Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"So that's how you do it," Xander nodded after I had taught him how to solve a complex mathematics equation. "I would've gotten it right if I hadn't messed up here."

"Well, at least you know now," I smiled, returning to complete extra work.

The library was rather peaceful that afternoon, which I was thankful for. Xander and I had spent most of our time studying early for our exams... and by early, I meant they were around a month away. We thought, with the Central Trip coming up very soon, that we'd fit in study now and relax for the majority of the trip, then recap over it later. I wasn't sure if it was the right way to approach studying, but as long as we knew what was going on, it'd be fine.

Truthfully, I didn't even see it as me tutoring him. We both helped each other out when it was necessary. I had always studied for tests on my own and always thought that was the best way to carry out since I'm not distracted, but now I thought differently. They do say that you learn better when teaching others, which I now felt as quite true, even with Xander occasionally going off topic.

"You know," Xander commented through the silence, "I'm pretty sure staring blankly at a page isn't classified as 'studying'."

"Oh, right," I awkwardly laughed, resting elbows on the table to support my head with my hands. "I was just thinking.... You know how you say you really want to get into uni?"


"What are you planning on studying there?"

"Radiation therapy," He responded, catching me off guard of how serious and sure he sounded. "Does hearing that surprise you?"

"You're so sure... I think you'll be great. It's just, you seem so sure and here I am, not having much of a clue of what I'm going to be."

"Tiffany, with your amazing brain, you could be anything."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Why?" I pouted, trying to cover my face that was heating up.

"Why, what?" He chuckled, finding my reaction to his flattery amusing, but I decided to dodge that situation.

"Even if that was true, it doesn't help me find out what I want to be. It just makes me feel even more confused."

"Well, you've still got plenty of time to figure that out."

"The perks of becoming an adult."

"That's not the only perk," He smirked, then winked at me. "What'd you think?"

"Take you and your dirty mind away from me."

"Who said I was ever thinking dirty?"

"Who ever said that you weren't?"

"Touché. Well, if you still can't think of a job, you can always take up the offer of becoming my personal maid."

"No, you idiot," I half-joked, though it was apparent on my face that I was a little annoyed at his immaturity.

"Oh, come on. Pleeeeaaaase!"

"Xander, please shut up."

"Pleeeeeaaaaase!" He continued, rising in volume.

"Xander, we'll get in trouble!" I warned under a hushed whisper.


Oh my gosh! Is he trying to get us in trouble?

By that point, seniors whom were also studying were giving us dirty looks or wearing weary smiles. Embarrassment washed over my tense body as my desperate eyes meet with the librarians face; showing pure annoyance.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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