This Wasn't The Plan

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       Light leaned against the wall of his cell. He'd sit on the bed, but honestly, the floor was more comfortable. Ryuk was standing next to him, body twisted up until his arms were dangling in the air behind his back and he was hopping on one leg to stay balanced. Light was still sure that the Shinigami was either faking his symptoms or was over exaggerating, but as long as he was under surveillance, he couldn't complain about it. 

       Almost two weeks have gone by since Light 'turned himself in'. Just enough time for the deaths to stop and the Task Force to grow even more suspicious. He'd be getting rid of the Death Note soon, maybe a few more hours; he only hoped Ryuk wasn't stupid enough to forget to take the Death Note back when Light says to 'get rid of it'. That would mess up the entire operation. Ryuk wasn't stupid, but he was oblivious and ran on his own agenda. That almost proved difficult on several different occasions. Like the security cameras in Light's room. If Ryuk had missed a camera and ate an apple in a clear spot, that would've been impossible to explain away without giving up his entire plan. 

       Ori was also an issue. When he suddenly forgot all of his memories of being Kira, he might try to convince them he's not Kira, which will make Ori more of a problem to deal with. Her emotional state would be too fragile to properly work around his plan. He needed her to be vulnerable enough to become friends with Misa, but not so angry and devastated that she'll shut down or go running to L. Her mental state has been fragile enough since joining the Task Force; Light didn't need her messing everything up for him. 

       "Hey, Light," Ryuk whispered, "how much longer do we need to be in here?" Light didn't know why he was whispering; it wasn't like anyone could hear him. He also didn't know why Ryuk was asking. Light couldn't respond while he was being walked. 

       "Oh yeah, you can't respond," Ryuk said with a cackle. Light wasn't sure if he was being mocked and teased, or if Ryuk and truly forgotten that Light couldn't answer. He was starting to think that Shinigami were more trouble than they were worth. Rem had already been a pain in his ass with her obsession with Misa. At least she was out of his hair for now. The sooner Ryuk gives Rem his Death Note and she takes it to Yotsuba, the sooner Light can get out of this godforsaken cell. 

       "How are you doing in there, Light?" L asked. 

       Perfect. This was the opportunity Light needed. 

       He tried shrugging his shoulders, but it was hard with the cuffs. "I think my pride's the one thing holding me back." He fought the twitching smile tugging at his mouth. "Maybe I need to just get rid of it." There was a small moment of silence, then Ryuk erupted in crazed laughter. It was so abrupt that Light jumped. Ryuk howled like a wolf crying to the moon. It was nothing short of animalistic. His limbs untangled and he hunched over until he was mere inches from Light's face. Those red, beady eyes seemed to stare into his soul. Light would recoil if he could. 

       When Ryuk's mouth opened, something sour and acidic akin to rotten apples assaulted his nose. He could see the saliva stringing from his teeth. 

       "It's been real fun, pal, and I'm sure that whatever you had planned would've been entertaining, but I already had a deal going with Ori. She promised me that I'd have a better seat to the show from her side, so the Death Note will be going to her. Enjoy yourself here, Light." If it were possible, Ryuk's black lips stretched further up his face. Panic gripped Light's throat like the steel cuffs on his wrist. Ori had undermined him? When? Did she know this whole time? No, she couldn't have. Ryuk said the Death Note was going to her, and her reaction to his confession said that she didn't know. 

       Light bit back a gasp. 

       "Did you realize it?" Ryuk asked with a rasping chuckle like he was trying to swallow ground coal and glass. "I touched Ori with a piece of the Death Note all the way back during the exams. She only knew for a few days, but decided to give up ownership in case something like this happened, and it did. Guess she knows you pretty well, kid." The Death God rolled back on his heels. Long, gnarly fingers intertwining. Light could breathe, couldn't swallow. He couldn't process what was happening. It was all over. 

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