God of the New World

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       Ori really wasn't sure what she expected when L slowly turned his head to see Ryuk's lanky body by the door, but him falling against the bed and screaming like he'd seen Death (which he did) sounded pretty good. 

       He looked between Ori and Ryuk frantically, mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish. 

       "I- you- it- we- what?!" His brows were bent back into the most expressive face Ori's ever seen him make. 

       "Hey, the name's Ryuk and I'm a Shinigami, also known as a Death God," Ryuk said it as if he were introducing himself at an interview. L nodded deftly.

       "Yes, all right, I understand everything about this." He turned away from Ryuk to meet Ori's face with crazed eyes. "There is nothing about this that I understand." He hissed in a sharp, whispering tone. Ori took his hands, ran her thumbs over the sharp bones of his knuckles, and then set them back down in his lap. She raised herself up from the couch and moved between L and Ryuk. She sucked in a deep breath like she was hoping she could get the whole explanation out without being interrupted, which she was. 

       "Light is Kira and he's been using something called a Death Note to get rid of criminals." L scanned her face as if looking for any signs of lying. 

       "Light is Kira."


       "And he's been using a Death Note-"


       "To kill criminals."

       "Yes." L was quiet, interlacing his long digits together and resting his head on them. He looked at Ryuk, considering him closely. 

       Then he broke out into pleased laughter.

       "I was right." He shot up from the bed, scooped Ori up into his arms, and swung her around the room. 

       "I was right! Not about the Death Note because who could possibly guess that something like that exists, but Light is Kira!" His laughter was deep and melodic and contagious and had Ori laughing right along with him. 

       Then the laughter stopped. 

       Then L placed Ori gently back on her feet, hands placed gently on her waist. His eyes were sad, even if the rest of his face was still.

       "That means that Light killed Vivian." He whispered. Ori's grip on his shirt tightened around his shoulders. 

       "Yeah, I know." It wasn't something Ori had given much thought to since she got her memories of the Death Note back, but it hurt all the same. 

       "Oh yeah, Light was trying to use Vivian's death to bring you closer to him," Ryuk said. 

       "How did he think that was supposed to work?" L asked. He pulled Ori back onto the bed with him, his arm pulling her closer to him. Ori found herself snuggling into his comforting warmth.

       "He was hoping that you'd be so crushed that he could come swooping in like your best friend and get you on his side." Ryuk crossed his legs under him and sank to the floor. Ori spotted the bowl of fruit on her kitchen counter, a number of apples glinting in the natural lighting. 

       "That's some real fucked up yandere shit," Ori said as she exited from under L's arm and made her way to the bowl. She picked out an apple and threw it to Ryuk.

       "Now about the Death Note," L started, "what is it exactly, may I see it?" 

       "Yeah, Light wanted to lose all of his memories of the Death Note for a while to make him look more innocent, then he'd find a way to kill you." Ryuk pulled the Death Note from the little metal cage that dangled at his narrow waist. 

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