Thinking & crying

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"Hey! Y/N! Why are you leaving?!" Kuroo yelled. "Ah shit" You mumbled. You turned around & kuroo stopped in front of you "we're clearly at practice, so why are you leaving?" Kuroo asked.

You looked to your side & started to fiddle with your shirt "actually... I got... Suspended" Kuroo's eyes widen a little "suspended? For what?"

You looked down slightly "um... For a fight" Kuroo made a confused expression "A fight? With who?" You looked back at kuroo & you could see the genuine concern on his face.

You didn't know how to tell him that you got into a fight with his girlfriend. "Uh... I got into a fight wi-" "KUROO!!!" a voice yelled behind you. You turned around & saw yuko waving her arm as she ran up towards the gym doorway.

Your eyes widened & your heart started to race. Yuko had tissues in her left nostril & bandages on head.

You looked at kuroo & he had a terrified look on his face. He ran up to yuko "Yuko! Oh my god what happened to you?!" Kuroo was looking at yuko's injuries until realization came to him.

He look at you "Did you do this? Is she who your fought?!" You were stopped in your tracks & your heart was racing really fast. Kuroo's expression slowly went from concern to anger.

The other team members barely realized what was going on & walked over behind you. Yamamoto said "Yo what's goi- HOLY SHIT! what's wrong with yuko's face?!"

Yuko tugs on kuroo's shirt "Kuroo, it was awful! All I was trying to do was tell her to leave you alone because... Because she's obsessed with you! She's in love with you!"

You looked up & your face was filled with anger but a bit of fear as well. Kuroo looked at you with a disgusted look "Are you fucking serious Y/N?! You beat up MY girlfriend for what?! Because we're dating instead of us?!"

You grunted "No! That's not what happened, yuko walked up to me & demanded that I had to tell you to skip practice & be with her & when I told her I wasn't doing that, she got all pissed & threatened me just because she's your girlfriend! So I gave her the choice to either walk away, or we were gonna fight! She chose to fight & ended up punching me first, so I finished it!"

Kuroo looks at yuko "Is this true? Don't lie to me yuko" Yuko shakes her head & starts to tear up "No it's not! Please believe me baby, she's lying to you just to make me look bad"

Kuroo turns to you & grunts "I can't believe you would do something like this Y/N..." You frown "She won't even give you a story on what happened & you believe her? You're fucking unbelievable kuroo"

Kuroo grunts & grabs your shirt & bring you stop his face "I'm unbelievable?! You did this shit for what?! Because I'm dating yuko?! You're so fucking childish! I don't know how your parents were able to put up with you!!!" Your eyes widen.

Kuroo's expression was still angry, he didn't show a single sign of remorse. Yamamoto pushed kuroo & kuroo let go of you, making you fall on the ground. You looked up at kuroo & he was still mad.

Kenma helped you up. Yamamoto got up to kuroo's face "You are going WAY to far, you need to cool your ass down NOW!!" Kuroo grunts "How the hell can I cool down when I know she would do something like this?!"

"Kuroo! That's enough" Everyone looks at the gym doorway to see coach nekomata standing there "Go sit on the bench & cool down" Kuroo grunts & glares at you as he walks back into the gym, not like you cared anymore.

Yamamoto walks over to you "hey... Are you alright?" You nodded but started to tear up. "Hey, what's going on?" A voice says. The voice was unfamiliar, so you turned around.

It was a really tall boy with gray hair & piercing green eyes. "Hey lev" Kenma mumbles. Lev, that was his name. Lev smiles at you "Is this the famous Y/N, our manager?" You wiped away your tears "yeah, but I won't be around for a little while"

You dust yourself off & adjust your bag "It was nice meeting you Lev" You say as you walk away. Lev turns to kenma "what's wrong with her?" Kenma sighs "her & kuroo just got into a fight & he took it to far, I'll check on her when we go home though"

٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶

You get home & you walk to your room & closed the door & locked it. You drop your bag & you take off your vest & drop it on the floor. You walk to your bed & lay in it. You cried softly for a while.

'He thinks I'm a monster now... Doesn't he? He's right though, my parents would be disappointed in me if they saw me now...' You thought. The thought of your parents made you cry even more & more until you were screaming & crying.

You couldn't even tell what you were crying about anymore, your parents, or kuroo's betrayal. Either way, you were hurt, your whole body felt numb, your throat felt closed as you were gasping for air while crying.

'Why does it hurt so much?' You thought. Remembering yuko's words 'she's in love with you!' You questioned it. 'Am I really in love with him?' You thought. That feeling that you felt when you were around kuroo, was that love?

If it was, why did it hurt so fucking much. You couldn't tell from pain & love anymore, either way it hurt so much. You cried silently for the rest of the time as you were in the room.

٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶

A few hours go by & you hear the front door open. You open your eyes, you could feel the dried up tears on your cheeks. You hear footsteps approaching your door "Y/N, are you in here?" Of course it was fucking kuroo.

You heard the door knob jiggle since kuroo couldn't open your door because it was locked. He knocks on the door "Y/N let me in damnit"

You were barely able to talk "go away kuroo, I don't want to talk to you..." "But I need to talk to you" Kuroo says. You burried your face into your pillow. Kuroo knocks on the door harder "Y/N let me in now!"

Kuroo kept on knocking until it suddenly stopped "that's enough kuroo" It was kenma. Kenma knocked on the door lightly "Y/N...please let me in. This bastard won't come in, I'll make sure of it"

You slowly get out of bed & you open the door to see both kuroo & kenma standing there. Kuroo slightly gasped at the sight of you.

Kuroo's POV
Y/N's eyes were red & small. She had tear marks on her cheeks & on the side of her face. She was still in her uniform, she didn't even change. Her hair was a mess, she was a mess. I could see her bag & vest on the floor, she's been crying this whole time?

Kenna looks at me "See her? This is your fucking fault" I frown a little & I look at Y/N. We lock eyes for a split second but she quickly looked away from me.

"You can come in kenma..." Her voice was quite & a little raspy, how hard did she cry? It pained me to see her like this, maybe the comment of her parents was a bit top far...

Your POV
"You can come in kenma" You say. Kenma walks into your room & you close the door & lock it, leaving kuroo standing in front of your door.

1286 words ╥﹏╥

Yeah I kind of almost cried while writing this, sorry not sorry 😃👍

"He who climbs the ladder, must start at the bottom"
-Takeda sensei

(Discontinued) "What did he do to you?"|A Kuroo x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now