Chapter 14

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For the first half of this chapter I recommend listening to I'm A Mess by Ed Sheeran.


"Are you on your period or something?" Xander asked.

He had finally opened the door. I stared wide eyed into Xander's brown blood-shot eyes. He looked down at me in my collapsed state with a weary, but concerned expression across his face. His blonde hair was ruffled into a cute mess, but the creases on his face showed stress.

"You idiot." I cried as I swung my head low.

That's all he could say? Firstly, he ignored me for weeks after kissing me. I was worried about him. I cried because of him. I was frustrated and hurt. I even waited at his door for hours. I hung up on my Dad because of him. It was because of him and all he could say was something about periods. Couldn't he said something a bit better? But worse of all, why was I so happy?

Xander crouched down and gently placed his hand on my shoulder. I had so much stress built up and crying seemed like the only answer. There were too many mixed feelings to bottle up inside, but to know that Xander was back for just a moment meant a lot to me. He moved closer and pulled me into a hug. I weakly hit his chest multiple times and sulked.

"Why d-do you have to do t-that?" I sobbed nonsense into his chest. "You i-idiot! After all that- You had me so worried. Period? Really? M-my Dad-"

"Tiffany." Xander hushed as he carefully pulled me back and moved my hair out of my face.

One word was all it took to shut me up. He said my name so perfectly. I sat there as the tears continued to pour down my face. I must've looked like a complete mess.

I couldn't help but feel a little off. Why was I the one crying and being comforted, when I was suppose to be the person comforting Xander?

"I'm sorry," I stuttered, trying to stop crying. "I'm such a mess right now."

He weakly smiled and patted me on the head. This was the guy that I knew.

"Aren't we all." He sighed, before standing up and holding out his hand. "Come here."

I gladly took his hand and was hoisted up. I sniffled and felt a bit embarrassed. He always managed to see me in my worse moments. It was always him that saw the true me. The 'me' that I hid from everyone at school. I always thought that if people knew my problems they'd leave me. I thought no one needed the extra drama, but Xander stuck with me. That was something I well and truly appreciated.


After washing myself up in the bathroom, I returned back to Xander whom was in his room spinning on his office chair. I hesitated to enter at his bedroom door. Should I go into a guy's room with the guy in it? It was Xander though, I trusted him.

His room was trashed. Clothes were scattered all over his floorboards and bits of ripped up paper and shattered glass were hidden in the mess. I looked from Xander to the mess and wondered what the hell happened. My hypothesis was that he took his anger out on his room. Hurricane Xander.

I cautiously began picking up his clothes and placed them into his weaved clothes basket. I also gathered the few pieces of paper and glass and dumped them in the bin. Mess was something I just couldn't tolerate.

His room was pretty basic. He had a few metal band posters on his dull grey walls. He had a wooden desk, wardrobe and book shelves. His blue bed sheets weren't made, but I resisted doing it for him since, knowing Xander, he would've made the situation awkward.

"You didn't have to clean up." Xander pointed out after pulling his head away from his crossed arms on the desk.

"I wanted to." I answered, sitting myself on the large beige beanbag in the corner of his room.

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