Lan Zhan's Efforts

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Lan Zhan hummed softly as he worked on Wei Ying's battered body. He calmly cleaned and wrapped his bandages as Wei Ying sat in silence. The silence was different, however, as it was not really...uncomfortable. Usually Wei Ying found silence unnerving, but this time it was different, he was quite comfortable with the silence which he was handling at this moment. It was a calming silence, broken only by the soft uttering of Lan Zhan's humming. Wei Ying felt as though he could fall asleep to such things.

Moments later he felt himself being lightly shaken. Wei Ying startled awake, up within seconds, looking wide eyed at the person that had been waking him. Lan Zhan was standing next to him serene, as usual. Wei Ying felt himself relax fully. He could remember some of what had gone on the day before, but it was also kind of fuzzy, and hard to really remember all that much. He could vaguely remember Lan Zhan asking to see his injuries, and the feel of Lan Zhan bandaging them as well.



Wei Ying began to panic as the rest of the information of the evening flew through his mind like lightning. He had been slightly groggy before, but now he was more awake than anything he had previously felt before.

He was screwed. Lan Zhan KNEW. Who knew what Jiang Cheng would do now that he had someone else who knew what was going on. He bit his lip harshly as he watched Lan Zhan walk about the room. Wei Ying took this rare opportunity to look around the room as well.

It was beautiful. He could not deny that. It was so very Lan Zhan that it made him smile just a little bit. Everything that was in the room was fairly place, but s impel. There was not really any touches of unique things, which was just about as Lan Zhan as one could possibly get. The lack of ornaments and unique things were just Lan Zhan's own type of personality shining through. Wei Ying had to smile a little bit at that, as he continued to glance about the room and take everything in silently.

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan called softly. Wei Ying turned to look at the other, and saw that he had food with him.

"Lan Zhan, it is not..."

"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan stated again, and this time his voice was much more stern than it had been before. Wei Ying knew Lan Zhan well enough to know that he was not going to be getting out of this anytime soon. He would have to eat, even if Lan Zhan stayed there all day. Wei Ying was most certainly not going to delay Lan Zhan if the other had any responsibilities to tend to, and Wei Ying was actually quite certain that he did, so he would just have to deal with his pride and eat with the other.

He saw that Lan Zhan had gone through the trouble of also finding spices to try to liven up the food, undoubtedly realizing that Lotus Pier and Cloud Recesses food was incredibly different. It was, the Cloud Recesses was known for having more bland food, which did not make it any less good, but Wei Ying was much more used to the spicy food of the Lotus Pier. It was such a thoughtful gesture. Wei Ying knew that it had to be incredibly difficult to manage to find spices in the first place, within the Cloud Recesses or even without, and he could not help but swallow the well of emotions which flew through him, and he was utterly incapable of stopping his eyes from glistening with tears from the appreciation of such an act.


"Mhm. Eat." Lan Zhan said simply. Wei Ying felt his mouth form a fond and gentle smile, looking at Lan Zhan gently. He sat down in front of his food and eagerly began to eat.

It was heaven. He had no idea how Lan Zhan had known which spices would work with trying to blend the flavor with the Cloud Recess' typical style of food, but he had figured it out somehow. Wei Ying knew that this had to have taken him quite some time to manage, but he was more than grateful all the same.

"Jiang Disciple told me." Lan Zhan answered Wei Ying's unasked question. Wei Ying felt adoration shine through his eyes, and he did not even bother trying to hold it back knowing that it would be utterly impossible. To think that Lan Zhan had gone out of his comfort zone to put him within a comfort zone of his own really...Wei Ying did not know what it was, what these emotions which were crashing through him like a sudden dive off a cliff were, but it was more the clear that he was so very overwhelmed and heartened but Lan Zhan's desire to set him in a comfortable atmosphere after the night before.

"Thank you," Wei Ying said softly.

"Mhm." Lan Zhan stated simply. Wei Ying bit his lip. After all that Lan Zhan had done for him, Wei Ying knew that he was wanting more information, but he also knew that Lan Zhan would never demand it of him. He wanted Wei Ying to do it himself. While the other had no other intention other than making him feel more stable with the food which he had brought, he felt that he owed Lan Zhan an explanation. Especially if the other was going to be trying to keep him from Jiang Cheng like he somewhat assumed the other would be doing.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying began, setting his chopsticks down softly. Lan Zhan looked at him gently. Wei Ying inhaled deeply. "I...Jiang Cheng...It is not exactly uncommon you know." Wei Ying began. Apparently Lan Zhan did not know, but assumed as such because all Wei Ying could tell is a flash of anger within the other's eyes. "Madam Yu is much worse. Jiang Cheng just gets angry a lot, and it tends to come out more...physical in nature."

"Mhm," Even without the abundance of words, he knew fully what Lan Zhan was trying to convey. "Stay here." Lan Zhan said simply. Wei Ying's breath caught and he grasp Lan Zhan by the sleeve, eyes wide as Lan Zhan looked down to lock gazes.

"C-Can I go with you?" He asked softly. Lan Zhan's gaze seemed to soften, and with a small sigh, he nodded once. Wei Ying scrambled to his feet, pulling on his outer robes and quickly following Lan Zhan.

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