The Capturing of Misa Amane

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       Light was pleased when L asked him to keep going to school. He hadn't shown up in a while, not that his professors would care, but him going could help L see that he couldn't be Kira if he was such a good student and did all of his work. Ryuk hated the idea. Well, more like he hated school. He still went on about school being boring and how he couldn't eat any apples there. 

       Misa was also an issue. She was constantly begging Light to stay at the hotel or leather go to school with him. Matsui had to remind her that she still had photoshoots and modeling to do.

       So Light really shouldn't have been surprised when she showed up at Todai during his lunch break.

       "Light!" She shouted. She was so loud, all the time. Light internally thanked Ori for keeping Misa busy for as long as she did.

       She came running down the sidewalk, a wide small stretched over her face. Her blond pigtails swung around her head in the most irritating of ways.

       "What are you doing here, Misa? I'm at school." He fought to keep the irritation from his voice.

       "I know, but I was on a break, and when I saw the time, I realized that you were on lunch." Light wanted to ask how she knew his schedule, but he refrained. With a silent sigh, he turned and cracked his neck. It felt so stiff.

       "All right, let's go-"

       "KYAA!" He was cut off by a sudden scream. He whipped around to see a number of men in all black restraining Misa. People were beginning to look at them, and when they saw Misa, a crowd began to gather.

       "Is that Misa Amane?"

       "No way! Misa-Misa?" Light could hear people talking amongst themselves, but Light was quiet. He was fuming on the inside; he knew L was behind this, no way anyone else would be in charge of arresting Misa.

       "Misa Amane, you are under arrest for the possession of illegal drugs." A man shoved a white piece of paper covered in words in her face. Misa, understandably, looked confused and alarmed. 

       "Wait a minute-" they shoved a back over her head and cuffed her wrists together behind her back. Light watched as they hauled her away. They went around the corner, and then they were gone.

       L was ruining everything. 

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       Ori didn't want to wake up. She wanted to stay asleep, wrapped in her blankets, but she had work to do, they all did. So with a disgruntaled grown, she detangled herself from her sheets and tripped into the bathroom. She felt like she hadn't showered in days. 

       She turned on the shower and stripped off her clothes, catching sight of the scar running down her back. The skin was raised where it was been ripped apart, like a mountain range. It cut through the spray of freckles on her back, rough and dark on her skin. 

       With a slow moving hand, she brushed her fingers over the scar. The skin was sensitive, but touching it didn't hurt. It was kind of tingly. Showering with it was painful sometimes, the power streams of water on sensitive skin wasn't her favorite thing in the world, but she dealt with it, she just had to remember to turn down the heat every once in a while. 

       Stepping into the shower, Ori let the water splash over her face and hair. It tangled and grew heavy around her hips. It'd gotten long. She had never really noticed. Most of the time, she had her hair tied up in a loose bun at the nape of her neck. Maybe she should cut it, though L did seem to like it long.

       Her face flushed and she threw the thought from her mind. 

       I should just focus on getting clean. She ran her loofa over her skin, sudsing it and almost completely hiding whatever freckles had been there. When she was clean, she tilted her head back and let the water run over her face once more. The bathroom was quiet aside from the spray of water echoing off the walls. 

       Ori usually didn't like quiet; it was too empty and vast, but the shower was peaceful, she could either think of everything or think of nothing. There was no such thing as the Kira Case in the shower. She could pretend that when she opened the door again, Vivian would be standing on the other side with a smile, warm and genuine.

       Of course, that wasn't realistic. As soon as Ori left the bathroom, she'd be thrust back into the case and Vivian wouldn't be there. She had to go back to the real world at some point, but she didn't want to yet. She wanted just a few more minutes of solitude and peace.

       That didn't last long though. She was clean and just wasting water at this point. She turned off the shower, her overly long bangs dripping water on the floor. Maybe Watari knew a barber or something.

       She threw on a pair of jeans and a too big t-shirt. Ori didn't know if the jeans she was wearing were an old pair or one of the dozens Misa had made her get; most of her jeans all looked the exact same. They felt new, so maybe they were.

       She took the elevator down to the lobby. It was passed noon, which felt weird. Had Ori really slept that long? Or was her shower long? 

       Ori walked into the lobby and froze. On the monitor was something that chilled her to the bone, it bordered on horrifying and sadistic. 

       It was Misa, bound and blindfolded, wearing practically nothing but rags. Even from far away, Ori could see her legs shaking with the effort to hold herself up. How long had she been there? 

       Her eyes locked on L, he was talking into a mic, asking Misa questions about Kira and the tapes. Misa wasn't talking, however, she remained silent. Maybe it was the forensic light shining down on her, but she looked deathly pale.

       "What the fuck is that?" She snapped. Everyone turned to look at her but L. Matsui looked scared while the chief and Aizawa looked like they had seen this coming. 

       "It's business." Came L's flat voice. "We're finding Kira."

       "And what? You couldn't bother to keep me in the loop. You have three minutes to explain yourself." Her blood felt hot and rushing, and cold and frozen all at once. Her back ached and her head pounded. 

       "Chief Yagami, could you and the others please go to another room?" The chief nodded and motioned for Matsui and Light to go to another room while Aizawa whispered something in L's ear, then they were all gone.

       "You said I had three minutes, right?" He asked. 

       "Starting now." His eyes were empty and dark in the dim light. It was a haunting look that Ori wanted to cast from her memory. L turned away from her briefly to turn off the microphone, then he looked at her once more.

       "Okay. Three minutes."

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       I just can't stop, can I? I always gotta bring in some angsty and dark shit. 
       Until next time... Doragon-Chan is out!
       "Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
       -Kahlil Gibran

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