Operation: Infiltrate Misa (Part 2)

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       "Clothing fibers, hair follicles, nail clippings..." L droned on, chewing on a granola bar. He wanted to check on how Ori was doing, but he had to stay in his room and get all the evidence to find a way to convict Misa of something. He'd have to do when Light is at school. She'll most likely follow him or show up during his lunch break. She certainly seemed like the type.

       Watari was standing off somewhere to the side pouring a cup of tea

       "Maybe I can frame her for having drugs or something. I can have her in an area of the hotel with cameras all over the place. She'll stay there until she confesses."

       "Will Ms. Nanase agree to that?" Watari asked. He set the tea down next to L and he took a long sip.

       "Whether she agrees or not doesn't matter. We have to do this."

       "All I'm hearing is that you won't be telling her." The old man said. L felt himself jolt, his tea sloshing around in his cup. Ori would either hate it or be completely on board, no in between. She was complex and hard to figure out, but that much was clear. Since the Vivian incident, she's become much more readable, but L wasn't sure if that was a good thing. 

                                                          <>       <>       <>

       The jeans were very much the problem. The shirts were fine, they were a little big and the ends of the sleeves hung around Ori's fingers, but the pants were a different story. Misa was built very differently compared to Ori. Despite being shorter than Ori, Misa had longer limbs than her. Her waist was much thinner than Ori's, but her chest and bottom were bigger. So the jeans were too long, too slim, and too wide all at once. She tossed them aside and they landed on the side of the tub, then looked back at her reflection in the mirror. 

       Ori had never had an issue with her body image; she thought that everyone was built the way they were supposed to be, as long as they were healthy, but looking in the mirror now, trying on Misa's pants, she looked like a child. 

       She yanked her jeans back on and slipped a blue button-down shirt on over her Led Zepplin shirt. She tried to fix her scowl, but all it did was lessen by a fraction. This case wasn't good for her patience. Whatever.

       Misa wasn't happy with Ori's appearance. In fact, Ori was sure she was even more displeased.

        "How do you look even more like a street rat?" She seethed. Ori waved her off, crushing down the displeasing feeling spreading throughout her body.

       "It's not my fault you're pants don't fit me. I can always grab my own."

       "No! I don't trust your sense of style."

       "That's rude."

       "It's true. Come on, we're going shopping." She hooked her arm around Ori's and dragged her to the door. She heard the click of a lock and the soft creaking of the door drifting open and snapping shut, and she was in the hallway. Childish panic set in and Ori was screaming for L's help.

       "L! Save me! Don't let it end like this! I'm sorry for anything I've done wrong; I promise I won't do it again! Forgive meeeeeeeee!!" She continued to shout. At some point, they stopped at the kitchen and Misa shoved two cookies in her mouth and three more in her hand.

       "It'll be less painful if you'd just calm down. This will be so much fun. A girl's day!"

       The word shook through Ori's core. 

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