Green Brilliance

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After leaving the howling Scott McCall in the dense forest that Akasha had begun to enjoy; she retired. Quietly making her way to her temporary home in Beacon Hills. She fiddled with the keys for a moment before opening the furnished home. Carelessly Akasha wiped her bare feet across the moss green welcome mat. Releasing a pent of sigh of relief at her new housing. This would serve her nicely for a time. Akasha's usual roofs would include low key motels. Ones of which the continuing flickering of the outdated tv sets would blind her. Before eventually lulling Akasha into a distressful slumber. But here, close to nature. Where her toes could dig into the very earth itself. It is here where being left to her own devices; that Akasha could be herself. Merge with Gaia herself in this space of hers. Where the smell of holy basil; and lavender filled the air.

Sending Akasha into a state of calm which was greatly needed. A serene smile made itself known to Akasha as she eagerly explored her new home. Her fingers grazing the vine covered rails leading upstairs. Akasha's heart sought rest; though she would never admit it aloud. Since arriving in Beacon Hills; the young Wiccan had drained herself of far too much energy. If she even attempted another spell; she would surely faint. And temporarily lose the ability to cast even the simplest of spells. It was a tedious matter that was a rarity in Akasha's line of work. She would not allow herself to get to this point again.

Akasha took in a few deep shallow breathes as she struggled up the slightly creaking steps. She found herself pressed against the walls; Akasha gripping onto the sides for support. The young woman could not recall the last moment she felt this way. Her entire body seemed like a foreign object to herself; every step was heavier than the last. She felt her entire body shudder upon making contact with the fresh sheets of her bed. Akasha used the last of her strength to send a gentle gust of wind throughout her candle lit room. Causing each flame to be extinguished without her touch being needed. Akasha cringed at the sudden discomfort which filled her body. Her insides burned horridly; as if thousands of fire ants had taken shelter within her. Nibbling away at every vessel, and muscle about her body. Seeking an exit of which Akasha could not give. A brief groan of discomfort left Akasha's lips.

She soon found herself swaddled in the many layers of blankets, her body tucked closely. Akasha struggled to hold back her cries of pain; blinking back tears Akasha tried to meditate. To take herself from this current situation and dive into the comforts of her mind. However everytime she attempted to do so a flash of horrid pain would form about her eyes and arms. Causing Akasha to yowl under the great strain; her body trembled violently as the sensation of being devoured by ants intensified. To a point that Akasha had even begun to claw at her own flesh, begging for relief.

After hours of discrete sobbing, Akasha found temporarily relief in sleep. Her mind floating about in the neverending blooming fauna of Akasha's dreams. It was here that the true beauty of her magic was it's brightest. It was here that Akasha would smile and embrace nature to it true potential. Among the thousands of blooms which fluttered about the air; Akasha held her right hand out. Hoping to catch a single petal of the beauty before her. However upon the petal touching her skin, the bloom began to shrivel in her clutches. Alarming Akasha who dropped the decaying petal to the ground, causing the entire flower garden to become drained of life. It's many hours of color were no more. Leaving the dreary color of death.

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