Back to the Present

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To help readers, Author will begin to state whether they are in the past or present at the beginning of the chapter.

Lan Zhan...Lan Zhan had been home for quite a long time, and to have Jiang Cheng question that, and question Lan Zhan, and insult him...Wei Ying did not care whether it was intentional or not, the fact remained that it had happened, and it really just...pissed him off more than anything else. Nie Huaisang did not say anything about what had happened, just stood next to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, Xue Yang in between the self proclaimed friends. 

Nie Huaisang high doubted that they do were only just friends. He had seen the way Wei Ying had taunted and messed with Lan Zhan continuously, the way he would sing praises to the other and about the other even when the Lan was not around. It would seem as though Wei Ying had developed quite the crush on the man, and then when they had come back from whatever had happened on the waterfall in the mountainside, something different had occurred.

It was as though they had become all the more closer. Though, from the way that they had tumbled out of the cave in each other's arms Huaisang had guessed that they would be much more close after having an almost near death experience...

Yet, he had known that it was more than just that. After all, for all that Nie Huaisang may not be strong in the arts of cultivation, he was incredibly observant and keen, as well as very cunning. It was something that not many in the cultivation world could boast of...barring Wei Ying and Lan Zhan of course. For while the sect heir's brother could use cultivation, he was not anywhere close to as strong as some of the others in GusuLan, or other clans, but he was smart and observant enough to where it did not really hinder him all that much. Really, he was quite lucky in that regard. 

Therefore, he did not miss the brief wide-eyed look which Lan XiChen had given the two when they had tumbled out of the cave, nor the stunned stiffness which would hardly be noticeable even to Nie Huaisang had he not been standing right next to the other, as he dragged his eyes down to the band which linked their hands. The eldest of the group had then commanded Lan Wangji and Wei WuXian to come with him...leaving three rather stunned disciples in their wake, Lan Zhan gently tugging Wei Ying to follow his brother. Jiang Cheng looked like he was a second from exploding, and Wen Ning was just horribly confused. Then again, even Nie Huaisang was not completely understanding of the situation.

Yet, it was that very situation which Nie Huaisang was reminded of when he looked at the two currently. He could not really get it out of his mind that something that happened in the cave, something that had caused the two to become so much closer than they had been before. Perhaps it had started sometime before that, but ended the tension the moment the exited the cave. He really wished that he would be able to figure out what exactly it was, but he doubted that they would just simply tell him. 

No matter what Jiang Cheng had tried to conclude, Nie Huaisang that the other simply was not too bright. After all, who would not see the lingering blank looks which the elder had given Wei Ying in the cloud recesses, thoughts unknown to all but his brother. Even then, Lan Zhan had offered to oversee Wei Ying's punishments in the Cloud Pavilion. That was not something that would often happen, Nie Huaisang was certain. He knew that an elder Lan sect member was typically in charge of the punishments of the guest disciples, Lan XiChen was normally that person, however, not Lan Zhan. the other rarely offered to do such things, and yet here he was. 

So he knew that there was something different. The way Wei Ying had looked as he stalked towards Jiang Cheng...that was rather frightening. Nie Huaisang had never really seen such anger and hatred in the eyes of his older friend. If Lan Zhan had not managed to get through to him, he really did not want to know what would have become of the Lotus Pier Sect Heir. It was rather frightening to think of. 

Nie Huaisang looked at Xue Yang curiously. He knew that there was something going on with that whole situation as well. While Wei Ying worded himself as though he had honorable intentions, he could not help but think that once again Wei Ying had seen something that the rest of them had not, and therefore placed himself in the danger zone to protect the other because of that. If he looked, Xue Yang had seemed...odd, yet he could not really figure out how. 

It was obvious Wei Ying had seen something, and Lan Zhan had not questioned whatever it had been. Wei Ying had looked more than furious at first, when it came to Xue Yang, but then after they actually met the teen, something in his countenance changed. He playfully teased the other, and yet, when those two rogue disciples had almost snapped and slapped the teen, Wei Ying had not hesitated to move in between the two and the slightly psychotic teen. 

That was why he knew...he knew that there was something. Something that he was missing. As a person who prided themselves on being observant, he hated that feeling. He did not like being in the dark. However, try as he may to force himself to reach the revelation which Wei Ying seemed to have gotten whilst within Xue Yang's presence, he simply could not understand what it was that had made Wei Ying want to protect him, and return him to Gusu. 

The best thing that he could do was to swallow his meager pride and ask Wei Ying about why. For, as much as he hated having to rely on someone else's observations, he was also insatiably curious about what it was with this teenager that had caused Wei Ying to snap so fiercely.

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