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In some ways, as much as he hated the conclusions, Xue Yang did remind Huaisang a lot of Wei-Xiong. He knew that he shouldn't say that, it was rude, and not just that but Xue Yang was sort of a genocidal maniac, and it was not something that he would think that Wei WuXian would take well to being compared to. He could not really help it, it was just, sometimes, when he saw Xue Yang, he was reminded of Wei WuXian. It was not all of the time, it was select moments when he was with the man. There was just, somethings that he had seen Wei-Xiong do that he also saw Xue Yang do. 

They both had that horrible sense of restlessness that seemed to possess their being whenever they were forced to stay still or quiet for too long. Restlessness, he had seen Wei-Xiong horribly restless during Lan Qiren's classes. He tried to play it off over and over again about it just being the differences between the Jiangs and the Lans, but he knew that there was more to it then that. Especially since the other Jiang disciples, such as the Sect heir, and the lesser disciples, though they may not have particularly liked the way the lessons were run, they did not have much trouble just listening to them.

It was not just during the lectures either. One could say it was just because he did not care, but Huaisang felt it was something a bit different than that. He obviously knew the information, he just was too bored to really pay attention to what was going on around him. Huaisang saw the same thing in Xue Yang. It was times like, this very one, when Xue Yang had attempted to break out of the room, not because he wanted to leave, but just because he was bored, that he was strongly reminded of Wei-Xiong. It was something that he could see the other doing. A drastic action that was made all because he was irritatingly bored. 

Wei-Xiong had done things like this before. Huaisang always found some sort of amusement in them. It was almost as though the other needed some sort of movement or stimulation to bear through the boredom of everything else. Huaisang admired Wei-Xiong for managing to finish the Lectures, despite the fact that he had been thrown out early, still as one of the top guest disciples that had attended. It was admirable, and Huaisang knew that it definitely was not something that occurred often. Particularly since he may or may not have happened to be in the close vicinity of Master Qiren when he was grading and grumbling over the fact that Wei-Xiong had done so well in spite of having left prematurely. Of course, why he was lingering outside of the Grand Master's grading quarters...well...that had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Huaisang had wanted to brace himself for bad news before having to deal with Mingjue. Naturally. Although he would admit that he had done better than in previous years, thanks to Wei-Xiong, while he still did not get anywhere close to where his brother wanted, he had still passed, which was a relief considering it meant that he would not have to redo the courses again next year. He doubted that he would manage to survive that. He hated the classes, and it was hard enough before Wei-Xiong had showed up. 

It was of a similar vein though. He saw Wei-Xiong in Xue Yang, at least a small portion of it, and he knew that Wangji-Xiong had caught onto it as well. How could he not? Wangji was probably one of the most observant of them all. He would have noticed that there were incredibly similarities before any of them. Wangji-Xiong may not be able to really express what he felt, but he knew what he was looking at, and the other had leaps and bounds of intellect that Huaisang had to admit he was quite jealous and wary of. 

"Do you think he will answer any questions I have regarding his work on talismans?" Xue Yang questioned, leaning back and forth precariously on the chair. His eyes were shining bright and Huaisang felt a sense of fondness ring through him that he really should not have. He questioned himself, feeling fond of a maniac that had murdered an entire clan was not the best way to go. He knew that, but it did not help that tiny bit of warmth at the way Xue Yang's dark eyes sparkled. 

"He may, I am not really sure." was what he decided to settle for. "However, as long as you keep your questions simple and basic, I don't think that he will have much of an issue." The mischievous gleam in Xue Yang's eyes definitely worried him, but he decided to forego that one and instead press Xue Yang for more information that he hoped would be somewhat useful to them, at least a little bit. He felt bad for not managing to obtain information, despite the fact that it was obvious that Xue Yang enjoyed his company, at least somewhat. He had not killed him yet, or tried to, which Huaisang took as a good thing. "I...you don't have to answer if you don't want to." Huaisang said immediately, preferring to preface with that. The last thing he wanted was to be attacked because he had asked a somewhat personal question. 

"Go on," Xue Yang said, leaning his head on his hands, staring at Huaisang unnervingly. Huaisang would admit, Xue Yang's dark eyes were both beautiful, and terrifying in the same vein. It was an odd combination. 

"Well, you said that you were on the streets as a kid. I know...I know that Wei-Xiong was as well. I was just wondering, why...why did you choose that specific sect? Was it because they were the ones that you lived among when you were...alone?" Nie Huaisang built up the courage to ask. Xue Yang almost laughed at the worried look in Huaisang's eyes but settled for answering the question, as a reward. After all, he was quite impressed that he had managed to ask the question in the first place. 

"Yes, actually. That is why I am one finger less than I should be." Xue Yang said with a shrug watching as the young Nie cultivator winced at the information. "Not to worry, I got my revenge. I don't intend on pursuing it any longer you know?" He gave a bit of a toothy smirk as he added the next part, "Not that I think that your precious little Wei-Xiong and Wangji-Xiong would let me even if I did intend to do so." 

"Well...I am glad that you don't have any more thoughts of revenge." Huaisang said nervously, not really sure how to continue this conversation now. 

"Besides all of that, what use is it? I think I am beginning to see the benefit of staying here. At least nobody will try and kill me here." Xue Yang said this with a sharp smile, and Huaisang began to worry, just a little bit wondering if this was all some sort of deviant plot of his.

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