Conflicting Compassion

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The final bell signalling the end of the schools day for the many students awaiting freedom. And among this vast sea of teenagers was the "Pack" of which Scott McCall was it's Alpha.  Lydia Martin stood among the group; her arms crossed while a displeased look was plastered upon her face. "She's not here. Then again I can't blame her." Lydia commented, Scott and the others already aware of who she was referring to. Akasha.  The witch who had stumbled into Beacon Hills with danger nipping at her heels. Her at times aggressive and stand off mannerisms we're infact off putting. But Scott knew it all came from reason. One that he wasnt quite sure of, but the young teen felt this to be true.

"I mean what do you expect after last night? If an Werewolf attacked me in my house I'd sure be pretty messed up." Stiles prodded, shrugging his shoulders earning a deep sigh from Scott. Something that a certain teenager took notice of; giving Scott's right hand a gentle yet reassuring squeeze. This simple gesture immediately set Scott's mind at ease, as be soon found himself smiling rather fondly towards the woman before him. Allison Argent was everything. Her lightly freckled face, dark brown curls that Scott adored. And a smile that could light up even the darkest room. She was the one thing that seemed to always be right in the world. Allison was there by his side, willing to bring joy to Scott's world. And he accepted it wholeheartedly.

And yet there was something that Scott could not shake. An urge to leave the comforting side of his pack, his girlfriend. But why? What drove Scott to such thoughts? Why now? With these thoughts swarming his mind the words of Derek rung clearly in his ear. "Her kind is made to draw us in. If you let her you'll destroy everything." Was Derek right? Shaking his head free of these thoughts, Scott spoke up. Informing his pack that he would visit Akasha; checking on her condition and perhaps ask her aid against further issues. "Didn't she blatantly say she wouldn't help us?" Isaac pointed out as Stiles held back a chuckle. "Yeah she did say something like that. But that was before she owed Scott a favor. Soooo let's call it in." Stiles informed with his normal toothy grin, of which Scott couldnt help but to chuckle in agreement.

"Stiles is right, I'll go talk to her. Maybe she'll change her mind about helping us." Scott commented with a gentle shrug of his shoulders. Unknown to him, Allison's eyes were upon the young teenager. She agreed to the decision of the pack. However that did not mean she had to like it. "I'll be watching your back." Allison informed Scott. The two making eye contact. It was moments like this that Scott remembered just how beautiful and capable Allison was. Her once gentle demeanor was washed away. Leaving the calm clarity of a seasoned warrior. She would keep her word. Allison would watch his back. Scott knew this, and yet that did nothing to soothe his mind.

"Alright it's settled. Scott you deal with Ms. Blair Witch Project and Allison—do Allison stuff." "Oh you know I will." Allison answered back with a confident smile. After the meeting Scott made his way across Beacon Hills to his destination. A scene once strewn with the blood of both beast and man. The home of Akasha Ashthorne. The 2 story house stood out among all the other homes around it. A certain sweet aroma which drew Scott towards it. Bid him to take a step; and then another. However to the plain eye it was simply an ordinary house.

The house had more of a traditional look to it. Being built with stunning poplar wood and white pine wooden decorations adorned the entire building. Spaced out of course and yet each wood carving held a single meaning. Protection. Small octagon windows aided to overall simple style of the home. Causing the entire building to be symmetrical in a way that was aesthetically pleasing to all. Vines bearing multicolored blossoms littered across nearly every stone surface before the entryway.

Scott stood before the entry way, his eyes trailing to familiar bluish purple flowers which draped about the home. An act that reminded the young teen who he was against. Someone whom was well informed and capable of crippling Scott to his knees. And foolishly he did not care. With his left hand resting upon the door; he allowed a few knocks against the ancient wood. With his heighten hearing Scott could hear it. The shuffling of a single pair of footsteps. The steps alone were quite sluggish, perhaps due to exhaustion. Shaking his head free of these thoughts the door soon swung open to reveal the mysterious woman whom had invaded Scott's thoughts as of late. Akasha.

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