroma of freshly picked herbs filled the senses of Scott McCall; gently bidding Scott to open his eyes. Being welcomed by the familiar sight of Akasha's home. Slowly Scott rose from a field of grass that had sprouted in the middle of the living room. The greenery emanating a gentle sage hue; a sign of the magic that had been breathed into the plant. New life that of which had aided in the preservation of Scott's own life. The young wolf felt somewhat intuned with the burst of nature around him. However that emotion was soon replaced with concern. For across the room; enveloped by similar greenery was Malia. The were coyote unconscious as the lull of magic seemed to keep her there. Malia appeared to even enjoy it; as a smile trickled across her lips.

Scott traveled across the room; kneeling before the slumbering Malia. Examining the wound she had once bore the night prior. And now it was no more than a distant memory. Reaching for the hand of the sleeping Malia; however he was stopped by a familiar voice. One that which warned him to not push himself again. "You shouldn't be awake yet." The source of the voice stood atop the stairs; her left hand gripping the wooden railing for stability. Raising his head Scott met the warm brown eyes of Akasha. She stood before him; her dark brown curls nearly glistening in the morning sunlight. Casually, Akasha made her way down the stairs. Making her way to the slumbering Malia; releasing a brief sigh of relief at her recovery.

"You were smart to come to me last night; with those injuries you both would have been dead by sunrise." Akasha informed, kneeling down to the slumbering Malia. It was then that Scott witnessed. A certain change within the powerful Akasha; she appeared more docile than he had ever seen her. And this both confused and concerned him. Swallowing a lump in his throat, Scott answered her all the while bashfully rubbing the back of his head. " You were the first person I thought of. " He breathed. His statement alone causing Akasha's body to tense up. Refusing to meet his eye Akasha rose to her feet. Her eyes upon the sleeping Allison Argent on her couch. " I see. " It was a simple statement and yet it left Scott's mind swimming. Hoping for something more, but this was infact fruitless. With his hands clasping Malia's forearm; Scott closed his eyes. Concentrating on his wish to free Malia from any remaining pain or discomfort. Gritting his teeth and holding back a grunt of pain. And yet Akasha saw him, witnessed the blackened veins burst from his skin. "What did you just do?" Akasha asked unable to hide her curiosity, finding herself nearing Scott who was silent for sometime. A brief hiss spilled from his lips before Scott released Malia's arm. Careful with her as a truly serene expression now plastered across her lips.

Catching his breath, the handsome Scott smiled towards Akasha as he answered. "I took her pain away." "Werewolves can't do that."Akasha combated as Scott couldn't help but to chuckle. "I can—" Scott began, reaching out for Akasha's hand. She was hesitant at first, gripping onto her hand with all her might. Her eyes darting back and fourth, unsure of the correct choice. And that was okay. Scott continued to speak to the woman in hushed yet gentle words. Ensuring her repeatedly that he would not hurt her. "I would never hurt you." Scott breathed; his words so truthful and overall kind. Closing her eyes Akasha held her hand out for Scott. Who eagerly accepted the gesture, wrapping his larger hand around Akasha's small one. Though the moment the two touched, a familiar sensation trickled through their entire beings. A sudden flicker which brought their eyes to one another. Each refusing. No unable to break the almost hypnotic thrall; all the while another sensation washed over Akasha. The fatigue of overusing her magic was snatched from her. Even Akasha could not hide her own smile. Nor could Scott as for the first time he felt no pain using this ability of his. No. At this moment all the young man felt was something else. Longing.

"Why did you do that?" Akasha questioned, her voice barely above a whisper as Scott without hesitation answered her. Bringing the lovely caramel skinned woman even closer to him, enjoying the warmth of her presence and voice. "You saved us. Saved me. Least I can do is help you when I can." Scott answered causing Akasha to crack a small smile, her eyes still holding their allure upon the teen. "Your too nice for your own good." Akasha murmured, daring to break the hypotonic hold she held on Scott. Even so Scott could not bear to tear his eyes from hers. Silently wishing to float among those brown irises for all time. And it was startling. But he enjoyed it. The young man even felt a tinge of loneliness with the lack of Akasha's touch. Akasha's small smile remained before she cautiously walked to her kitchen. Starting a pot of boiling water; the fatigue that once bound her now no more. She was perhaps more spirited before, nearly walking on her toes. Her every gesture; was art to Scott as he released a deep sigh.

