Part 23

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Xue Yang was getting more and more bored, and he really just wanted to murder something. Was that really too much to ask? He needed to do something. Having been forced to sit in a room for hours on end really left him jittery and just wanting to wring something with his hands. Not that he would be allowed to do such a thing, he already knew. In his head though, if they were going to force him to stay in this room, the least that they could do is visit him on a somewhat regular basis. What was this? He was just left alone most of the day to wile his way into trying to figure something to do, but there was nothing to do which made things more and more annoying. The most that he could do was continue to try and escape, but that had lost its allure when it became obvious that no matter what he did the talismans held fast and strong. So he did not really bother with that anymore, it was no longer really all that fun.

"If they are going to leave me trapped in some room they could at the very least give me something to do. Like some book to read, or something to draw, or something." Xue Yang muttered to himself in annoyance. "Besides that there is not much I can really complain about I suppose. Which is also annoying. There is plenty of room, I get fed three times a day, which is more than what I had previously. I have shelter, and a bed...I just don't like being stuck here with nothing to do. It is horribly annoying. They could give me something to do, but I doubt that they would do that. I knew that Huaisang would not be able to visit every day, but he has been gone for at least three days now. What is taking him so long." Xue Yang pouted at himself, annoyed and frustrated. "He is the only person I actually like in this foresaken place, is it really that much to ask that they let me have him every day?" He kicked the blankets off of the bed, laying his head back and staring up at the ceiling. "There is nothing to do, which is worse than being tortured. At least then I could assess how good the torture is." He huffed in his frustration and endless boredom.

"Xue Yang?" The boy in question instantly jumped up, body practically vibrating with energy. He had not seen anyone, not heard anyone, and had not had anything to do in ages, and now there was someone in his room, and he recognized the voice as well, which was better than anything he could really state. He was practically dying of relief. He had been freed from the endless cycle of boredom.

"Huaisang!" He said with joy, bouncing off the bed and wrapping the younger boy in a tightly wound hug. "Oh, thank goddess. I could swear that I was about to die from complete boredom. You know there is really nothing in here to do other then try to break the Talismans." He huffed, letting the boy go as he dropped back onto the bed dramatically. Huaisang laughed, somewhat amused that the other was so agitated. He had not expected...Well, to be honest, he had not really known what he had expected when it came to the murderous genocidal maniac. Him acting as though he were but a restless child was not one of them. He was really acting very similar to Wei Ying in this instance, barring the fact that he just casually informed them that he had attempted to break through the barrier that was keeping him in place. Naturally, he had obviously failed in this attempt, but then not many could beat Wei Ying when it came to talismans. It was not the most common form of cultivation, but it was definitely one that Wei Ying had refined to such a perfected form.

Well, that and Wei Ying just enjoyed crafting new ones and messing with everyone. Wei Ying may be horribly oblivious at the best of times, but his ability to think things through was...astounding. He was definitely an oblivious genius. It was someone ironic if Huaisang was forced to really think it through. He did not really bother to dwell on these things though, because he could see it performed in front of him, which was always ten times better than just guessing. He made his way through gossip and rumors, of curse, but those were never really confirmed, and it was just gratifying when he picked and chose the most likely ones and they just happened to be correct. He loved that so much.

"You tried to escape from the hut?" Huaisang asked innocently. Xue Yang paused, glancing over Huaisang carefully assessing the way he had said that, wondering if he should try to deny it. Then again, it was sort of useless, since he had technically already confessed, if not directly, he knew that Huaisang would see through it without him trying to do anything. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yes, but I was not really going to escape." He rushed to state. "It doesn't matter anyways because I did not manage it. I don't know what Talisman it is, but Wei WuXian is clearly quite adept at making them." Huaisang nearly laughed at that, as it was he merely flicked his fan open to hide his smile.

"Of course, Wei-Ge is quite talented in talismans. He created this one himself." Huaisang watched, waiting as the information drilled its way into Xue Yang's mind and the other knew the moment that it did. He turned to stare at him, his dark eyes wide.

"He...created it?" Xue Yang questioned, his gaze far off. "That is quite impressive really." He whispered to himself.

"I know, Wei-Xiong is quite impressive at the best of times." Huaisang said with a small shrug and a smile that was hidden behind his fan.

"You won't tell him that I tried to escape?" Xue Yang suddenly latched onto the fact that Huaisang had not said anything regarding it. Huaisang hummed.

"Well, I do not think I have to. I am fairly sure that he will know the moment he comes to look at them." He said with a shrug. "Either way, he is coming later today. Him and Wangji-Xiong had something they had to do first, but afterwards they said that they would drop by." Xue Yang smirked.

Oh, that would be interesting to see.

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