Forgive me?

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It was the next day & you were waking up from your alarm. You slowly open your eyes as you reach over to turn off your alarm.

You sit up & rub your eyes. You get up & you walk over to your closet to grab your uniform. You lay your uniform on your bed & you walk to the bathroom.

You open the door & you wash your face & you fix your hair. You look in the mirror & see that there were bags under them.

'God, why do I have to be so ugly?' You thought to yourself. You decided to do nothing about it & you walk back to your room & you put on your uniform.

You walk out to the living room & you see kuroo sitting at the table on his phone. He looks up at you & when he does he quickly stands up.

"Y/N... good morning..." Kuroo said with a worried look. You lower your eyelids a little then you walk into the kitchen & make yourself coffee/tea.

You finish making your tea/coffee & you lean on the counter as you drink your tea/coffee & scroll on your phone.

Kuroo walks up to you "Hey, are you okay?" You glance at kuroo but you look back at your phone.

"Y/N listen... What I did last night was something I should've never done... Please... Can you ever forgive me?" Kuroo says with pleading eyes.

You end up finishing your tea/coffee & you turn around to the sink & you put your cup in the dishwasher.

You turn around again about to walk past kuroo but instead kuroo grabs your phone out of your hand, puts it on the counter & hugs you.

He buries his face into your shoulder & squeezes you close to him. "K-kuroo, this won't make me forgive you" You say trying to push him off of you.

"I know but... I just feel like I need to do this..." He whispers. Your eyes widen & you rest your arms & they fall to your sides.

You both stay like that what felt like forever, until kuroo gets a text which snaps you into reality.

"Kuroo, you got a text" "Fuck them"  He says quickly. You grab kuroo's phone & you check & it's kenma.

Kenma 🎮

Kenma 🎮
Hurry your ass up or I'll leave by myself, I'm not being late because you wanna ditch & not tell me

Actually if you ditch then I'mma ditch too

You chuckle & you put kuroo's phone back in his pocket. You motion him to get off of you & he does. He looks into your eyes & you look at him back.

"Kuroo, just leave me alone please, I need to cool down by myself" You saw as you grab your phone & walk away.

Kuroo frowns & he grabs his phone as well. You both grab your bags & you put on your shoes & you walk out the door.

Kenma was sitting at the curb on his POP. He turns around & stands up "you guys took your time"

You look up at kenma & faintly smile "yeah, sorry about that" Kenma makes a worried face "What's wrong? You look like you've been crying for hours"

You wave your hands "no no, nothings wrong, I'm just really tired. Let's go to school before we're late"

You start to walk away & kenma picks up his bag & follows you & so does kuroo. You hum (favorite song) to yourself as kuroo & kenma walk behind you.

(Discontinued) "What did he do to you?"|A Kuroo x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now