Chapter 7

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"Do you watch Harry Potter, Mr Wilde?" Xander randomly shouted from across the Geography classroom.

I face-palmed. Suddenly he turned into him old self, which was good and bad. Good, because he was acting like he did before our hug, which made everything less awkward. Bad, because he was back to his disruptive behaviour.

"That is irrelevant." Mr Wilde spat with an irritated tone. "Do your work."

"You look like that rat guy!" Xander continued ignoring Mr Wilde's instructions. "Are you cousins?"

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a held-back laughed at the back of my throat. It was so true. Mr Wilde had the buck teeth, bushy eyebrows and frizzy hair just like Peter Pettigrew in Harry Potter. The class burst in laughter, as per usual I pretended I wasn't impressed. Sure I was annoyed that he was holding up the class, but personally I never liked Mr Wilde. I'm not saying he deserved it, but I didn't really feel sympathy for him.

"Burn!" Jimmy immaturely yelled.

"Xander stop holding up the class." Mr Wilde stammered. "Otherwise you and I will be here for all of lunch."

"Ew, sir!" Xander joked, pretended to gag. "You're so dirty. I'll call the cops on you!"

Some students were crying in laughter or holding their stomach as they cackled. Trust him to be dirty-minded. Unimpressed, I sighed.

"Excuse me?" Mr Wilde looked taken aback.

"You're excused, sir."

I could almost see the frustration radiating off the teacher as he held the bridge of his nose. I didn't want Xander to get into detention, because that's what my mission was; to keep Xander out of trouble. Considering Xander was sitting next to me I took it as a chance to get him to shut up. I kicked his leg a little more forcefully than expected, because Xander was now cursing in pain.

"Fuck!" hushed Xander. "What was that for?"

I was too shocked by my actions that I just stared back down at my work with my hands supporting the sides of my head. He poked my shoulder.. over and over and over.

"Hey I'm talking to you." He explained, continued poking me. "Hellooooooo?"

I just snobbed him and proceeded scribbling down the answers in my book, but this only persuaded Xander to poke me even more. I figured that he'd eventually stop bugging me if I didn't react to his actions, but was I wrong. So. Dead. Wrong. Before I knew it, I was wiggling around as though I had a seizure and was laughing so hard that my laugh was inaudible. He was tickling me and the whole class was watching. His fingers jabbed into my skin, it tickled and hurt at the same time. I felt my whole body tense and flail around defensively. I was as sensitive as dove shampoo.

"S-ssss-t-op!" I squealed and laughed, trying to get a hold of my breath. "X-aaaa-nd-errr!"

He just smirked at me evilly and tickled me until I fell off my seat and was squirming on the ground.

"I-i can't b-breathe!" I cried out.

"Xander, stop you'll kill the poor girl!" Mr Wilde frantically ordered.

With that he stopped. After that long unwanted laughing fit, I panted in exhaustion, wiped the tears out of my eyes and curled into a ball to support my painful stomach. I wanted to disappear as the whole class snickered to each other.

"What the hell, Xander?" Alicia scolded.

"Oh gosh!" Brooke exclaimed, crouching down beside me. "Are you okay, Tiff?"

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