She had saved him. Akasha. Someone who's believed in self perseverance and survival. A woman who was a stranger and newcomer to Beacon Hills. A " Plague to all" was the phrase frequently spoken about her. Untrusted by many. And yet she aided them. Not only Scott but Malia as well. And it had been Akasha's decision to act. Akasha could have left the two teens to a painful demise at her doorstep. But she did not. Akasha chose to put herself in harms way. Destroying her own personal code which had served her well for a time. And yet she had done this. For them. For Scott. He knew this. The two remained silent for sometime. However as the kettle continued to boil; Akasha's attention wandered to the slumbering form of none other than Allison Argent. Her lovely brunette curls falling to her shoulders. And yet Akasha's mind drifted to the night prior.

Sorrow clinging to the young teen's form as tears was all the young Allison knew. All she could muster. The look of utter anguish was strewn upon the young Argent 's features which was enough to push Akasha into action. How could she not? How could Akasha deny such emotion? She couldn't. Especially with the knowledge that the cause of this pain was her. Akasha had never witnessed such raw emotion for one another. One that was not tainted by double means. It was love. Love between a Hunter and a Werewolf. Two enemies since the beginning of history. Sinful. Tantalizing. But it was there. Alive Infront of Akasha; a dark storm of emotions twisted within her. She found a strange uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. Akasha swallowed hard before she spoke. But Scott beat her to it, his toothy grin causing calmness to return to her. "I get that a lot. Some people say it'll be the death of me." Scott joked, earning a brief chuckle from Akasha.

Whom began to pour the warm contents of her tea kettle into 4 separate mugs. "They would be right. Many would take advantage of a kind person like you." Akasha informed while passing the mugs out to her visitors. One whom was Malia Hale, awoke in a startle. Fangs bared while vicious blue eyes bore into Akasha's. And a roar that would cause even a seasoned warrior to quake before her. And yet Akasha showed no fear. Merely staring at the enraged We're Coyote whom lunged towards the young Witch. Scott screamed Malia's name hoping to trigger the young girl back to her senses. But the powerful Were Coyote rejected her Alpha screaming manically for Akasha's head. Akasha released a deep sigh;narrowly dodging an assault from Malia's claws. Her eyes wild. Unhinged.

An ominous lavender hue had overtaken the once brilliant sapphire gems Malia usually bore. Such intrusion of Malia that all who knew her well witnessed. Immediately Scott used his mass to keep the snarling Malia at bay. Grabbing onto both her wrists in an attempt to restrain the Were Coyote. Calling out for Allison to use a electric arrow to help him. "H-Her eyes! S-Something's wrong with her!" Scott exclaimed to all around him, causing Akasha to step forward. Tea cup still in as she continued to control her breathing, pressing the palm of her hand to the manic Malia's forehead. The Were Coyote ceased her constant thrashing, her eyes wide and turned to the ceiling above before a similar violet mist seeped from Malia's lips. Finding it's home within another of Akasha's empty potion bottles. With this Malia is overcome with exhaustion and collapsed head first into Scott's chest. Who released a deep sigh of relief while Allison slowly lowered her docked bow.

Biting the inside of her cheek Akasha turned to the teens in her living room;arms crossed Infront of her chest. Anxiety written upon her lovely features. "I don't like repeating myself, so tonight I will tell you all everything. And the reason why your friend Derek was right about me." Akasha commented, her voice riddled with both bravery and sarcasm which only confused everyone even more. "What are you saying?" Allison probed causing Akasha to grit her teeth towards the Hunter. "Didn't you hear me?" Akasha hissed her words stunning Allison to immediate silence. While Scott could not escape the uneasy feeling growing in his stomach. And he knew that Akasha was perhaps the source of it.

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