"No, Chanhee, no, you don't need to-" Sunwoo said, putting up his hands to stop Chanhee. Chanhee cackled evilly.

"Oh, I don't need to? But I want to." Chanhee brought up the bowl on Sunwoo's head and.........

"Choi Chanhee-ssi? I suggest you put that bowl down." The three of them whipped their head to see Namjoon. Chanhee rolled his eyes and put down the bowl. 

On Sunwoo's head. 

Sunwoo clenched his eyes and mouth shut as trickles of piss fell down his face. 

Namjoon sighed. 

"Follow me." He said, seemingly giving up.

Chanhee smirked at Sunwoo and followed Namjoon. Hyunjae had already put down his stuff and stood up. He took a look at Sunwoo and was about to give him a  pat on the shoulder but stopped. 

"Let's go?" He said uncertainly. Sunwoo looked up at him with a bored expression but was still glaring. 

"Again, I want to ask. Why me?" Sunwoo said, pitifully.

"Ok, so did I win or lose?" Changmin asked Haknyeon. Haknyeon shrugged looking at the three walking to them. 

"Let's say it's a tie." 

"No way! I win half."

"Win what?" Chanhee asked, startling Changmin and Haknyeon.

"Nothing." Changmin and Haknyeon replied, then pinched their nose. Chanhee eyerolled at them and turned forward.

"We have an announcement to make." Namjoon said in front of them. He beckoned the servants to bring out something. 

Everyone looked curiously at the tables being brought out. There was a cloth covering whatever was on table. 

"Take a look." At Namjoon's words, they uncovered it. 

"What is this?" Juyeon asked. 

"Alcohol!" Hyunjae cheered up noticeably. There was a cup and a bottle of wine on each table.

"This is your last training for the day. To train your tolerance, you will continue to drink until your limit." 

"I've already failed." Changmin muttered. Younghoon patted his back encouragingly. 

"I've never drank before." Hwall said, raising his hand.

"Me too!" Youngjae followed. They looked at each other and gave a understanding smile.

"Doesn't matter. Now, another thing is that we have new room arrangements." Namjoon brought out a long box. He pulled out a wooden card.

"These are your room cards. After drinking, you will come up here and choose a card and will go to your designated room. Is that clear?" Namjoon said, looking at everyone. 

The twelve boys nodded. Some excited, some worried. 

"Then let's start."

"This is *hic* sweet! *hic*" Changmin waved around his cup and giggled. He was one of the first to get drunk. Younghoon wanted to hug his boyfriend to calm him down.....and he did.

"Sure is! Oh, hi! How are you?" Youngjae greeted Hwall cheerfully. Hwall's face was blushing rednand both of them were clearly drunk. The duo looked at each other and giggled uncontrollably. 

"I only ever wanted to paint! I've never held a sword. *sob* How am I going to hold a sword! *sob*" Hyungseo was blabbering by now. Haknyeon and Juyeon listened to him, their elbows on the table and chins resting on their palms. They nodded in unison.

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