Chapter 16

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"Where are we going?" I hastily asked, slightly irritated.

"You'll see," Logan smirked, with something devilious in his eyes.

Logan gripped me gently by the wrist and led me down corridors. I rolled my eyes at his actions. He obviously knew his way around perfectly now. Somehow dragging me through the corridors was part of proving that Xander liked me. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I didn't know if Logan was originally planning an evil plot to embarrass me. I couldn't help but wonder and wonder what Logan meant by proving to me that Xander actually liked me. Why was Logan so interested in proving it to me anyway? He himself said that I wasn't his type. So what was his purpose? Was it for fun? Or maybe just for the sake of doing it? Just how was he going to prove it? So many questions.

Logan's beanie managed to stick to his head as he rushed around the school. Then finally, he stopped. We halted in the empty courtyard. He peered over the wall and waited patiently before smiling like a total idiot and grabbing my hand. What was he thinking? He dragged me out in the open facing me and captivated me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"Now remember how I said I was going to prove it to you?" He smugly grinned as he took a step towards me.

"Yeah?" I asked with a little concern to why he was getting closer.

"This is it." He explained, before his tanned, lean body moved in closer. I smelt his guy cologne and scrunch my nose as the scent was too strong for my liking. I didn't feel comfortable with this one bit. I was looking around expecting something to happen.

"God, I hope this isn't going to hurt too much," Logan rapidly murmured to himself.

"Why-" I began before the forbidden happened. oh god no! WHAT THE HECK!

My eyes widened into saucepans and my whole body became stiff for Logan's lips were on mine. I was freaking kissing him! Well he was kissing me, because all I managed to do was stand there like a stunned mullet. At first I had no clue what was happening. His lips were moving slowly and was motioning closer through every millisecond that passed. I was dazed and not in a good way.... it was far from good. That's when I realized what was happening. My face scrunched up in disgust as I tried pushing away, but his arm was placed around my waist.

Pushing him away was just not working out. I was too panicked to think right. I wanted him off. What was this idiot thinking? Logan was too strong, so I motioned my hand back to power the major slap that he deserved, but someone's fist beat me to it. Logan fell to the ground as I rubbed my lips to get rid of his revolting mouth germs. Anger bubbled inside me at his actions.

"What the heck, Logan!" I yelled at him. "What is wrong with you?"

My mouth instantly shut when I glanced over at the person that had punched him. Xander stood there with his fist growing red after it's contact with Logan's face. He huffed as he glared at Logan with fierce warning in his eyes. My breathing hitched as I took his presence in. All this time, Xander was jealous? Was that the selfish behaviour was all about? I tried denying it, but it seemed to be the only explainable answer. How was I so clueless about this? Now that I think of it, it started when Logan came here and got all up in my face. I had no special feelings for Logan and for some reason I wanted Xander to know this. I narrowed my eyes at Logan.

So that was his plan uh? Moron.

"What'd I tell you, babe?" Logan smirked victoriously as he wiped a small amount of blood off. I scoffed.


I plugged in my music and drowned out the sounds of the bar as I circled the bubbled up sponge over the dishes, making sure they were spotless. While I hummed the tune to Fix You by Coldplay, my mind was whizzing back to the traumatizing lunch I had that day. Logan's lips on mine were so alien like as if it was illegal like incest or something..... I never wanted to experience it ever again. 

Miss Smarty's MissionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora