Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning with a sticky face, but was relieved of all the stress I had the night before. Tears no longer felt the urge to spill out and my head felt a lot clearer. Sophina's tantrum was still fresh in my head, but I decided to leave it be. I sighed in relief to see that my phone was still in one piece and somehow managed to survive without any severe scratches and no cracks. I threw it pretty hard after all.

School went pretty well. Sam was adorable and sweet as usual, I was in a good mood, I had the easiest subjects, Nate wasn't there to death-stare me, Logan found a group of friends, I recieved the top marks in an assignment and I got to hang out with Brooke, Paris, Kim, Leo, Alicia, Justine and the others all day. Despite that, there was one vital thing missing. Xander wasn't at school, which was odd because he always liked going to school that day since we had the laziest and most entertaining subjects.

I just assumed he either overslept and missed the bus or caught some sort of disease overnight. I could've texted him, but I wanted to avoid contact with my phone for it was a reminder of my phone conversation with my Dad's girlfriend. I scowled at the thought of her name.

I didn't have work that day either so I came home and stuffed my face with food and milo. My mother was sleeping in bed after a long day at work, while I was on the couch wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket looking like a human burito while watching The Breakfast Club. It's such a classic movie and I loved how I was so attached to the characters. There was so much to relate too. I was getting really into it until my phone went off.

Internally groaning, I lazily slumped over and grabbed my phone. I didn't appreciate being disturbed when I was clearly happy the way I was. My eyes glanced over the callers ID and widened.

"Hello?" I asked after instantly accepting the call.

"Save me." Xander groaned in the phone sounding annoyed.

"From what?"

"This fucking assignment." I rolled my eyes. "It's driving me insane. Be my angel and fly to me and use your grace to finish this school work, please. It's due tomorrow."

I laughed into the phone, but his humour seemed a little more forced than usual. Like he was trying to distract himself from something.

"Umm I guess I can help." I answered slowly. "But don't expect me to do everything."

"Thank the lord." He hastily thanked.

"But I've got to ask my mum first." I explained, hopping off the couch.

"Great, see you soon."

"But I might not-" He hung up before I could protest.

"-Be able to go." I finished off to myself, before asking my mum for permission.


"Guardian angel has finally arrived." Xander joked lazily, as I carefully stepped into his room. He was splayed across his bed with his back against the mattress, while looking up at the ceiling listening to music.

"Oh lord it's the devil." I sarcastically replied, earning a scoff while I sat myself on his desk chair. "That'd mean I'm in hell."

"Naw I can't be that bad." He pouted. He wasn't as chirpy as usual.

"Why weren't you at school today?" I asked. His face forced a fake smile. I knew whatever he would say next would be a lie or at least half of one.

"Wasn't feeling well." He sighed, as I read through his progress in his english assignment. "I think I might be catching a cold, but it seems to have worn off."

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