Just Tell Me (Part 1)

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       Ori used to like dreaming. She could fall into another world and dream about all the possibilities that couldn't happen in real life.

       Now, Ori was plagued with dreams of being wrapped in a white blanket, warmed by the morning sun and long arms wrapped around her torso, a teasing smile pressed up against her neck as L nuzzled under her jaw and pressed sweet kisses there. She woke up in the middle of the night crying, feeling guilty, cold, and alone.

       L didn't talk to her through the cameras anymore. He kept his word and gave her space. He kept his promise and Ori was miserable. She wanted to talk to him, to apologize and beg for everything to go back to normal, but everytime she looked at him, the words froze in her lungs and her heart accelerated. She understood the saying about butterflies now.

       Misa wasn't any help. Any chance the blond got, she'd try to meddle in their 'relationship' by trying to get them alone, or asking them to go together to get something. Her intentions were clear and usually it was L who left the room before Ori had the chance. She was grateful on a surface, but underneath in the storm swirling around, she was hurt and angry, mostly with herself. To end all of this, all she had to do was talk to him, but she just... couldn't. It was scary, the idea of walking up to him and pouring her heart out to him, even when he did the same just a few days before. She wasn't playing fair. 

       Working was hard. She couldn't focus and everytime they were by themselves, she couldn't stop the images of her gripping the collar of his shirt and yanking him into a kiss. Ori was beginning to think her face was going to end up permanently red. 

       She let her head fall on her table with a groan. Maybe the physical pain would distract her from her emotional torment. 

       "Why can't I just say that I love you?" She wondered aloud. 

       "Maybe because saying what's on your mind isn't your strong suit." Came a grainy voice over a loud speaker. Ori jumped, letting out a squeak, and found her chair tipping backwards. Time moved in slow motion as she fell backwards, legs ending up over her head and the back of the chair on the ground. 

       "What is wrong with you?!" She hissed, like she was afraid of someone else hearing. She could hear L's laughing through the static, and her heart jumped. 

       "I'm sorry," not sounding at all apologetic. "I just heard you talking and figured I'd put in my two cents."

       "If you want your two cents put in, then do it here where no one else-especially Matsui-will be eavesdropping like a pervert instead of out in the open!" She felt on the verge of hysterics. Still, L just gave a huffinf laugh.

       "Do you want me to come to your room?" The question was innocent enough, as was the answer, but it was still stuck at the base of her throat. She wanted to talk, more than anything, she wanted to sort all of this out and come to an understanding, but talking was also the issue. Putting feelings into words when it counted wasn't something Ori was particularly good at, especially in person. 

       "Honey? Are you all right?" The concern in his voice was easy to pinpoint, but that only made it harder. 

       Swallowing down the growing uneasiness in her chest, Ori looked up at the camera, taking in a deep breath.

       "Yeah, can you come up here?"

                                                                 <>       <>       <>

       I wonder how many parts I'm going to end up making by the end of this story, because there were five parts to Parties of Cake and Misa, and now this is a part, so that's six parts so far, and I don't know how many parts are going to be left in this chapter. Anyway, I was thinking that I'll wait a little while before making the next part just to make someone of you suffer, or maybe I'll be merciful to both you and myself because I wanna see how this turns out too.
       Until next week... Doragon-Chan is Out!
       "We accept the love we think we deserve."
       -Stephen Chbosky

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