Xue Yang and Wei Ying

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Wei Ying put no hesitation as he placed his body before Xue Yang's, before Xiao Xingchen could do anything to warn his partner, his head forced to the side at the weight of the slap. Wei Ying swallowed, his breath abnormally fast and short as though he had run a marathon, his body faintly trembling from...something. His face was turned towards the ground, though it was obvious he was trying to hold something back. Jiang Cheng simply watched, shocked. Nie Haisung and Lan Zhan were the only ones not incredibly shocked at Wei Ying's actions. The way he placed himself before a Dark Cultivator, and took a strike meant for him? It was not something which Jiang Chen had expected, nor, given the reaction, said their guests expect such things either. Xue Yang was watching Wei Ying, confused, and feeling just a little bit conflicted. Wei Ying's hands clenched, his teeth gnashed together trying his best to contain himself, loosing a battle, his breathing getting more shaky and harsh as his fury rose swiftly, scarcely capable of holding it back.

Xue Yang was the first to notice the dark mist gathering at Wei Ying's hands. His brows furrowed, confused. Was this man a demonic cultivator? He discarded the thought instantly. It was not possible. Wei Ying, unable to hold himself back anymore, began to speak.

"I would think it above such Righteous Cultivators to strike a bound man. No matter how cruel his words." His reprimand struck at the guest cultivators hearts, striking them deeply. Wei Ying lifted his eyes, his will to suppress the dark emotion slowly filling him having finally taken lost the battle of his ability to repress the anger which was flying through him in waves.

"He..." Xiao Xingchen quickly silenced his partner, not wanting to risk anything. Things were already bad enough, without adding to it.

Jiang Cheng, he was nervous. His body was shaking for some unknown reason which he could not understand. He had never been scared of his adopted brother before. It had always been the other way around, but something seemed to have possessed Wei Ying at this moment. A sort of dark anger which he had not seen before.

"I will take him." Wei Ying said simply. Xue Yang froze, staring at him, mouth slack in shock.

"Wei WuXian!" Jiang Cheng finally seemed to have gotten over his self-imposed shock, and screamed. He could handle many things, but taking a dark cultivator the entire cultivation world was looking for? He could not stand for such actions. The Lotus Pier does not need to be housing a criminal. Jiang Cheng could not stand for such things. Wei Ying, however, did not even acknowledge him. In any way.

"We will take him." Wei Ying said simply, his voice clearly showing how angry and aggravated he was, the emotion bleeding through easily. "You, clearly, have showed you are incapable of handling yourselves. Perhaps you should go back to your teacher and speak to her about what you have done. I am sure she will not be too pleased."

"Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng growled angrily. "You will not be taking this criminal back to the Lotus Pier. I will not allow it!"

"Did I say I would take him to the Lotus Pier?" Wei Ying asked, his anger rising even further. Xue Yang nervously moved behind Wei Ying. He could not help but feel the dark aura which was quickly suffocating the area, and he knew exactly where it came from. The man before him. It was clear to him nobody was going to stop the other's rapidly decreasing control and he was definitely not happy about being trapped in the middle of this. If this cultivator lost himself Xue Yang would be the first to be dealt the blow.

"I do not recall saying such things." Wei Ying said simply, eyes flashing darkly, a hint of red lining his eyes as he looked at his older brother.

"Where else would you take him? Think Wei Wuxian, you cannot take him home, let us go with the previous plan, taking him to Nie clan as we talked about." Jiang Cheng scoffed, before quickly trying to settle after seeing Wei Ying clench his fists tightly.
Wei Ying licked his lips and began to laugh.

"Home?" He asked, the red slowly beginning to gather and spread. "Lotus Pier is not, and has not been my home for a long while now. Why would I take him there?"
Xue Yang was now trying to back away from Wei Ying, which was futile, trapped as he was. He glanced at the other cultivators. He caught Lan Wangji's gaze, and hurriedly tried to impress upon the situation to the Lan Cultivator. Surely he would know what to do. It would seem, however, the younger Jade already knew what was happening, and was letting it happen. Xue Yang sighed shakily, there was his last hope. If the Lan cultivator knew what was going on and took no effort to stop it...

"Where are you going to take him then?" Jiang Cheng ground out. "With who? Who is we? Who would even want to associate themselves with you? They must be stupid if they lower themselves to be willing to align themselves with you." Wei Ying growled, eyes finally turning full red as his last remnants of control were tested and failed.

"Lan Zhan!" He ground out, and Jiang Cheng froze.

"W-What?" Jiang Cheng asked glancing at the Lan. "Ah, I see, you think you have some sort of actual friendship with Master Lan. How long will you delude yourself?" Jiang Cheng scoffed, not seeming to notice the dark energy which was beginning to suffocate the area. It seemed to be affecting everyone, even Xue Yang. Everyone but the eldest person in the group and Wei Ying.

"Do. Not. Speak. Ill. Of. Lan. Zhan." Wei Ying growled animalistic in nature, stalking forwards as though Jiang Cheng was nothing but his prey. For the first time, the sect heir was actively terrified of his brother.

"Wei Ying." It was so soft it could barely be heard. Xue Yang would have missed it if he hadn't been staring at the Second Jade. It would seem, however, those two words were all it took to cut through Wei Ying's target, red eyes turning to look at the master in white. Lan Zhan came up to the boy and grabbed his arm. The effect was instantaneous. The dark cloud which was suffocating everyone lifted instantly as Wei Ying stared into the younger Jade's eyes.

"Lan Zhan."

"If we are going to take him to Uncle, we need to leave now." The red bled from his eyes, leaving them the striking brown which Lan Zhan was so used to. Tears gathered in the younger's eyes, but he smiled and nodded.

"Wait...brother...wait...you cannot possibly be saying that you will be going back to Gusu with Lan Zhan! You hate it there!" It was the last plea as Lan Zhan and Wei Ying secured Xue Yang for travel to Gusu.

"Jiang Cheng," Wei Ying said softly, as though he were sad. "You lost the right to call me brother long ago." Jiang Cheng was close to laughing in disbelief.

"So you are choosing Lan Wangji over me? Over Shijie? Over Lotus Pier? Your home? Your family?"

"Lan Zhan was there for me when you were not. How could I not choose him over you?" Wei Ying asked mockingly.

"Come on, Nie Haisung, we have to head to Gusu to get him settled." Haisung scurried over to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's side.

"Nie Haisung!" Jiang Cheng hissed. All that the Nie brother did was wave his fan over his face and follow Wei Ying and Lan Zhan out, leaving three shocked Cultivators.
After all. Wei Ying had long lost respect for Jiang Cheng. It was Lan Zhan who saved him, back in the Ckoud Recesses, six months ago.

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