Tetsuro Kuroo

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The boy behind Teru stood about 6 feet tall, he had black bed head/rooster hair, but some in the front covering his right eye. Behind him was a boy who had long black hair and stood maybe 5'5 feet tall? "I'm sorry, may I help you?" Teru asked with a stern look. The rooster head rolled his eyes "I was just passing by only to see you disturbing this young lady, I was just coming to see if she's doing alright", you couldn't lie, the boy was EXTREMELY attractive & his voice was very soothing.

Teru grabs your hand & pulls you next to him, " Well, this young lady is my girlfriend. So it was VERY rude for you to try to get into our business" The shorter boy walked next to the rooster head, "I don't know who you're trying to fool, but it's clear as day that she's very uncomfortable around you. It almost looks like you hurt her too, I can see a bruise on her collar bone"

You look at your collar bone to see the bruise showing. You quickly cover the bruise & you look at the boy, he gave you a worried look in return. The rooster head glared at Teru, "So, you abuse her? What else have you done?" Teru  squeezes your hand harder "tch, I don't even hurt her. She gets into a lot of fights at school, nothing to worry about"

The rooster head glared even harder at Teru, but when he looked at you his face softened, "I'll only believe him if you say it as well. So, please answer truthfully, does he hurt you?" You were about to quickly say 'No, of course not!' But, your body stopped you. It was at the tip of your tongue, but it wouldn't come out. You just stared at the rooster head with tears in your eyes that you wouldn't let come out. Teru looks at you as if saying 'tell him! Tell him I don't!' You look at the shorter boy who is making a sad face as if saying 'don't worry, we'll help you'. You look down slightly, not letting the two boys in front see your face.

Teru grunts & he turns you towards him, he puts his hands on your shoulder & grips them tightly "What the fuck are you taking so long to answer for?! Just tell them that you're fine & that I don't hurt you!! Fucking tell them already!!" Teru kept yelling at you as you flinched from it. The rooster head then pushed Teru & moved you behind him, where the shorter boy walked up to you, "Are you okay?" The boy asked calmly. You were so shocked at the situation happening that you couldn't speak, all you did was stare at him. "What the hell are you doing? You can't just take my girl! Y/N, get over here NOW!" teru yelled as he stared at you with furry.

You stared back at him, you were going to walk to him, but your body didn't move. 'Legs, move! C'mon!' You thought to yourself, but you just stood there, staring at Teru. The rooster head sighs & looks at Teru, "Sorry man, but I'm taking her away from you. It's obvious that you've been hurting you a lot, so run along before I call the police" Teru growls & looks at you "I'll find you Y/N, we're MEANT to be together. YOU promised, & you broke it!" Teru shoves his hands in his pockets & walks away.

The rooster head looks at you & you look back at him. "You poor thing, it's sad to see such a pretty face as yours be with an asshole like him" You did a small smile but went back to frowning right after. The black haired boy sighed, "So, he abused you or something like that? How long has this been going on?" You look down & start to mess with you hoodie strings, "umm... Almost 2 years..." You looked up at the two & their faces surprise you. They looked like a mother worried for her child, the terror on their faces were unreal.

The rooster & quickly hugged you, you were so surprised that you didn't know what to do. "I don't know how you were able to go through all that and not tell anybody, why didn't you?" He broke the hug & put his hands on your shoulders, you looked down "He threatened to get rid of... The memories of my parents that I had..." You said while messing with the bottom of your hoodie. You heard the black haired boy behind you whisper "wow" You didn't know these people, & you didn't understand why you were opening up to them, but they saved you, you finally broke free from Teru's chains.

"Kuroo, let's go to your house so we can check out her bruises" The boy behind you said. You looked at the rooster head "Kuroo?" He smiled "oh right, we didn't tell you our names huh? I'm Tetsuro kuroo" You turned to the black haired boy, "And you?" "Kenma kozume, but just call me kenma, what's yours?" "F/N L/N"

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The three of you got to Kuroo's house & he opens the door. You walked into the living room to a sweet smell of muffins. Kuroo walks into the kitchen to an old lady. "Hey grandma, I'm home" Kuroo said walking up to the lady. She turns around to see you & Kenma standing near the door. "Oh, you've brought a new friend? Don't be shy the both of you, com in come in"

The both of you take off your shoes & walk into the kitchen. The old lady walks up to you, gently holding your hand "What is your name dear?" "F/N L/N ma'am" The old ladies hands were so soft, yet so fragile. The old lady smiled "such a beautiful young lady, kuroo's found a keeper!" Kuroo blushed a little "H-Hey grandma, that's embarrassing!" The old lady laughed. She walked back into the kitchen & the three of you went into kuroo's room.

He closed the door and you sat on his bed. Kenma sat on the floor & pulled out a Nintendo Switch. Kuroo stood in front of you "Ok, I want to treat your bruises so you'll have to take your hoodie off. I swear I won't do anything but if you're uncomfortable with that that you can treat them yourself" You looked down & sighed "Ok, I'll do it"

1081 words (╥ω╥')


(Discontinued) "What did he do to you?"|A Kuroo x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now