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You walk out of the locker room in your manager uniform. You grab all the things you needed & walked over to Yuko.

"Alright, I'm ready, we just need to wait for the team to be ready" You say making sure you have every thing.

A little bit of time passes & the boys finish up their warm up. They clean up & pack up the things they'll need for the game. Everyone gathers outside & gets onto the bus.

You & Yuko sit in front of kuroo & Kenma & everyone else takes their seat. You sit by the window & pull out your phone.

"I'm so glad that you were able to convince the coach to let me be on the bus" Yuko says smiling. You form a small smile "yeah, no problem. Although, you won't be able to sit where I sit, you'll be in the stands, sorry"

Yuko shakes her head "oh no, I already knew that so it's fine" Yuko turns around to kuroo & kenma.

"Are you guys excited to play?" Yuko says excitedly. Kenma shrugs "I guess, not really looking forward to it" Kuroo awkwardly chuckles "yeah, I'll be able to see my buddy & meet his friend that I've heard so much about"

Yuko smiles "Oh really? Who's this 'buddy' of yours?" "You wouldn't know him unless you follow up on volleyball ranks" Kuroo says slouching down.

"Enlighten me~" Yuko says with a smirk. Kuroo raises an eyebrow & sighs "Kōtarō Bokuto"

Yuko smiles awkwardly "Yeah you were right, I don't know him" You pull out your phone & you put your earphones in & stared out the window as you daydreamed.

Yuko continued to talk & flirt with kuroo, but you weren't paying any attention, so you didn't notice.

٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶

You get to the school & the bus driver parks the bus. Everyone gets their selves ready & gets off the bus. You were still dating off out the window when all of a sudden you feel a hand on your shoulder.

You look over & see kuroo "Yo, we're getting off now" You turn off your music & take out your earphones. You get up & walk off the bus with kuroo behind you.

You get off the last step & see Yuko waiting for you. "There you are! I thought we were gonna have to leave you behind!"

You rolls your eyes & yawn "Like hell the team would go to the game without noticing I was gone" Yuko smiles "Well, I could've taken your place ugly they did!"

You look at Yuko with a nasty glare as if saying 'Watch your mouth before I watch it for you'.

Yuko flinches a little & an awkward smile forms on her face as she eaves her hands "No no! I was just kidding! I could NEVER take your place as the manager!"

You roll your eyes & walk towards the entrance. You & the team walk in & start to walk down the hallway. You could hear people in the hallways whispering.

"Wow, it's Nekoma. They're crazy good I heard."

"Isn't that the captain? The tall one with black hair? He looks like the type to scheme if I'm being honest"

"Woah, is that their manager? They didn't have one last year, she's really pretty, almost like a goddess!"

You sighed at these everyday comments 'sometimes I wish I wasn't as 'pretty' as everyone says I am...' You thought.

The boys all go to the locker room to change into their Jerseys. You, the coach, & the supervisor go into the gym to set up everything else.

You walk in & see a girl setting up one side of the net, Fukurodani's manager maybe? You jog over to the other side of the net "Here, let me help" You say.

The girl smiles "Oh, thank you" You both finish up setting the net & you both go do the other net.

You both finish & the girl walks to you "I've never seen you before, are you Nekoma's manager?" You nod "Yeah, I'm guessing your Fukurodani's manager?"

The girl nods "Yeah, I'm Kaori, Suzumeda Kaori. I'm a second year, how about you?" "I'm F/N L/N, I'm a first year" You say as you put your hands behind your back.

"Ooohhh, so that's why I haven't seen you before, you just started as their manager huh?" Kaori says.

You nod "At first I was on the girls volleyball team, but I had quite & the captain asked me to join, so I accepted"

Kaori slightly tilts her head "Why did you quite? Did you only quite to be the manager?" You shake your head "No, I had quite before they had asked me to be the manager"

"Ooh, makes sense I guess. Well, I'll see you later then, bye Y/N!" Kaori says as she walks away. "Yeah, see you soon" You say back.

You finish up setting everything up & you sit on the bench & wait for the teams to come out.

As you wait, you hear Yuko yell your name "Y/N!!!!" You turn & see her standing by the railing & waving at you. You smile & wave back at her.

٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶

All the seats in the stands were filled & all that was left was for the teams to come out. You hear cheering & you look to your right & see a crowd of players walking out of the hallway.

A dark gray & white haired boy walks in front of the group with his chest out. He looked like the type to be super energetic & a glowing aura came from him.

He didn't seem like a person who would irritate you, unlike a lot of other people. He seemed to stand out a lot, so you thought that he might be kuroo's friend.

You hear cheering from your left & you look & see the team walking out as well. You see kuroo with his head held high & kenma slouching as he looked forward.

The teams go into separate courts to practice setting, spiking, & receiving. You look over at Fukurodani's team & you see a boy with shirt black hair with small curls getting ready to set.

'Is that their setter?' You thought. You see the boy set the ball & the boy, who you think is bokuto, spikes the ball.

Bokuto turns to the black haired boy & high Fives him "Nice set Akaashi!" Bokuto yells. Akaashi, so that's his name.

1052 words (´∧ω∧`*)

Hey guys, sorry this chapter is so late, I was cleaning around my house all day 😭

"People's lives don't end when they die. It ends when they lose faith"
-Itachi uchiha

(Discontinued) "What did he do to you?"|A Kuroo x female readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant