Part of the Sect

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Wei Ying was pulled up gently by Lan Zhan, and he also stuck close to Lan Zhan the entire time, though he was half expecting the other to shove him off, he did not. He was also incredibly grateful for it. 

"Where...Where are we going?" Wei Ying asked curiously, eyes wide. Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying softly, and hummed.

"Will see," Was all that Lan Zhan said. Wei Ying smiled, a real one this time. it would seem that no matter where he was, when he was with Lan Zhan, he felt a sense of calm. It was...different than what he was really used to, but he was more than willing to indulge in such emotions, even if it was rather...untoward of him.

It was the Cold Pond. Wei Ying had heard of the Cold Pond, almost everyone had heard of the Cold Pond, but none were allowed entrance without the approval of either Lan Zhan or Lan XiChen. Wei Ying could not help but catch his breath and Lan Zhan slowly aided Wei Ying into the Cold Pond.

"Will help heal," Was the only explanation that Lan Zhan had given, and Wei ying could not help but mindlessly try and stop the tears that he felt at such a sweet moment. 

"Thank you," Wei Yin said softly. Lan Zhan just hummed. 

They walked idly in the spring, Wei Ying never too far from Lan Zhan, unable to bear it. He felt that Lan Zhan just...was there, he was always there and Wei Ying found that he did not want to remove himself from Lan Zhan's side, would not allow such a thing, as he stayed close. 

It was one misstep, one misstep that had changed the course of Lan Zhan and Wei Ying's life forever. One misstep that dropped them into the freezing slide and down in a cold cave which was filled to the brim with ice cold water. Wei Ying yelped as it happened, frozen. 

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying shouted, body freezing up, and before he could help it he began laughing hysterically . Lan Zhan had fallen straight into the pool and was now soaked, from his head to his feet. The only thing that was remotely dry was his headband, which had been charmed. Lan Zhan seemed rather put out that Wei Ying was laughing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Wei Ying said, hiding a smile behind his sleeve. "It is just, I was not expecting that." Lan Zhan hummed, and tilted his head forwards.

"Do not know this place." He said simply. Wei Ying's eyes glistened. 

"Well let's go explore than Lan Zhan!" He said excitedly, rushing forwards to follow Lan Zhan. 

He could not follow all the way, though, because as soon as they got to a circular clearing, with a crystallized table, and a white guqin on it, it began attacking Wei Ying instantly. 

Wei Ying yelped and leaped backwards. Leaped, more like he was thrown backwards and landed painfully across the room. Hand over his racing heart, Wei Ying was breathing heavily. He did not...He could not possibly...

Tears filled his eyes as the pain continued, the GuQin continuing its relentless attacks.

Lan Zhan saw, and moved instantly to his side. Holding his wrist. He then slowly moved with WWei ying towards the GuQin, but even the presence of a Lan holding Wei Ying was not enough to stop the attacks. 

So Lan Zhan did the one thing that was likely the most impulsive thing that he had ever done in his entire life. He ripped his headband off, and hesitating slightly looking Wei Ying in the eyes moving his body before Wei Ying, to make sure that Wei Ying was in agreement.

"I will do this." Lan Zhan said, "But that means you will be mine. Are you okay with that?" He would not force himself onto Wei Ying in such a manner. Wei Ying looked up into Lan Zhan's eyes, and all sense of fear and hesitance left.

He had not had a home in a long while, and Lan Zhan...Lan Zhan, even if he had only known the other for a little while, he was more than willing to stay with Lan Zhan for a thousand life times and a thousand reincarnations over and over again. So he smiled and nodded. 

And without a seconds thought, Lan Zhan wrapped his headband a round the other, tightening it, connecting the two from their wrists. Forever bonding the two in more than just nature.

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