Unlikely Allies

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"So um—circle made out of blood. That's another level kind of freaky for me." Sang a teenager rather nervously from the distance, the young man shuffled forward. Examining the fresh circle of blood drawn by the out of breath woman. Curious the brown eyed woman gave the young man a cold stare. Chilling him to the bone and causing him to shiver. "Woah chill out Ice Queen, I won't bite." He mused, rising to his feet and straightening his posture. In the moonlight he was quite handsome,though abit goofy by the looks of it. He was a young man lean man of medium stature who held  pale skin, brunette hair, and honey-brown eyes. His hair is was gelled into a messy style. All the while  his choice in was a simple pair of jeans, a casual grey hoodie and pair of converse. He did not appear threatening, however looks could be deceiving. The young woman knew this more than anyone.

Stifling back a cry in pain, the young woman forced herself to stand. Her footing was indeed shakey but she managed. Her small frame seeming more like a wounded animal than a dangerous one. Cautiously the young man began to close the distance between himself and weakened woman. She found herself pressing against the tree even more, seeking to almost become one with the bark itself. Though the young girl's eyes became wide at the sight of the goofy teen stepping over her blood circle. A threshold against all who dared to harm her. And the boy passed through it, almost as if it were non existent. Releasing a breath she had been holding, the cold eyed girl relaxed abit. He was human, no threat for now. But still the young man remained on alert, the leaves which danced through the air moved through her. The very wind itself billowing through her curly locks; eyes closed for a moment she allowed herself to become one with nature around her.

A dim emerald glow radiating off her very skin, glimmering in the moon lit night. Alarmed the boy stumbled back, his eyes wide in fear. For the very greenery at the woman's feet too gave off this ethereal glow. And though he was fearful, the young man couldn't take his eyes off the sight. As the woman seemed to almost blend into the very nature that surrounded her. A few moments passed before the petite framed girl opened her eyes, her deep brown irises glistening with sparks of emerald within them. Swimming with energy and power that the teenager had never seen before. Her intense glowing gaze was upon her, and when she spoke cause the earth to shake beneath their feet. "You are no threat, but the same cannot be said for your friend." The woman's statement causing the boy's mouth to run dry and his pulse to quicken. She knew he wasn't alone, but how?

Nervously the young man eyed their surroundings, his mind racing at just what he and the others had stumbled upon. And just how maybe he should have waited for his friends and not chased down the Werewolves alone. Swallowing the lump forming in his throat, the young man held his hands out before him. Hoping to surrender and calm down the powerful being before him. "Whoa,hey let's Let's just calm down—" He began, the teenager's attention turned to the bleeding shoulder of the girl. "Look, I'm Stiles and I'm not gonna hurt you. And neither are my friends." Stiles continued before slowly and courageously walking towards the girl, his eyes lowered. "Then tell your friends to come out,I don't care to be cornered." The young woman barked lowly, making Stiles laugh nervously. "Uh, yeah that's a problem. You see, their out protecting us right now from more of those things." Stiles began, his statement confusing the young woman greatly and her concentration slowly began to waver. For the many voices of nature did not call out to her. Nor did the intense glow remain in her eyes. She groaned in discomfort, as she struggled to even stand. The young girl clutched onto her seeping wound, noticing a sickly black residue within it. She hissed, her teeth clenched before she found herself falling. Slowly at first it seemed into the ground below, though before she hit the ground a pair of strong arms encircled her tiny waist. While his free hand, effortlessly supported her head.

Though her body fought against her commands, the feisty young woman was able to open her eyes. Her vision a blur of colors and the moonlight above. She couldn't help but to curse herself, unable to focus her vision. Yet even so something stuck out in her poor vision. A pair of eyes looked down upon her, and they were the most lovely and frightening blue the girl had ever seen. Her heart began to race, for she knew of her situation. The boy called Stiles was not friends with any normal humans, but Werewolves. And the final one drew near, though this one kept his distance. And most of all out of her sight. Almost as if he or she was showing submissive behavior, a curious trait when it came to were creatures.

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