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Wei Ying knew that he would not be able to hide his injured body from Lan Zhan, and to be honest he was lucky that he had managed to do so for as long as a mere few minutes. The other was ridiculously intuitive, and very observant. While Wei Ying was good at many things he could not claim the title of being good at hiding things from the young Lan master. It was near impossible, and he was forever doomed to fail at such things. No matter how hard he may try, LAN Zhan always knew when something was wrong.

"Hurt," LAN Zhan repeated simply. Wei Ying sighed heavily, a small smile gracing his face despite the seriousness of the situation.

"I am not hurt too severely, LAN Zhan, do not worry." Wei Ying said softly, as though saying something any louder would spell trouble. Perhaps it would, LAN Zhan did not know much of what was going on but it was obvious that something bad had happened, and it was likely that Wei Ying had been a direct victim of whatever it was that had gone on. While many liked to think that the Jiang sect member was immune to all negative slights, this was most certainly not the case, and LAN Zhan knew injured cultivators when he saw them. Though Wei Ying may attempt to hide it behind a mask of joy and sarcasm, he knew that the other was injured, and he was definitely going to get to the bottom of whatever, or whoever, it was that had injured him. He could not allow a guest cultivator go around the Gusulan sect wrongly injured.

"Wei Ying," LAN Zhan chastised gently. though he may be eager to know who exactly had hurt Wei Ying, he also needed to show that he was understanding. He did not want the other to get too nervous to say anything. Lan Zhan was already well aware that he was intimidating in many things and he ddI not want Wei Ying to feel as though he cannot talk to him about who it was that needed to be punished. Though, it may be just a little too late for that given the fact that he had already snatched the boy and drug him into his room the his arm.

"Ah, I am sorry Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying spoke softly, timidly. Lan Zhan did not really like it. It was not like him to speak in such a soft, and nervous voice. Wei Ying was the epitome of comfortable confidence, and disregarding what others thought of him as long as he was able to do what is right. Lan Zhan really admired him for that quality. It was a fascinating thing to see, and Lan Zhan did not like that someone had managed to pull this from him so swiftly.

"Mhm." Lan Zhan did not really know what to do in this situation, and he was at a loss as to how he should speak, what he should say, should he say anything? In the end he figured he would stay with what he knew, even if it made the other uncomfortable.

"It is nothing to really worry about," Wei Ying attempted to say. Lan Zhan simply fixed him with a stare.

"Show." He ordered. Wei Ying's eyes widened drastically.

"Lan Zhan, I do not think that..."

"Now." Wei Ying was not really sure how he should proceed. He knew that it was not a good idea to disobey Lan Zhan, it would only end badly. Then again, doing as the elder said would also only end badly. How was he to choose which was the worse choice for him to take?

Upon seeing Lan Zhan slowly move towards him he realized just very clearly which was the better decision and he hastily moved to remove the dark tunic, dread slowly filling every bone within his body and settling down on him as though it were more than a weight than he could bear.

With the covering removed, Lan Zhan could see just how much damage the boy had went through, and it made his stomach churn because there was no way that these were only created among the time which the boy was within the gusulan sect, which meant that this had to have been going on even before...which was not a good revelation in which to make. What caught Lan Zhan's attention, however, was not the marks which covered all along the torso, no...those were older and therefore probably of deep concern. No, what caught Lan Zhan's attention were the bright purple bruising along the base of his neck, which indicated very recent marking. From what Lan Zhan could tell it was probably no more than twenty four hours ago, which meant that not only had it happened during the other's stay at the Cloud Recesses, but also that the perpetrator had to have been within the cloud recesses. Which also meant that something was going on to the other during his stay that was not known by the elders. Someone was hurting the boy, and Lan Zhan...he felt the fire of knowing such things. The idea that someone could willing harm Wei churned him. It made him...angry. His emotions were crashing through him at an alarming rate, and Lan Zhan was momentarily stunned at the severity.

"It is not as bad as it looks Lan Zhan," Wei Ying stated hastily, noticing where the other's gaze was lingering...the marks which he had gotten...the memory still singed within his mind and impossible to get rid of. "It will go away soon. Nothing to worry about." He said quickly, gentle voice attempting to calm Lan Zhan, when it was merely having the total opposite effect on him.

Lan Zhan hesitantly walked forwards, pausing ever so slightly with each step, as though he was uncertain of what he was about to do. He inhaled, dark eyes catching Wei Ying's own, and Wei Ying found himself captivated, and unable to look away. The dark gaze stayed upon his own eyes, as a hand reached out to trace the markings. Wei Ying swallowed nervously, and shuddered at the feel of Lan Zhan's fingers around the base of his throat.

"Who?" Lan Zhan asked, and Wei Ying could feel the way the fingers trembled, and glancing up in alarm he realized that Lan Zhan had tears which were being formed back, determined not to allow them to fall, within his eyes, glazing them over. Wei Ying avoided Lan Zhan's gaze when he tried to catch it.

"I..." Wei Ying stopped. He could not tell. He could not tell, what would Madam do? What would his uncle do? He would be...He would be outcasted for sure, something which terrified him more than anything.

"Wei Ying...Who?" Lan Zhan's voice was less gentle this time, and Wei Ying knew that he would not be able to get out of saying the truth...

"It was Jiang Cheng." Wei Ying hastily continued as he saw a flash of malice within Lan Zhan's eyes, shocked at the sudden anger which the other was showing on his behalf. "But It was only a once time thing, I am sure. He was just overly angry that is all." Lan Zhan took several deep, calming breathes.

"You will stay." He said simply.

"Stay?" Wei Ying looked around, finally settling his gaze upon the beautiful person which stood before. "Here? For the night?" Lan Zhan simply nodded, and grabbed the other's wrist.

"You will not be returning to Jiang Cheng any time soon." He said softly, the boy swallowed, inhaling once more, trying to calm himself. "Not any time soon."

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