Chapter 9

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To add to the reading atmosphere I've linked the song Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran! It's so cute and soothing.


School holidays had finally started! Two weeks of no homework, sleeping in and movies. Well that's what a typical teenager would expect right? But obviously I wasn't a typical teen, no matter how much I wished for it. My parents had finally had enough of each other and got divorced. It's sad how they used to be so close and warming and now it was all thrown out the window. My Dad left to live and work at the Gold Coast, but promised to still supply money for the both of us and keep in contact with me. It was rather bitter-sweet. Bitter, because my family was no longer complete and I deeply missed my Dad's protective presence. Sweet, because they could finally move on and no longer live unhappily with each other.

I knew if I kept staying home I'd get stuck in my mind and go insane, so I got a job to distract my thoughts. Carol and Frank offered me a job at their ski shop since they needed employees and I accepted gladly. I ended up working with Carol and another girl around my age with luscious blonde hair and a bikini-ready body.

"Hey there my names Delilah!" She greeted me on my first day of the job.

"Hey there, Delilah." I shyly responded, accepting her handshake though her long fake nails were scaring me. "I'm Tiffany."

"Are you girls ready to work?" Carol sweetly asked.

She explained our chores and times. Our chores were to clean and waterproof the ski equipment, give customers the right gear, place gear back in place and sweep the shop before it closed, which was easier then I anticipated. The only thing I had problems with was having to communicate with strangers, but I soon got over it and just accepted it as part of the job. We were to work from 9am to 3-4pm and was on a salary of $10 per hour, which I was highly pleased with. It didn't take long before I got used to the whole job scenerio. In fact I found it satisfying and rewarding.

Delilah and I were on good term I guess. We just stuck to our own business and helped each other out, though she was usually slack and never finished anything properly. I didn't mind it though. It was better than working by myself.

On my last day working, the bell rang for the tenth time that morning, but I was focused on my phone screen as was Delilah. Carol was in the back getting hot chocolate for the three of us. I simply waited for the costumer to speak up while I was looking down at the text between my Dad and I. About five minutes passed and I finally took it in me to talk to the costumer in case they needed any help. Delilah was too busy giggling at texts. I made my way through the small shop to the isle where the customer was. I saw the customer and instant reversed.

"Hello to you too." Xander sarcastically joked, coming up behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I groaned in annoyance.

"Shouldn't you be more welcoming to customers?" Xander pointed out.

"Are you going to hire anything?" I responded, folding my arms.

"No..." He trailed off.

"Well then your not really a customer."

He began mumbling on about how I was a smart-ass. Next thing I knew the bell rang again. Frank stepped in with his walking stick. Xander pulled out the container of hot chips and gravy he had in his hands and placed it out on the counter.

"Thought you ladies needed a treat for working so well these holidays." Frank smiled. He's such a caring guy.

"Tiffany doesn't need it." Xander joked, before getting whacked at the back of the head by Frank's walking stick.

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