Part 21

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"Why does he think that is a good idea?" Wei Ying whispered, he stared at the ground, not wanting to meet Lan Zhan's eyes as he did this. Worried about what he may see there, after all he was questioning Lan XiChen's ideas, he was not sure that Lan Zhan would take well to that. He knew that Lan Zhan was kind to him and he would not hurt him, but he would likely be disappointed. Wei Ying was not sure if that was better or worse really. He understood where XiChen was coming from. He could have had the boy sent to Mingjue to await what claimed to be a fair trial, he could have just left well enough alone, yet, he had not. He knew that he had been the one who pushed to have Xue Yang re-educated, but at the same time staying with him was somewhat unnerving. He saw himself in the boy. "I...I am not really sure that it is....Wise, at least, for me to have so much time with him." 

Wei Ying stared at him, waiting for him to reply, his fingers jumping on his leg, nervous at how Lan Zhan was going to take his words. He held his breath as Lan Zhan seemed to think about that for a moment, watching Wei Ying carefully as he contemplated what exactly he should say in return to this. Humming softly, he put his hand on Wei ying's shoulder, pulling his attention once again to him. 

"I think Wei Ying will be okay." Lan Zhan said definitively, nodding his head. "Wei Ying is...Strong," Wei Ying smiled at Lan Zhan's words, despite the fact that he could not really help but be a bit nervous. He was sure that the elder's heart was in the right place, but he was not entirely certain that it was the best go of it, at least for him. He knew that Xue Yang represented the person that he very well could have been, and a part of him wondered if he should be thankful to the Jiangs more so than just defecting from their sect, yet Lan Zhan was also right, he deserved better. The Jiangs treat him as though he is useful now but a life to be discarded in the service or to sacrifice for their own children. He supposed the question of whether they ever truly saw him as their own, was really answered for him. He had known Madam Yu, but he had hoped...

Either way, he supposed despite his reservations XiChen had a good point in trying to get him to interact with the volatile person more. Wei Ying was what Xue Yang could have been, and Xue Yang is what Wei Ying could have been. Their roles were a bit different, but they could understand each other as they had gone through similar things. Wei Ying just happened to get picked up, whilst Xue Yang did not. He supposed that it was quite unfortunate. Could Xue Yang have been saved if all he had been shown was a bit of love? Maybe, maybe not, but tying Xue Yang to something a bit more permenant was good for his health. 

At least, that was what Wei Ying hoped that XiChen was thinking. He did not know what exactly it was that the elder had planned for with this horrible idea, and despite Lan Wangji's reassurances, he was not really all that certain that it was a good idea, but he was the one to vye for him, and he was the one who asked him to stay with the people in the Cloud Recesses, he supposed that the least he could do is spend some time with the maniac. Even if he dreaded it, he knew that there was a good reason for it, to some extent. He would be willing, despite his reservations, and really what was he going to say? No? Definitely not. 

"Okay, I will visit him time to time, I suppose that it is a good plan to some extent, even if I do not really find it all that enjoyable." Lan Zhan gave Wei Ying a small smile at his agreement, glad and somewhat relieved that he would not have to go to XiChen with negatives. 

XiChen was young be he was a good leader, and Lan Zhan valued his elder brother greatly, he was not sure that he wanted to deny him, at least not in this. Lan Xichen was making great potential sacrifices, and taking a great risk. Still, he knew that if Wei Ying would refuse, he would stand firm on Wei Ying's refusal. No matter what, Lan Zhan did not want Wei Ying to feel as though he had to obey his brother, despite knowing that XiChen was a sect leader. Furthermore, Wei Ying had agreed to stay in the Cloud Recesses, which was beyond his wildest dreams. 

"Will tell brother," He whispered softly, glancing up at Wei Ying, wanting to say more but not really knowing what to say. He sighed in his mind, breathing carefully before tentatively pulling Wei Ying in for a hug. 

It was stiff, and somewhat uncomfortable, but Wei Ying practically melted, causing Lan Zhan to relax as well. Despite, their domesticality, Lan Zhan often felt that there were times that he was unsure how to react to certain things. He knew that it was somewhat stupid, and knew that he should pay more attention to those sorts of things, and he understood that it was utterly ridiculous that he could not really comprehend when Wei Ying needed certain things, and that sometimes he was stuck thinking if he wanted a hug or not, but it was always the comfort that Wei Ying never pushed him away. 

No matter what, Wei Ying had stuck by his side, despite his inability to perfectly state what he thought. 

"I can...go with Wei Ying, if he wants." Lan Zhan felt a breathy laugh as Wei Ying smiled into his hug. 

"That would be wonderful, Lan Zhan, thank you," 

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