Comforting Reminders

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With Xue Yang finally settled outside of his home, he was rather a bit relieved. True to form, he had not tried to break in, or anything of the like. Although, they had fixed the barrier to allow Nie Huaisang access. He had not known really why he had agreed to it. They had been trying to protect everyone, and of the cultivators in their generation it was Lan Zhan and Wei Ying who were the least likely to get ripped apart by the demonic cultivator simply because of their cultivation level and how strong their cores were. He would not bother dwelling too much on it though, because the sincere shock and awe that had descended upon Xue Yang left a bit of a tug at his heart. He remembered someone showing simple kindness, and though he had not massacred an entire city, there was a part of him that simply could not help but wonder what would have happened if Xue Yang had been given the chance that he had. 

Then again the chance that he had really did not turn out so...well, but that was besides the central point. The whole epitheth of this was the fact that while he may dislike it, Xue Yang and Nie Huaisang had cultivated a sort of...friendship he would say, that or Huaisang was trying to gain information for his gossip circle, but it was more likely, from what he had seen considering it was both Huaisang and Xue Yang who had inquired after the other, that Xue Yang did hold some sort of respect for the other. Huaisang was clearly willing to enter the building that Xue Yang was in without remorse so it would seem that during the time Lan Zhan and he were away the two had fastened a sort of weird relationship. 

Not that Wei Ying was one to begrudge. He was the one who wanted to help Xue Yang in the first place, he was the one who had begged Lan Zhan, and he was the one who had taken Xue Yang form the face of the cultivators, and ripped himself from the Jiang Sect at the same time. Something which he really had not had too much time to think over, or process. Everything had been a bit too chaotic and stressful for him to worry too much over that slight...factor. 

Now that he was forced to think about it, he found it...less heartbreaking than he had previously believed that it would be. He had believed that ripping himself from the Jiang clan would tear him in two. They were the ones who had taken him from the streets after all. For some unknown reason however, it did not hurt as much as he had fully expected it to. It still hurt, he was not heartless, was not the same, in some ways, he felt lighter, rather than heavier. As though there was a weight off his shoulders. In his head, it did not make much sense. Although perhaps a bit crude and a little cruel and hurtful, they had still sheltered him when there was no need to do so, and even still, it was, well, better than the dogs, and the streets and the cold and pain and biting. He should be far more grateful. Granted, what they did was wrong, he knew that, Lan Zhan had opened his eyes to a lot of things. There was still a small part of him that wanted to say that he was not being grateful enough though. Despite knowing that Lan Zhan would say that they had been willing to take a child in and therefore should have properly supplied that child with a caring and loving environment, as they were responsible for the kid that they decided to house, Wei Ying could not help but think that this lack of pain regarding his departure of the Jiangs...was somewhat problematic. It hurt, a bit, after all he had spent a long while in the clan himself, and he had happy times, just, not as many as the negative times. 

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan's voice lulled him out of his self depreciating thoughts, and turning his head he saw that look in Lan Zhan's eyes. He knew. "Wei Ying did something good. Leaving." Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a small smile. 

"I-I do know that. I just...after settling Xue Yang and, I began to wonder. Xue Yang did not get the same...the same benefits I did to life. Shouldn't I be more grateful to the Jiangs, and yet, instead I defected from their sect." Wei ying sighed heavily, shaking his head to try and clear it. "They did not do that many great things but they still did house me, and train me, you know?" 

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan's voice was stern. "It is not Wei Ying's fault. You left, and you deserved to leave. You do not owe them your well being, nor your life, when they have shown no care or regard for it despite using you as a stepping stone for their means." Wei Ying sagged down a bit, reveling in Lan Zhan's words. 

If Lan Zhan said it, he knew that it was true. It made things a bit easier on himself. For, really, Lan Zhan would never lie. Perhaps sideline the truth, but then again that was not technically against the rules, and the stern reproach in his voice was enough to tell Wei Ying that he was being one hundred percent serious. Despite his reputation, Lan Zhan was quite fiery when he needed to be. It was...a sight to behold, truly. 

"Brother suggests that we allow Nie Huaisang more time with Xue Yang," Wei Ying glanced up at that, somewhat shocked. 

"He hasn't...told Nie Mingjue yet has he?" He whispered, a small grimace appearing. Lan Zhan shook his head. 

"Brother does not think it quite necessary, yet. In the future, he does intend to divulge this information, however." Wei Ying nodded, that was the best approach after all. The two were sworn brothers. 

"Well, Huaisang and Xue Yang do seem to have some...friendship going on. It would be remiss to let it fade. I think Master XiChen is right in the sense that we should cultivate this friendship, but carefully." They did not want Xue Yang becoming obsessed with Huaisang after all, as that may potentially do more bad than good. 

"Brother also feels that perhaps Wei Ying should join the two in their talks at least once per week." Wei Ying yelped, shocked at the suddenness of that and stared at Lan Zhan with wide eyes. 


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