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Xue Yang decided he would not torture this boy. Not yet at least, no. Nie Huaisang, he was, Xue Yang had decided, quite interesting. He wanted to learn more about this boy. The other was ever so timid, and yet of all people it was him whom Wei WuXian had brought to watch over him? He could not help but want to laugh, that was before he remembered, Wei WuXian was quite intelligent. Everyone knew that. It was not exactly something that was hidden. The boy was talented, and he most certainly was definitely capable, and so it was rather confusing to him. Which was why he found it rather confusing that he would set such a timid person with him. After all, should Xue Yang decide to try and leave, it would be rather easy. The other's cultivation level was fairly low.

Xue Yang leaned back on the bed, settling himself in comfortably as he mentally thought things through, there was quite a bit to consider after all, and Xue Yang had plenty of time to do it after his little talk with the younger master. If Wei WuXian had left such a person with him, he knew that there was a reason for it, even though he was not entirely certain as to what exactly it was. It was not exactly a logical reason, of that Xue Yang knew. Although he was not going to try and escape, if he wanted to, it would not exactly be difficult. the boy was rather timid and easily intimidated, or so it seemed. It would not take much to paralyze him, and Xue Yang would be gone before anyone ever realized it.

Perhaps that was why Nie Huaisang was here. Perhaps the boy was kept here to test Xue Yang's desire to leave. Yet, he hesitated to state that was the case. It was quite obvious that Wei WuXian was quite attached to the young master, even if not so much as he was the Second Young Master Lan, Nie Huaisang clearly had managed to hold a portion of Wei WuXian's care and worry. The two were...for lack of a better term...friends. More or less. It would not be like someone like Wei WuXian, even if he had only known the other for at maximum a few hours, to put someone he cared for in danger. 

So he would have had to figure out that Xue Yang would not try to escape. Which was exactly where Xue Yang was stumped. How had the other known that he would not at least attempt to fight the young master and leave? How had he known that the young master would interest him enough that Xue Yang would decide not to harm him? Or was there something else at play. Something different and something that he was missing that would really piece the entire play together? As of right now, Xue Yang was rather unnerved. For Wei WuXian had seen through him, and had figured out that he would both not try and escape, and he would not hurt the timid young master before him. It left him stumped, and quite anxious as to how the other had figured him out so well.

While he had known that the other knew him, of course, it was rather difficult to try and see how it was that he had managed to read him so effortlessly. That was what Xue Yang wanted to know. Though, he supposed that could wait. There was more entertaining things to do at the current moment. Just because he had decided not to torture the young master, or kill him, did not mean that he could not mess with him a bit. 

Xue Yang was also more then capable of enjoying such a thing. After all, it was fascinating, and it was not often that he came across someone his own age that was so gentle and timid. He knew that Wei WuXian had a side to him like that, but he was also aware that it was likely that Lan Wangji was really the only person to see such a side, maybe his little family (though perhaps not, given the fact that he had essentially annexed himself from the Jiangs).

"So," Xue Yang began, watching with glittering eyes as the boy jumped, suddenly tense. It was quite hilarious how scared the other was of him. Though he supposed the young Nie had reason to be, he was a well known murderer after all. "Tell me more about this...Young Master Wei," Xue Yang demanded. 

Nie Huaisang could not really help but be surprised. Of the two, he had expected the murderer to ask over Lan Wangji. Though he supposed that Wei Ying had saved him, so of course he would be a little more curious over Wei WuXian then he would Lan Wangji. Or at least, that was what Nie huaisang thought. He was not privy to the fact that Xue Yang wanted to know more about the person whose very air he breathed in reeked of power, and such an intense power that it made him dizzy with it. Perhaps because such a thing was not to Nie Huaisang's awareness. 

Something which made Xue Yang shocked. it would seem that the amount of people unaware of just how powerful Wei WuXian was. He could practically bask in the amount of power that sizzled under Wei WuXian's skin at any given moment, and yet others thought him to be powerful, yes, but not in the same way. they did not realize how truly powerful he was, else they would fear him much more.

"Well, to be honest, I don't know much. I know he is Lan Wangji's only rival, the only one not afraid to really go up against him using full strength, well, I suppose he is also probably the only one who could. Lan Wangji is immensely powerful. He is also the 3rd in the list of Young Masters. Although, putting him there was quite a controversy." 

"Why is that?" Xue Yang asked, brow furrowed. He was a brother to Jiang Cheng was he not?

"He was adopted. His biological father was a servant to the Sect Leader. Well, before he left that was, and married Wei WuXian's mother and then had him. They became rogue cultivators. So I suppose even saying that Wei WuXian is the son of a servant is somewhat incorrect."

That was interesting. Xue Yang had not taken that into consideration. Though his parents being rogue cultivators would definitely explain his time on the streets. They had probably died on a night hunt or something similar. 

"He is very good at the Dizi, but he barely even bothers with it, he is super restless all of the time, and Lan Qiren cannot stand him for some reason, even though he is one of his brightest pupils, and he is obviously in love with Lan Wangji." Nie Huaisang counted off his fingers as he stated them. He looked back up and yelped as he saw Xue Yang standing but a few feet away from him, eyes wide as he clung to the wall. Xue Yang was quite amused with this boy.

Yes. This would be fun.

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