Without giving a second thought, I stepped in with a wish ride should be peaceful. And when the elevator door closed actual anxiety began in me. I pumped my fists. I gnawed my inner cheek. Why all of a sudden, this is seeming like a steam room, not an elevator. 

And a second later, the elevator's silence ride invaded by his voice, "Do you have any doubts to ask, Doctor?" he asked. Why can't he call me Dr.Ishika? I shook my head in response. He glanced at me and then back at his mobile.

I stopped pumping and shoved them in an apron to protect, "I didn't expect I would see you once again and that too as my senior Doctor," I said with my eyes fixed on him. My eyes caught his forehead cut. That he left open, it's a deep cut and seriously, it can lead to sepsis. Maybe there are no caring persons in his life, to take care of him. He took a couple of seconds to reply.

"Hmm. Even I didn't expect!" he replied in the most unbelievable way that I didn't expect. That's in a calm, easy, and dead voice, and shifted his gaze from his mobile to the floor.

As I couldn't overcome my curiosity, I forwarded a question. "So, you live in Lucknow or Kanpur?"


"Oh!" thankfully, the ride ended. I sighed mentally. He stepped out, me next to him. "I know that you know better than me, still I want to advise. Bandage your wound." I said softly and observed him looking at me intensely. And this look was neither irritative nor annoyed, it's infirm. Without any word or head shake, he walked past me. Unlike, noon his attitude was neither arrogant nor egoistic, it was solitude. 

Though he is one enticing beast, I remembered my goal to come to Lucknow is to pursue my education not to do a microscopic examination of his emotions.

So, Ishika Mishra. Focus on your critical condition patients. 

I went to the canteen to have my dinner. I collected my dinner tray from the kitchen counter and sat on one of the unoccupied tables. I was in my mid-meal when my phone started vibrating with an unknown number, for the second time on that day. I lifted the call and waited for the person on call to speak.

"Hello" a female voice came out of the call. "Am I speaking to Dr.Ishika?" she asked formally.

"Yes" was all I replied to her as I was busy eating my dinner.

"I am P.G. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a patient of abdominal pregnancy is in labor. The obstetrician is conducting an emergency cesarean section but needs a surgeon as it is an abdominal pregnancy" she said in one breath. "Can you inform the surgeon on duty? Surgery might start in the next thirty minutes" she informed and cut the call.

I immediately called Dr.Ishaan and informed him about the case. "Fine. Read the patient's case sheet and also check for any comorbidities or complications associated with her pregnancy" he ordered. "I want to hear in detail about the case from you. I will come to the operation theatre in twenty minutes" he added and cut the call.

As soon as he cut the call I rushed to the labor room, I took her case sheet and read about the case in detail. After that, I went to the operation theatre and waited for him outside the O.T. hall. He arrived in the next couple of minutes. And what caught my eyes as he did take my advice seriously. His forehead cut was bandaged. 

"Did you read about the case?" he asked and we started walking through the hallway of Operation theatre.


"Start explaining then."

"The patient is in seven months of pregnancy and she has one baby boy of three years old. She was diagnosed with hypertension two months back and is on medications. On the scan, it was mentioned the fetus is implanted in the peritoneal cavity (the cavity between the abdominal wall and organs)". Simultaneously, we kept walking, passing through the pre-operative ward, post-operative ward, and a couple of intensive care units.

Dr. Beast and his InamorataWhere stories live. Discover now