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"Why are you alone?" Was the first thing out of the Sect Lady's mouth. "Where is that brat?" Jiang Cheng tried to stop the resentment from flooding him, but was unable to quite manage it. Here I am. Alone. Safe, thanks for worrying though. Jiang Cheng saw his mother's lips curl as she continued to look for Wei WuXian in the small contingency that had gone with Jiang Cheng along with the Lan boy, Wei WuXian, and the Nie boy. Useless, because he left. Not deigning to say a word, he pulled WuXian's clarity bell from his robes, grabbed his mother hand and dropped it inside before walking away. He heard her screams of 'what does this mean' as he walked down the hallway, not in the mood to entertain her anymore. 

Wei Ying left. The realization was barely even settling in. He had no idea what he was going to tell Yanli. Had no idea what he would even begin to say regarding the issue. So much would need to happen now. They had to try and scramble to find another Head Disciple. Wei Ying having left really put them in a tense position. Wei Ying had taken the role effortlessly, and plenty of the teaching roles, which had saved them quite a bit of money. They had just needed one person to teach Wei Ying, and Jiang Cheng, usually his mother, and from there Wei Ying would split his studies among the rest of the disciples. Now they would need at least two or three separate teachers to handle what Wei Ying managed to do without much effort. Jiang Cheng had never really known how he managed it, but he had to admit to himself he had not really cared either. It was now his position to care, considering he would likely be put in charge of everything Wei Ying was forced to do until they found the adequate people to replace him. 

What an absolute pain. He thought as a servant hastily rushed after him to inform him that the Lord and Lady wished for his presence urgently. Of course they do. Our best disciple is gone, and now we have so much to handle just because some brat couldn't handle a bit of pressure. Even though in his heart, Jiang Cheng knew that Wei Ying was bound to break at some point, he had just hoped that the other would manage a bit longer until he was more capable. It would seem that this was not the case, now, and he had no idea what he was going to do. 

Jiang Cheng scoffed, and waved the servant away. The servant merely stood, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Well? What is it? Did I not dismiss you or are you waiting for some other miracle to land in your way to dismiss you?" The servant licked his lips clearly unnerved at the swiftness of Jiang Cheng's anger, though it was nothing like his mother's, it was similar enough to get many unnerved, and wary of his presence on a good day. Considering this was definitely not a good day in Jiang Cheng's opinion, it would definitely be in the servant's best interest to hurry up and finish what he wanted to say...before he lost his temper. 

"The Lord and Lady are waiting in the Lord's study, and request your presence immediately." The servant had by some miracle not stuttered the sentence out, despite his clear nerves and anxiety at having to inform Jiang Cheng of this. It was admirable, and on a good day Jiang Cheng would commend the servant his bravery, this was definitely not a good day, however, and in the end, the information merely agitated him further. 

"I am well aware, but thank you for clarifying something I already knew. Now, get out of my sight." Jiang Cheng commanded, his eyes narrowing on the timid servant and the way he scuttled away as fast as he could. He sighed, leaning against the wall of the hall. He had not even managed to find his sister before being summoned by his father and mother, though he supposed he probably should have seen something like that coming his way. Yanli would have to wait, it would seem, as he knew putting off this information further was definitely not going to end well. 

He took an abrupt turn and began walking in a different direction this time. Towards his father's study. He knew that this was going to happen, he just wished that it was not happening now. He did not have the frame of mind to continue to deal with this sudden release of Wei Ying's presence. The other had done wonders to calm Jiang Cheng, always offering himself as supplication for it. What was he to do now? He did not know, did not want to think about it, there was so much that would need to be done now. 

"Father, Mother, my presence was demanded." Jiang Cheng stated simply. 

"Yes, it was." Madam Yu hissed, her eyes glaring at him. Jiang Cheng really wanted to roll his eyes as she thrust out Wei Ying's...or what used to be Wei Ying's...clarity bell. Jiang Cheng stared at them as though they were stupid. 

"What does it look like to you?" He questioned, causing his mother to slit her eyes towards him. 

"Do not take that tone with me, Jiang Cheng!" She hissed poisonously. 

"A-Cheng, please state clearly," Jiang Fengmian sighed out. He had his eyes closed and his fingers rubbing against his temples. That headache is about to get a whole lot worse. Jiang Cheng thought viciously to himself. 

"Young Master Wei decided to defect from the sect." Jiang Cheng spat out, reveling in the shocked looks of both of his parents. Jiangmian looked almost panicked, while Madam Yu had a stunned look upon her face. It was definitely a moment to savour, as Jiang Cheng knew that he was definitely not going to see it again. At least not for a long while yet. The simultaneous panic on his father's face whilst his mother was stunned to a rare silence. 

"He...defected?" Jiang Fengmian questioned, his voice breathy, as though he could not believe it. "Wei Ying, defected from the sect?"

"No, I just have his clarity bell with him nowhere in sight as some sort of joke." Jiang Cheng sassed. His father looked about ready to pass out. 

"That ungrateful little..." Jiang Cheng sighed, not wanting to deal with the ensuing fight and slammed the door as he made his exit. He was so not in the mood to deal with them at the moment. He had to find Yanli. 

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