Spain but take away the S

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You & Teru "promised" That the situation that happened that day, would never happen again, at least... That's what you thought.

After that day, he slowly started to get more & more aggressive. He would slap or even punch you if you talked to another boy. He called you things like a whore if you laughed with a boy he didn't know. He called you a slut if you sat with another boy at a different lunch table than his. Due to the abuse, your depression slowly started to come back. He would punch you, kick you, even slapped you in front of his friends once. They didn't do anything, they just laughed. You had bruises on your body & small ones in your face, so you stopped styling your hair & just always kept it down (if it's short then the bruises will be more visible). You were scared to talk to anyone else at school due to this. So you stopped hanging out with EVERYONE, your friends would try to talk to you, but you would push them away. They would reach out to you on Instagram or Snapchat but you would just silence your phone.

It was another Friday, you were finally out of school for the weekend. Since it was a Friday, your mom had a night shift. She was already gone when the two of you got home. You take of your shoes & you walk into Teru's room to put your bad down. "Hey babe" Teru said, you turned your head to see Teru, who was fucking shirtless, walk up to you. He put his hands on your face gently & starts to kiss you. You kissed back as he e started to pull your waist to him. You threw your hands over his neck, kissing him passionately. After kissing for a while, he breaks the kiss & grabs your chin. "Y'know... I'm kinda in the mood~" Teru said with a smirk, you looked to the side "Teru I... I kinda don't wanna do it... " Teru made a confused expression, "Why? We've done it before, we can do it again~" You started to twiddle your fingers "I know Teru, but... I was drunk, u didn't know what I was doing..." Teru grunts & he picks you up & puts you on his bed. He unbuckles his belt & uses it to restraint your hands, "w-what are you doing?! Let me go!!" You yelled, Teru silenced you with a kiss. He slipped your shirt & pants off while doing so. Teru breaks the kiss & takes the chance to admire your body. He then takes his pants off, you start to squirm "Teru!! I said I don't want to!! Please just let me go!!" You screamed, trying to get him to let you go. He slaps his hand over your mouth & puts his finger in front of his "Your MY girlfriend, you body is MINE, So I do whatever I please~" You started to cry as he raped you threw the night. You hated it, but he threatened to get rid of all of your memories of your parents if you told anyone about the abuse or if you broke up with him. You've tried to ask him to stop, but once he started who didn't stop.

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Later that night, you were both asleep. You woke up around 2am, the belt was taken off of your hands & Teru had his hands around you. You hated that he started to cuddle you, acting like he didn't just rape you. You got up & put a hoodie on. You walked to Teru's dresser to grab some pants, when you see a pocket knife. You stare at the knife for a little while, until you scurry to the bathroom. You walk in there & you lock the door. You stare at the knife, looking at your reflection, 'I can't believe I'm this worthless...' You thought. You put the knife to your wrist & you made a cut, not a deep one, but deep enough to make blood ooze out. You stares at the cut, 'I can... Feel something' you thought. The pain felt... Nice, it was addicting. You made another cut, & another & another, until there wasn't much room to do anymore cuts. You looked at your other wrist & started to do cuts on there too. You stopped cutting once there wasn't any more room to cut. You put your arms next to each other & observed the cuts. You looked & started to cry, you cried your soul out that night, but quietly so Teru wouldn't hear. You cried for around an hour, once you stopped you got up & walked back to the room, laying down with you back towards Teru.

٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶

It was your second year of junior high(it was like in between the middle of the year & the end). You stopped Talking to everyone in general, you got picked on by a lot of people for being so quiet. Your hickeys from Teru would sometimes show & girls would call you a hoe for it. No one tried to help you anymore, & you were okay with that.

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After school, you & Teru decided to go out & eat. You put on some jeans with a black hoodie & black shoes. You & Teru went to a (whatever food place you want) & ordered some food. You for the food & went to a park to eat, once you guys were done, you walked around. You guys held hands & talked & laughed. The two of you were walking until you saw a boy, who looked to be your age, drop his backpack & all of his stuff went flying out(not literally). You rushed over to the boy & helped pick up his stuff. "Are you ok?" You asked, the boy looked at you & nodded "Yes, thank you very much. Can I also say you're very beautiful?" You blushed a little & the boy blushed to, you shook your head & point at Teru "That's my boyfriend over there by the way", the boy looked at Teru & waved, Teru just glared at him. The boy put his bag back on & waved the both of you goodbye. The two of you were walking again until Teru sighed "So, flirting with a boy right in front of me?" You glared at Teru with a disgusted look, "Are you serious? I just told him that YOU were my boyfriend!" You snapped back, Teru grunted "Yet you STILL flirted with him!" He started to yell at you & you covered yourself, bracing for a punch or hit from him. The argument continued until you say another boy walk behind Teru.

"Is something wrong?"

1105 words (┬┬_┬┬)

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╬═╬    Just dropped down to say
╬═╬    I love you ♡♡
╬═╬/  \ 

(Discontinued) "What did he do to you?"|A Kuroo x female readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