Conflicting Interests

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The living room of Akasha Ashthorne was perhaps the most cluttered it had ever been. Filled with a multitude of Supernatural creatures. Each eager for the information they were meant to receive from Akasha. The witch whom had brought not only her power to Beacon Hills; but her enemies as well. All eyes were upon Akasha, who pressed her back against the wall. Holding her breathe momentarily as well as all those who were present took their seats among the living room. Akasha knew they this could not be avoided and yet it did not make things any easier. 

With her arms crossing her chest, Akasha released a deep side. Her intense day is upon all who dwell within her home. "I suggest you all listen. I don't like repeating myself." "Then exactly why we are here dealing with your problems?" Derek Hale; chest heaving in irritation. He was not wrong when it came to his statement. Akasha had indeed brought turmoil to Beacon Hills. However this city was already right with its own demons. But that did not stop the accusations that were forced upon them. The car show was accustomed to such things, but regardless she would defend herself. No matter the cost.

Gritting her teeth, Akasha tilted her head towards the obnoxious Derek. A confident smirk plastered across his features at his statement. Believing he had won this battle, but he was wrong. Akasha Ashthorne was different. She did not cower nor falter. She was not one to shy away from a fight, and this was not different. Straightening her posture and maintaining her composure, Akasha exhaled slowly. She soon crossed the living room towards the disrespectful world, revealing her own tenacity to all around her. Eyes trembling with animosity, enough that Scott was compelled to intervene. Dividing the two supernatural creatures.

One whom held a permanent scowl, while the other held a coldness like no other. Flippant even. Disrespectful to those who did not understand. Teeth clenched as she spoke. "You can leave anytime you want wolf, but I won't guarantee your safety." Akasha informed, pupils dilated. Gleaming with their otherworldly emerald hue, causing even Allison to hold her breath. As Allison had witnessed the night prior, one of many abilities Akasha held. But not this. Such an aura of malicious intensity and ill will. Allison was unsure she was even looking at the same person.

And yet Derek refused to back down. Puffing out his chest and in an attempt to intimidate Akasha. Though he managed to the complete opposite. Feeling the kindling within Akasha's soul. Revitalizing her entire being, solely to protect yourself. And what she was. Tasha held no shame when it came to her heritage. As even in the supernatural world the term "Witch" was feared. And Akasha did not shy from this fact. No. She embraced it. For she realized that's her journey for survival continued, there was power in fear. And Akasha intended to use every advantage given to her.

It was not only her blood that placed here and others. No. It was her Wiccan coven, which was perhaps one of the most well-known families and nearly 400 years. Akasha was more than herself. She was her coven. Those who she witnessed take their final breaths. She was all raw energy and potential in a single vessel. Derek did not frighten her. For only one soul could strike terror within this woman and Derek was nothing compared to her. He was beneath Akasha and his ignorance towards her only proved it. Such unrelenting spite for her existence, many could not help but to witness Derek 's disdain.

How his blue eyes glistened with rage at the near sight of Akasha. It was nothing new to her. This wolf, no this man was nothing. While Akasha was everything that bloomed under the sun. Little knowledge within him, Derek dared to snarl towards her. Fangs bared in a menacing manner which caused even Isaac to shift rather uncomfortably in his seat. His eyes starting back and forth at the two beings filled with rage. A cautious hardened expression never left Derek's. Her pupils, the dazzling and dangerous. Seeking an outlet for such righteous fury. Akasha was ready. She always was. But was he? Was Derek prepared to crumble before the being he despised? Isaac took charge, aiding Scott in dividing the two rage field the creatures.

"We should all just calm down okay?" Isaac began, his voice trembling yet his eyes held their own power upon Derek. Someone the young Werewolf knew he could not defeat. However similar to his Alpha; Scott. The boy was no coward. Isaac was a fighter. The survivor. Something he immediately recognized within Akasha. He could not leave someone who shared his scars and trauma. It was not acceptable but his conscience of mess would not allowed Isaac to back down. Even if he did not defend himself, he protected others. And Akasha was no different. She did not need their protection, but it was there. And would be by her side as long as she wished.

Now the snarling; Derek Hale reached out for Akasha. Grabbing the woman by her shirt, gritting his teeth towards her fearless expression. Why? Why was she here?! Why did she have to come here? Didn't they all know that Derek was only trying to protect them? "You have them all fooled, but not me. I know your kind I know what you can do. What will happen even if you don't do it yourself! Your a plague! You only bring death!" Derek roared, his voice a mixture of man and beast. His mere voice shaking the entire house. Stiles swallowed hard at the scene before him before muttering "Um so maybe you shouldn't piss off the person that can talk to plants." His comment caused even Akasha to crack a small smile. The boy did have a point. Though Derek continued to hold her there. Perhaps seeking to place the very fear he felt into Akasha. But that was perhaps just as foolish as his actions now.

With he read lowered Akasha revealed a small smirk before stating the very truth she held. They should fear her, but there's another that even Akasha feared. "I may bring fear to you; but my sister is the bringer of death. We will all die along with everyone in this city. Supernatural or not. We will all burn." The statement alone caused the entire room to grow silent. Derek's eyes wild with both fear and resentment, darting back and forth searching for a lie. But only found truth. He knew just as much as everyone else that what Akasha spoke was no lie. For he saw the unhinged desire to survive in Akasha's eye. A single flicker of her own fear mixed within. Someone was coming. And by the look of Akasha; her sister was someone not to be trifled with. Someone that even Akasha could not defeat.

Derek's grip upon Akasha soon became non existent, allowing the you g woman to touch the ground once more. Their stare off continuing. " E-Excuse me? But did you just say burn?" Stiles stammered as he struggled to even breathe at the thought. " I said what I said. Kali will end us all if we don't stop her." "Your willing to kill your sister?" Issac questioned as Akasha simply nodded towards the lad. "She deserves that and more, I promise you that." Akasha clarified, leaning back against the wall as she continued to speak. "My sister needs to get her hands on the Nemeton. If she gets it—i cannot promise your lives." Akasha finished as Derek released a snark, slamming his fist into the wall. Creating a massive hole in the once smooth foundation. " And you brought her here?! What's wrong with you?!" " She would have made her way here anyway. Any location with a Nemeton will end in fire. "Akasha defended, refusing to show a hint of weakness to the defiant wolf.

"Then we stop her, end of story." Allison piped up, her own expression hardened as she turned her attention to Scott. "Allison's right, we have a pack. She's just one person. " Scott declared with a bold smile as Akasha shook her head at their hopeful words. She knew Kali. Had witnessed the harsh reality of betrayal that was thrust upon her. The heinous mocking of Kali's voice in her ear; as a puddle of crimson formed around her weakened body. Akasha's own tears mixing with her crimson sea. Akasha released a pent of sigh, swallowing back a mixture of agony and regret. "Kali singlehandedly murdered 54 accomplished Witches of my coven. Do you really think a handful of werewolves, a banshee, 2 hunters and a few humans can handle that?" Scott stepped forward his eyes never leaving Akasha's as he spoke. " With your help, yeah. " Akasha averted her gaze to the ground before sighing" Then take me to the Nemeton." Akasha said, arms still crossed as the now larger pack continued to converse about the whereabouts of the Nemeton. All the while Derek's eyes never left Akasha. He knew her sister was the biggest threat, however he could not shake the fact that Akasha was the beginning of it all.

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