Chapter 6

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"Go home, Xander." I ordered, basically shouting.

All this time I had gotten over the embarrassment that came when my parents argued, but now it was all coming back to me. I felt the frustration, despair and pain that I pushed back. It was hitting me like a ton of bricks and I didn't know why. Was it because Xander was there or because my patience had finally reached it's boundary? It felt like I was swirling in a black pit of despair. Xander just stood there with his eyes wide open in surprise. He wasn't expecting anything like this to happen.. neither did I.

"Xander, please just go." I frowned.

I thought he got the point, but when I tried making it back to my house he grabbed my arm. I didn't know what to say or do. Usually I'd just retreat and go to the oval to read, but I didn't want to be pushed away from my own home. I'm sick of it. 

Xander looked right into my eyes, which scared me. Eye contact was something I always found extremely confronting, but something about his concern was comforting. I knew I had to do something, do something for once in my life to try and stop them. I didn't want our personal problems being broadcasting through the streets. Xander nodded at me knowingly and let go of me and left, which I truly appreciated.

Gaining my confidence I entered my house only to be deafened by their screams. So much unneccassary pain... I was so sick of it.

"Don't lie to me!" My mum screamed with tears rushing down her face. "You were with her weren't you? Don't think I'm stupid because I'm not."

"So what, you're stalking me now?" My dad seethed. "Get out of my fucking business."

"You are my business, George! I'm you're wife, but obviously you don't give a single shit!"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that."

"Get out of my house! Go to her! You don't care about my feelings, you don't care about Tiffany. You don't even know your own daughter. Do you even know what she's been doing lately? Do you even talk to her anymore? You don't care."

"Shut your fucking mouth! I don't need this from you. I care about Tiffany. How dare you say anything otherwise!"

"How dare I? How dare you! You know I'm right. How much have you wasted on her? How come you never give us anything but this shit?"

"Don't you f-"

"STOP!" I screamed in frustration. "SHUT UP AND ACT LIKE ADULTS.... for once please."

My parents stared at me in disbelief as I stood there shaking. I was breaking down. I felt the blood pumping through my ears and the fear in my gut.

"Is this really going to help with anything? Does it satisfy you both to scream at each other, not to mention scream at the whole freaking street? I'm scared of even coming back home... Do you honestly want that? I love you both... but I can't keep dealing with this. I don't want to have to run away, while you two fight. That's all you two do. Scream, cry and run away. I can't..."

I began bursting into tears. I fell to my knees and covered my face with my sleeves. I poured my eyes out.

"Please just stop," I cried. "For me... For yourselves."

My face was wet and sticky due to my tears. I felt someones arms wrap around me and embraced me tightly. I heard someone sob and was expecting it to be my mum, but when I gazed up through my dewy eyes.

 I saw my dad. 

It was the first time I had ever seen him cry. I missed his hugs. The one's I used to experience when I was little. I missed the feeling of his protection and care. I missed his presence before all this. I missed him and I was finding it so hard to let go when he was always coming and going.

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