Parties of Cake and Misa (Part 1)

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       "Let's get this shit started!" Ori shouted. She was in the kitchen while everyone else was seated at their chairs in front of the screens. Apparently, none of them wanted to be in the kitchen when Ori inevitably made a mess. Which was bullshit, all right?! Ori's never made a mess in the kitchen before. She was actually very good at baking; she learned from Vivian.

       "J-just don't blow anything up, Maggie." Matsui requested in a shaky voice. "We'll still need the kitchen."

       "Oh, shut the fuck up, Matsui." She snapped. Raito was gone, getting his girlfriend, Missy, or something like that. Ori was still waiting for him to come out as gay, but it was whatever. Watari was nice enough to help her with all the different cakes, which was awesome.

      "I could always get L to come in here and help if you'd like. For liking sweets so much, he knows nothing about baking." The old man said. Ori put on a smile. Those were becoming easier now; they didn't feel quite so forced anymore. 

      "That's okay. Thanks though." She was placing out all the ingredients for the cake mix. Thankfully, the kitchen counter was spacious enough.

       "Understood. L, come out here and help." Ori dropped the box of piping bags on the counter and held out her arms in disbelief. What the fuck? She's just said that she didn't want his help. Was Watari going deaf in his old age?

       "No thank you." L said. "I'd prefer to just eat it."  Now Ori was pissed and wanted to make him help just because he was being an ass.

       "You know what? Fuck it! L, get your skinny ass over here before I drag you by that mane you call hair!"

       "You know what? I think I'll help you. They say cake tastes better when you make it yourself." Ori laughed as L's chair moved from its spot and the sound of his jeans rubbing against themselves as he moved came closer. 

       "Light just sent me a text." He informed her. "He'll be here with Misa ina bout five minutes." 

       "So that's her name!" Ori snapped her fingers. L's already blank face turned somehow blanker. 

       "Did you seriously forget her name?" He took a glass bowl and poured the water inside. 

       "Do you think I'm some forgetful klutz who doesn't remember the name of her friend's girlfriend?" She took the bowl from his hands and dump a cup of cocoa powder inside and began whisking it.

       "I think you're a dick who purposefully doesn't commit certain names to memory." He shot back. Ori had to move away from the bowl so she wouldn't spit in it.

       "Woah! Did you just swear?!" Her eyes were wide. L shrugged, acting like him calling her a dick was no big deal. Well, maybe she was a dick, but damn. Instead, she laughed and let it go. It was funny anyway.

       "I'm impressed. I haven't heard a single swear word come out of you since we first met." She finished whisking the chocolate together and mix in the flour, sugar, and baking powder. 

      "Hey, guys!" Came Raito's voice. There was another voice talking to the members of the Task Force. A female's, high and girly. It reminded Ori of a valley girl; she was immediately annoyed. When the girl's voice and clacking heels came closer, she gripped the whisk and glass bowl harder. 

       "Please, don't break the glass." L whispered. "I don't think Watari would be happy."

       "Sure," Ori said through gritted teeth. 

       "She's under suspicion of being Kira 2, by the way." He said next. If Ori had been holding the glass bowl away from the counter and over the floor, she would've for sure dropped it. 

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