Chapter 21

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Erebus POV

Whoever took my mate better be ready to be burnt to a crisp. I had my best friends over, also the greatest hackers in the underworld.

Being a prince sure does have it's perks. My friend Seth can hack any computer and figure out any codes there is. Jaden is the best locater ever. He can locate anyone, anything, anywhere in the minimum of 3 minutes.

Also my good friend Caden Jaden's brother can pick up on anyone's sent within 2,000 mile radius. He has the greatest senses the underworld has ever seen, and with my crew I would have my Cataleya back in no time flat.

"Jaden have you figured out where the rouges might have taken Cataleya yet?"

"Yea, they're just on the outside perimeter of Withering Lakes. Seems to me they're holding her hostage in an old abandoned warehouse about 37 miles from here, meaning it would probably take us about seven minutes to get there according to my calculations." Jaden replied.

"Alright, how about you Seth?"

"Well I finished hacking and decoding their internet lines, and it seems to me they are using Cataleya for an experiment of some sort, using her DNA to make her a mixed breed, and to my observations they're going to kill her. The serum they're using is going to be rejected by her Siress genes and causing her body to malfunction and shut off, and this all seems to be going down in seventeen minutes and fourteen seconds." Seith replied


I took deep calming breaths to steady my erratic heartbeat. I can't believe they took Cataleya just to do a fucking experiment that's going to be a complete downfall in seventeen minutes and three seconds.

Just great they're trying to turn my mate into a lab monkey.

Ohh hell no.

"Alright well time is of the essence, so it's best if we get a move on it now."

Just then Mark, Sade, and Hozae arrived in our library.

"How's the research going?" Sade asked.

"Cataleya's on the outside perimeter of Withering Lakes, the rouges are planning on using her to make her a cross breed and potentially kill her." I said nonchalantly.


"Yea yea dad I already exclaimed that now we have get a move on it. I would love to reunite with my baby girl why she is still alive."

Hozae nodded his head once and with that we all started to pack up while executing our master plan to get Cataleya.

"Do we have everything we need?"

"I do believe so." Seth replied.







"Hotwings. Check"

I looked over to see Mark with a plate of hotwings and a stupid ass smile on his face. I keep on forgetting why we're bringing him on this mission in the first place.

"Mark now I am only going to tell you this once ok, so from the bottom of my heart I honestly want to tell you you are the biggest dumbass in the world and I really hope you don't get yourself killed on this expedition." I said with as much sincerity I could muster.

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