Chapter 13

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I felt rather hesitant and anxious as I knocked on Carols door. Biting my lip I waited until Carol opened the door and let me in. Her face was wrinklier than usual and her weary eyes looked up at me. It was clear that she was going through a very emotional time. I honestly felt like hugging her, but that would come across as I little strange... wouldn't it?

"Hey." I shyly greeted.

"Come in, Tiffy dear." Carol insisted, as I entered the floral smelling house. I smiled at the fact she called me 'Tiffy dear' I found it cute. "You can use the hangers if you want."

I nodded as I took my army green parka off and hung it up to pick up later. Along with that I took off my boots and proceeded into the house wearing a long-sleeved black tunic and winter leggings. The entire house was freezing cold and I noticed the fireplace wasn't lit. There was a stash of firewood and newspaper, but no fire. I'd imagine that lighting a fire may be difficult for Carol to do, but Xander was here to do it. Wasn't he? I hadn't seen him so I presumed he was in his room.

"I'm sorry it's cold in here, dear." Carol apologized as she observed me shivering and chattering my teeth.

"Oh it's okay, but why isn't the fireplace lit?" I asked.

Carol sighed sadly and I immediately regretted saying anything. I think I jogged some sort of memory of Frank with my words. I wasn't sure.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say anything to- I think I should shut up now." I face-palmed myself for my stupidity. I groaned in pain as I hit myself a little to harder than I expected. Carol managed to smile at my weirdness.

"It's nice to have a positive presence around." She weakly beamed.

"Thanks?" I mumbled to myself. "Did you want me to light the fire?"

"If it isn't a bother."

With that, I stacked the components of a nice, hot fire in the fireplace thoughtfully. First the newspaper, then kindling and lastly the larger logs. I carefully lit the newspaper and blew gently to increase the size of the flames before closing the fireplace window. I rotated my hands around as the fire heat warmed me up. I was like a reptile. I needed warmth otherwise I'd die.. okay maybe that's an over-exaggeration but you get the point. My species should've be in hibernation right now. I shook that bizarre thought out of my head and swirled around to ask Carol what her favour was.

"Carol?" I asked as she stared blankly at the flickering fire. She appeared upset and it seemed to reach my heart, I felt some of her pain. She looked up as she heard me call and tried to keep a more cheerful facade. "Want's this favour that you'd like?"

"How do I put this?" Carol questioned herself in her sweet personality. "I'm worried about Xander... he has barely left his room and refuses to come out even when I ask. He's also eating much less than usual."

I felt my breath hitch. He wasn't in a good state at all taking by that. What am I saying? Of course he isn't well. Neither was Carol, but she seemed stronger and wiser than Xander.

"I was wondering if you could try talking to him." She glanced up at me with desperation in her eyes.

Talk to him? I'm pretty sure he made it clear that he wanted to be left alone. I can't lie, after that stunt he pulled back at the abandoned park I was slightly more daunted by him. Though I was afraid I knew there was a better guy in him. He was there for me when my parents went through a divorce. He was so sweet... I wanted 'that' guy back. I even wanted him to annoy me again. That's why I wanted to try and try until I could bring him back.

"I can try, though the last time we spoke he.. it didn't go down too well. I doubt he'll listen to me, but I'll try my best. May I ask why?"

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