Horribly Annoying

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Xue Yang had in fact, attempted to leave. He had done so several times as a matter of fact, not because he truly wanted to, but mostly to just see if he was able to do so. He was curious how powerful this...this...Wei WuXian's wards were, his talismans. It was not a common form of cultivation, but it would seem that Wei WuXian was able to do it with every bit of effectiveness as other forms because the talisman set barrier did not budge. Once. Not once. Xue Yang would admit he was a bit salty at that fact. It was quite impressive though, so he supposed he had to give the other credit, even if it was agitating. For someone to be capable of using such a meager form of cultivation, that uses next to no spiritual energy to create such a strong barrier. He had heard the whispers that Wei WuXian was a genius that was not allowed to grow within the Yunmeng clan because of Madam Yu's dislike and jealousy. It was shocking to see that in some regard at the least, they were correct.

It was not like he was even intending to escape. He would be stupid to do so. He was lucky that he had been given a second chance, not that he intended to reform himself, or whatever else that these Lans' thought that they could do. He was not some person that would just change for the good of the people, or whatever else. He was quite happy with where he was at, but he also did not want to die. He was not an idiot, and he somewhat valued life...when it was his own. He rather liked Huaisang as well, so he supposed he would have to make sure that he lived too, but for the most part, he knew full well the moment that he stepped foot out the Cloud Recesses, that he was practically fair game and would likely be dead in a matter of days, if not less. He was lucky enough that Wei WuXian was a naive and compassionate person. As well as that the Yunmeng clan had shoved him into the arms of the Gusu clan, and that Wangji had fallen for the illustrious Wei WuXian. Really things had just happened to work in his favour, and that was something that almost never happened, so he was quite surprised by it.

Huffing he sat on the floor, glaring at the glowing Talisman that was above the door. It was mocking him. He was determined to figure out a way to break the barrier. Not even to leave, but perhaps he could do it, and then they would...well...Xue Yang really did not know if he was being honest. He was quite sure that Wei WuXian, from what he had heard of the boy, would be easily able to figure out another containment method, he was almost dead sure that he definitely had other forms of back up plans that he was unaware of. Who knows what else he would think up. Xue Yang groaned dropped his back to lay flat with the floor, annoyed. He could not believe that he was stuck doing this, how the great fall. How...How annoying. He was horribly bored, and really just wanted to meet with Huaisang again. He would not even kill him. Granted, at first he had contemplated doing exactly that, but considering his days that now consisted of the dull monotony of...well what he was doing now, bored as all hell and stuck staring at the ceiling, Huaisang was really quite entertaining. He was sure the boy was normally entertaining, but Xue Yang doubted that he would have given him the time of day had he not been forced to do so.

Curse Wei WuXian for being able to see through him. He did not do well with boredom, and Huaisang being the only re-prive that he had really...well it was quite the work of art. It ensured that he did not kill the boy out of hast or annoyance. After all, annoyance was better than the mind numbing boredom that he was currently forced to endure. Perhaps he could appeal to have Huaisang around more. Or something. He was not sure about other people, Huaisang was quite fun when he wanted to be, Xue Yang...well, he could not say that he needed or wanted his companionship, but when faced with the sad reality of what his days were like without the boy, he had to say that he much preferred his company. That did not mean he could not just as easily kill anyone else. Wei WuXian had picked someone that was interesting to him, which was definitely a wise choice on his part as anyone else would have been killed not a few moments through the long talks that he had with Huaisang.

Usually about Wei WuXian and Lan Wangji. Not that he particularly minded, though it was somewhat jarring just how much the boy could talk about the two. Perhaps it was because he too found them interesting, and as such he would be more than willing to have someone that would listen to him ramble on and on about his theories about the two, which was something that Xue Yang had of course picked up. Huaisang, for all that he may be useless at most cultivation styles, particularly the one that the Nie are embedded with, the boy definitely had an ear for gossip. He knew a little bit about everything, and had information to span days. He was particularly observant, and capable of drawing conclusions from almost nothing and they typically ended out correct, if what the other said was true. He may not be much use on a battle field, but he could be deadly if used in the right way. Something that Wei Ying obviously knew perfectly well if the dark glares were any warning.

It was interesting how Wei Ying saw so much more than he stated. Xue Yang admired that, just a little bit. It would definitely make this game a bit more fun, assuming he could get the two to actually come around. Xue Yang wanted to mess with someone, some people, it was just annoying when there was nobody around. How...horribly annoying.

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